3rdgengrower greenhouse grow photos & autos even some giveaways anyone welcome

If I’d make hash I’d grow many different genetics, smaller plants, but more diversity, then mix it all together when making hash. Wouldn’t that be a more potent, more interesting high? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I def do that actually! Get a bunch of random trim collected in the freezers and any leftovers from the last years that no one would want to smoke anymore and slap in a bucket, in my personal opinion I feel like it makes the highs all over the place sometimes taking hits i cant even open my eyes then other times get a burst of energy and chatty pulling from the same batch


You could even that out by decarbing the hash in two batches at 212 F / 100 C, one for 1hr11mins and the other 2 hrs 22 mins, with a little coconut and olive oil, and stirring really well and then eating a tiny drop of each batch at a time. One drop of the 111 and two drops of the 222. :+1:

Poor man’s version of Rick Simpson Oil, but a more balanced effect. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


here is what I come up with washed it 3 times


Looks about the same as me haha. After frozen before shredded. I used a couple bags of trim. No buds really

Drying after shredded.

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I just toss the 120 and 160 in my fireplace but throw the 25 45 73 and 90 in a pile, latest stash I’m smoking on

That’s what I used


any questions feel free to ask


Is that the shoreline going yellow? The shoreline mother was exactly like that ,not sure if she’s just a super hungry girl or not? Looking rocking tho!!


Did you grow Shoreline? Was it the Houston cut? How was effect and smell?

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Honestly not sure. It was Shoreline x Docs OG from @Maddawg . Really good bud tho. I really liked the lemon fuel smell. Really sticky very good high. Crossed it with a very nice LPC x docs OG. Which is what @3rdgengrower is currently growing. I believe @NICO is growing them too, tho those may be the LPC OG F2 currently.


The one going yellow is the shoreline cross and the one right under is too it’s got some purple coming through on it

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What an amazing read @3rdgengrower. Sorry about your pup. I lost a dog recently and its never easy. Love the homemade press. Hats off man, all looks awesome! Same with @Kasper0909 and @AzSeaindooin420 the crosses you made look amazing! Digging the shoreline.


Oooh purple? Sounds awesome, I love a little color


Thank you, :blush: just pollen chucking but it sure is fun to see what comes of your crosses. :+1:


Thanks I try to do everything I can diy and like Kasper I’m just pollen chucker never know what ya might get lol

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these are the new photos for next more to come on them later


I’m watching the Walkenstein, I have a pack of those.

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getting close to the chop


Stupendous bro what a fabulous grow you got going on. Keep it rolling along. Hope them Copa beans 🫘 gave you some nice nuggets. :wink::partying_face::partying_face::star_struck::sunglasses::facepunch::+1::peace_symbol:

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The outdoor Frankenstein from this year is hanging and smelling out of this world citrus only got 7 and half to 8 weeks flower so I can only imagine what it would be like at 10 also had another one of the Frankenstein crosses going and it’s pretty good too so I got high hopes lol :laughing: for the walkin stein