4x8 hlg diablo 30 gallon organic notill

I forgot, I also used some magnesium sulfate the last 2 waterings to help bring down the ph and help out the runtoza that looks like it needs it, I’m guessing it’s because she’s close to being locked out and not a deficiency being its the first run in this soil

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Here’s some bud shots of the left side


This is the knf program I follow (loosely) if anyone is interested


heck yeah! great work!

thanks for sharing the photos.

i cant help much with all the nutrient details but it looks like you are on top of it!!

looking forward to future update!

Thank you, and no problem, I had to figure out somewhere to share since I know my girl is tired of hearing about it and most my friends don’t care until it’s dried and cured lol. Hopefully a with a soil test and recommendation I’ll get it back where it need to be, the sulfur already brought it down +/-.5 so it’s doing its thing and hopefully will bring it down more. I feel like that’s just a band-aid for now until I get the test tho, and :crossed_fingers: I don’t fuck it up this round lol


is it the run off that your P.H. is testing high ?

again lol I am not able to offer any help with the organic stuff. i am very interested however. that chart is super cool for the vegetative stage@

theyre is a good few grows on over grow that go no till / organic.

ive referred a few people to @BeagleZ " Beaglez Corner "

he has some great plants in organic and may be able to offer some input / chat :slight_smile:

good luck and i think everything is going to be perfect!

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Nice Man!!! Killer plants. I’m a big fan of the 30’s :100:

I use a cheap lowes light/moisture/ph combo irrometer to check things, I know it’s probably ot the best but seems to be ok for now. And thanks for pointing me that direction, seems we have similar taste in genetics too and both live in VA, I’m going through the thread now, he’s got a report of the strawberry temple which is one I’m probably guna pop next round. I’m always open to advice so any is welcomed and appreciated

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River city eh, sounds familiar :wink:
Welcome to OG!!

Where did you get that KNF feed chart?

I don’t see BRV or FV being used with the FPJ or FFJ. Also 12 ml of FFJ/FPJ is too much to add especially without the vinegar. I would say this is your PH issue

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Thank you, I’m really liking them so far too, I’d like to do beds eventually but being that I rent I needed something I could move if I have to

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I am hopefull of my new found networking skills@@@

Hope everyone had a good weekend and rest from the busy week before@ and enjoy your sunday without any stress.

happy mothers day to all@

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Thank you, and yea, it’s a small world, and especially rva, i wouldn’t be surprised if we knew some of the same people. I can’t remember where I found it, i think it was on reddit tho. I’m not sure where you see fpj/ffj @ 12ml, but I’ve been watering @ 6ml per gallon and the wsc and wscp @ 4ml per gallon. I made both the wca and wcap with brv and use every watering at this point with ffj and fpj. I’ve been watering with labs every other watering or so, so im thinking that may be the culprit too, im guna lay off the labs and focus on trying to get some fungal dominance, I was thinking about swapping out straw cover for pine straw (needles), do you think that would be a good idea? What is fv btw? Fruit vinegar?


This was also with the chart, pretty helpful for making inputs, I’ve been asking chatgpt if things would make good fpj/ffj lately tho, fucking chatgpt smfh lol, damn evil technology has its perks haha


that shit is wild.

my buddy had to write up a emergency helicopter rescue plan for a work site in a remote area for his company

he asked chatgpt to do it…copy and paste.

it was legit too full detailed page


Right on, yeah RVA is scary small sometimesl lol.

Yeah, FV is fruit vinegar. Used instead of BRV, some are better equivalents than others. Banana and ACV being the two best replacements to my knowledge.

The WCA and WCP although made with the BRV will not act the same in solution. The vinegar will be absorbed by the calcium as it is dissolved so it’s not really a vinegar anymore after the process.

Cool cool, those dilutions are good then.
The early flower section says 6mL of FPJ and 6mL of FFJ. Maybe it means one or the other?

You can certainly halt the LABs. I usually stop LABs at flip. If you give 1mL p/gal of FAA it will encourage fungal growth without giving too much N to the plant.

I’ve never done pine needles. I like straw or rice hulls.

It is. That’s why I had to move out to CO for a while. Funny thing is I met a BUNCH of people from Richmond so I wasn’t the only one with that idea lol. As you know Richmond is like a black hole tho and eventually sucks you back in. Hopefully one day we can get back out there but for now home is here, especially since having personal plants is legal. I haven’t made any faa yet but I’ll see if token rhyme has any. Do you think fish hydrolosate would work the same or maybe top dress some fish meal? And yea that makes sense with the wca and wcap basically neutralizing the vinegar. I looked it up and realize now that straw is broken down by fungus so switching to pine tags I don’t think will be much help. I haven’t seen anyone do it and it was just a thought. Maybe I’ll experiment later but for now I’ll stick to what’s proven. Also I think I’m guna try my hand at making a fungally dominant tea and see if that helps balance thing’s. I should probably start trying to make imos too but I’m trying not to overload myself and focus on one thing at a time, if that’s possible lol


It really is. Fucking real life terminate shit coming soon, until then I’ll just keep asking it to look up things i dont feel like researching and recipes, shits guna come for me first because I never say please or thank you hahaha

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Ha yeah, I had the same experience in NY. Seemed like everyone I met was either from VA or OH and I’m originally from OH so, weird ha.

Token Rhyme does have FAA, if they don’t have stock if you ask I bet they can get some in, but you could use Hydrolysate as a replacement if you have on hand until you get some home made going. Always recommend homemade.

Teas are always great!

Super fast cheap dirty way to get IMO is JMS, I use it all the time. Let me know if you want some pointers on that if you’re not familiar.

Good vibes bud, it’s a mess of rabbit holes to be sure and can get overwhelming but the more I do it the more intuitive it becomes. Maybe I’m just inoculated :crazy_face:

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Thanks for looking out, I appreciate that :pray:

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Small update, about week 7.5 rn but the pics are from a few days ago, was taking a while to upload and got frustrated lol, been giving teas and top dressed with some coast of Maine compost (not too impressed tbh) to try and get my ph lower, the runtoza doesn’t like the high ph at all and has pretty much locked up but the others seem ok for now :crossed_fingers:. I’ll be getting a soil test soon and adjust accordingly, here’s some pics tho

Platinum x terple

Peach sherbert og


Chemhead og
Lemon candy

Lc lower
Rainbow cake

Twisted helix

Sun Ra