3rdgengrower greenhouse grow photos & autos even some giveaways anyone welcome

Thank you 2 critical cookies and 3 strawberry cheesecake cookies they are doing decent


few bud pics of the ones that got cut couple days ago


the whole plants from the above bud pics


Do you remember the seed to harvest time on your critical cookies.

You still with us buddy?

Been curious how you liked your electric watering system. Hope to hear from ya! :slightly_smiling_face:


Yeah still around just not on here much how has life bin treating ya


Getting my ass kicked.


Right same here the older ya get seems like theres less time in the day


Hey :wave: buddy just stopping :stop_sign: in to say high. Have not talk to you in hot :hot_face: minute! Nice looking :eyes: grow you got going with some nice :+1: pictures! To success :beers:! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::wink::facepunch::+1::clap::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


So I was given a lemon affy she’s in pre-flower should I put it in with my other 2 ladies under 12/12 any advise appreciated thank u have a blessed day everyone

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Don’t see why not, just look for bugs is the only thing I’d be worried about.:+1:

Awesome an I did just that I looked under the jewelers loupe on 90 didn’t see no bugs on under leafs nor on stalk or soil only bugs I seen were 2 potato bugs an couple gnats which I have a few gnats Everytime I go in tent an I smash em till no more lol its not alot

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She’s lil on the small side but she went in flower by herself

Are potato bugs bad for soil


:rofl: ya i have armies of rollie pollies around they are sprout decimaters but after that they are no threat. Gnats are just annoying. :+1::+1:

Ok great thanks for the info would u flower it out or put it back in veg ???

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If you are talking about the little guys that roll up in a ball, they are very good for the soil as they are decomposers . An actual potato bug is something different i recently found out.

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Putting plants back into veg can be a chore and can take awhile. Also there’s the possibility she’s an auto. Just depends on your expirimental nature. :rofl:

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Never done revegge nor do I know if it’s an auto

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I’ll just flower it out FUCK it lol

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