My Anxiety diary's

Hey y’all. I’m not active here much cus of my trust issues with our crazy government and police state. I do look through the posts and my buddy and mentor @DavesNotHere keeps me updated. He’s finally got me to make my first thread and share what I’ve been doing. Im calling this the anxiety diary for the reasons I mentioned earlier and also cus I deal with PTSD, anxiety and depression from combat. I will be sharing several pictures of old grows and some stuff I’m doing now. I plan to start tracking all my grows here cus I don’t do a good job documenting and tracking flowering on my own lol. I hope yall enjoy.


Are those mostly the rozè? Pretty sure the top pics are of the starfighter.


Sexy bitches right there ! Great pics man thanks for sharing @eisenberg316!


Looking fine… Dave’s a pretty good mentor to have haha

One day my plants will look like that


@ReikoX The plant on the right of pic #6 is the purple rozè male used on that care package

The 501 is the female those too


Cool beans :+1::seedling:


looking good :deciduous_tree:


Thanks everyone. It’s been a learning experience. I’ve fucked allot of plants up through the past 4 years but getting it down now lol.

Pics 1-3 Starfighter @DavesNotHere, 4 is Scarlett queen, 5 is 501st @ReikoX , 6-males left citrus freeze right purple roze, 7 is citrus freeze females, 8 Colorado chem, and the rest are Purple roze and worms. The worms are crucial for the way I grow and owe my soil health to them and their microherd. I only use organic matter to feed the herd, water and let them do the rest. Thanks to my buddy @DavesNotHere things have greatly improved in my rooms.

Those photos are from multiple grows. I don’t have allot of photos of my grows. Kinda the reason to start this diary.
I have four citrus freeze ladies just about to flip will post fresh pics tonight. Also the roze photos are older and they have changed allot since the posted photos new pics tonight. I just transplanted 10 of what Dave and I call purple surprise seedlings to solo cups. I lost the tag to the mother early veg so no ID. the mother had all purple flowers and was bred by the purple roze male so I think it will be some super fire. I gotta wait till tonight to post pics cus lights are out in my barracks right now.


Those look tasty !!!


Here are new pics from the tents. First few are citrus freeze that will be getting flipped tomorrow. I usually grow them out in one gallon fabric pots and top multiple times till I have a nice round bush about a foot tall then transfer into 3.5 gal plastic pots for flower. They are suffering from being root bound and are just starting to recover. Doing this makes sure They grow perfect height for my setup and also fills the whole tent.

Next are the best I’ve done yet if I do say so myself lol. They are 3 or so weeks from harvest. The more recycling of soil I do the better they get. The soil I’m using now has been ran through the worm bin several times now.

Inzane in the membrane

The rest are purple roze’ and they will be super fire I’m sure. I bred a few branches with the only male I got out of the pack. Got my fingers crossed they took. @DavesNotHere had me grow these out for him due to complications.


Looking amazing man!

That cob array looks so familiar lol


Haha yeah we got some similar setups. Mine are citizens though. I’ll be adding some strips to both of my cob setups soon. Boost them bitches up!


For sure… ill be needing to as well and the master himself will have to help with the wiring as I’m dumb lol


Those are so pretty. I like pretty plants lol


Nice looking plants, brother! Beautiful. peace


Update on the seedlings. The purple surprise are in the the red cups. 9 out of 10 popped and sprouted. The black cups are blue dream x sour cyclone with only one seedling making it to the surface. The other broke during sprouting in the paper towels. Thanks for following.