3rdgengrower greenhouse grow photos & autos even some giveaways anyone welcome

I bought this stuff from smoke n monkey genetics come in couple different glass bottles and ya just mix the two with distilled water I followed directions to a tee last time and it worked the sacs didn’t want to open on the cookies I sprayed it on but I just pulled the balls let em dry a little then rolled.em around on a screen kinda made it nice so pollen wasn’t every where but I used the same bottle on the white grape x purple pooch and they opened just fine and they was both done at the same time not sure what the deal was with that I got enough left to so this round and then I’m going to look into maken my own I seen few people on here do it


moved these back in the green house we are down to the cool :cloud_with_rain: days hope to pull a nother 3 to 4 weeks on a couple of em top one is Frankenstein the middle is copa genetics bottom is dragons blood hash plant


That Frankenstein plant is outstanding :clap:


We’re those outside in the ground

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Ya I’m gonna have to second that too, sts flip is easy and very effective, i wouldnt look back to cs


Thanks they bin in same pot there whole life


Ok, I thought you had some outside planted in ground


Is that a a straight fem Frankenstein or a cross? That girl is rad looking!

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Thanks just a fem Frankenstein it has this insane smell too it super zesty citrus


the photo period indoor grow looking like a jungle


@OhNo555 I cut one copa last Wednesday but this one is still going good thought ya might want to see how it’s doing


Looks really good, I am glad you had success with those beans. Way to go growmie! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::clap::facepunch::+1::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


little extra light for em moving right along


moved front two to the back make things little easier to water


RP looks great!
So does everything else. :v:

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How’s the nose coming along on the Impure? She looks like the mama

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That shoreline og x lpc og looks very interesting lol. I’m gonna guess that she is a shoreline leaner with that long hair .Crazy weird structure. Looks like it’s gonna be yummi tho. They all look super healthy and happy :grin: also just noticed the frost on those LPC OG F2 leaves Holy cow.

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I don’t think she is a mama didn’t keep any males this run as for the nose really sweet zesty smell to here kinda fruity not to good at descriptions some one else may think it’s totally different :thinking:

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I meant it looks like the LAPK! I’d imagine the sweetness is from the Italian Beef side of things, specifically the Sour Bubble in the RIL. That profile is dominant in my experience of RIL.

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Thank you how is yours coming along it bin a while since I popped over to check ya out

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