30 bagseeds the grow diary

Did this mainly to get my female stock up so some will be loss when they are sexually identified so lets hope for a couple beauties bout two weeks from germ


Oh man im sure your gonna find some keepers… There will hopefully be a treasure within… Following along :+1:

Soon as these are identified ill be germing the seeds i got from @legalcanada an @Viva_Mexico

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Ill for sure be looking out for that, im excited to hopefully give those genetics a go in the near future. Excited to see what everyone pulls out of the hat.

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hey @Growinnblowin there is a post in another thread but i’ll let you know here.

the 10 on the bottom are green crack x querkle, the 3 in the rolling paper are afgooey x querkle, and the seed (or 2) on top were pot of gold x qleaner. sorry for not including that info in the envelope.

Your good brother appreciate it

another shot of the 30 there doing good about to add a second container to give them more room at a e.c. of 1.2 i think ill keep it there thats the recomended e.c. from my company i usually go higher without problems but im just seeing how well there feeding regiment does against mine they do say enviroment changes what youll need an mine are just doin fine just growin away it may be a tad cold for them at the moment the weather here is jacket in the morning t shirt during the day an a heavy coat during night cant wait till it stabilizes an i can do something about it


Looking good. Just keep the dog out of em this time lol.

Hahaha XD its a on going battle i need get a nail an some wire to rig it locked hahaha

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I was just thinking i guess i should tell yall what im using i use veg+bloom hd the +life which is a bunch of bacteria they make the foliar spray push an i have the shine bloom additive from hydroponic research plus labs as a foliar spray as well i got a 4ft 8 bulb t5 by hydrofarm i think its 453 watts one bulb got busted an im flowering under a 1000 watt cool tube want to make switches to some things but have had a run of bad luck with males once the garden gets right ill be able to further my craft

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the unlabled jar is the hd lost the original tub an the plants are lovin the extra room they have now


i manually c9ntrol my lights so i def couldnt get home in time an they got a session of over extended dark period i need a digital timer i know but times are tight you know but that did let me know which were femals an males early some still didnt tell me ill keep them see what yhey do they are recovering nicely tho looking good i would have just flowerd them but i want clones after my bad luck with males i wanna protect myself from ever happening again toe in the pic is a friend of mine good dude been toein him for years XD


@Uncle_Al get a load of this, your favourite kind of picture!!


Ugh!!! Feet!!! Another case of no socks


@legalcanada you be nice!

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I was gonna crop it but i thought id leave it in there for shits an gigs

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lookin a lil beat up an thirsty cause they are just before there feeding down to about half the plants 7 or 8 females so far so defitnatly increased my female stock maybe another male or two waitib for the others to show haha oh yea