2x4 led lighting

Shopping out a 2x4 (well 2 really one for veg one for flower, but ive got the veg stuff picked out already) and I’m torn between a few lights. Leaning heavily towards the grow light science 300 but also looking at the chilLed tech 330x2, the crecer pantherx mini 2, and the mars hydro sp3000.

A part of me looks at the fancier shit like damn those are neat but are they that much better than something with the same specs on paper just because of some spectrum differences(ngl light science go’s over my head a bit)


I don’t have any practical experience with any of the lights you listed, but I’ve seen more people complain about Mars Hydro’s business practices, build quality, and support than I’ve seen post positive comments about them. I’ve heard only good things about the ChilLed growcraft lights myself.

It’s not on your list, but you could also check out Timber grow lights. They have a beam-style light that’s comparably priced to the ChilLed 330x2 you listed and they seem to have a great reputation behind them.

I’ve used both HLG QB boards or the QB96 elites in my 2x4. I think the boards give better spread, so my next light will probably either go back to boards or will be a beam style like the ChilLed.


I’ve looked at the timber, but it’s 260w which is sufficient sure, but if I’m dropping nearly $400(or more than) sufficient doesn’t cut it.

I have Mars Hydro TSL’s, and love em. Also a Spiderfarmer 2000; love it for diff reasons.
If I had the coin I’d go with the HLG but I got everything of mine 50% of cost because it was all used.

All the best with your decisions!


Im running the grow light science and love them. And they just went 15%off. You decide to go with gls. I am an affiliate and would donate proceeds to server fund.


Grow Light science may be pretty cramped in a 2x4 though.

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My 2x4 I use for veg has a spider farmer sf 1000 and a hlg 135 rspec in it and I actually had to turn them down from max also my spider farmer performs just as good as my hlg only difference is 30 watts and the hlg has better spread

I picked spider farm over Mars hydro I have a tent from them and it’s of pretty low quality got my 2x4 from ac infinity much better quality


It’s gonna be about 8-10weeks before I make the purchase (gotta finish what I’m growing now first) that ac Infinity tent looks nice, they’re reasonably priced too. I’m torn between theirs and the gorrilla tent with the height extension but I think unless you’re running racks the ac tents a better deal.

Between the pilot light, my 2 cats and me never leaving my very small house my co2 levels are high enough to take pretty much whatever I throw at them I think :man_shrugging:


Im just saying its a big ole fixture. Workhorses though

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Cats not cars lol

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I agree with the AC infinity tents. Just got a 2x4 of theirs and I WANTED TO REPLACE BY 4x4 I WAS SO IMPRESSED. Solid fucking build that is.

Edit: Also on the topic of Mars Hydro cust service. I can’t say anything but good things for the distributer in Southern Ontario. A driver of mine blew due to a bad nutral to my house (scary fucking shit!) and they replaced it free of charge and it got to my door in 48hrs.



A friend of mine runs an iLi3 from iluminar and has had great results with it. I run one of their lights as well and I find it reliable. HLG has some amazing options for 2x4’s as well. I think you could not miss if you go for one of these two

GLS300s and some.gavita uvr https://www.growlightscience.com/?ref=ijo0eznqlt![PXL_20210803_213907939|690x388](upload://eJb3xJOQtK0qPwfpQQ7KCMgst8I.jpeg)


Its a trash tent…trust ke and just spend the extra and get gorilla 2x4…i tried mars ac they all have light leaks and zipper are straight china crap…

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i have two mars sp6500 that cover a 4x10 area at 3 feet above canopy getting close to 950 ppfd at tops and 750 ish on the outer canopy… first time using led and love them. but they are a little more commercial use since they are so powerful unless you have co2 then you can have at it.

i havent had to deal with their support (fingers crossed i dont have ti) its been maybe 6 months since i have had them. i would go for the sp3000 on amazon and find a code from any youtuber sponsored by them for additional savings (or if OG has a code) i would make sure you have more head room as these lights cant be ran as close as a ladder style.

I’m running a HLG Diablo 350r in a similar area maybe a few inches bigger it seems to be doing the job well .

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I’ve got the same light. Only been using it for a little over 3 weeks, but it seems great. It has a learning curve, but that’s bc I’m a first time LED user. Any words of wisdom from your time with it?

You’re the first I’ve heard say that about the aci tents. Everyone else has said they’re as good or better than the gorrilla tents, denser weave outside fabric too.

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The zippers always rip off…quality of tent is decent but nowhere as sturdy as guerilla…i went through 3 diff tents n now got guerilla did two grows so far no issues