Just a few months I had in 2017/18.. who else has been there?

It’s time to make my first post… enough creeping on everyones pages :blush:
“back” to the days of a 10x12 with HPS 2-750s and some CMH 2-315s…
slanted floor with rubber roofing mat… one square cut out in a corner to collect run off in a pan… submerged pump to disperse run off to the nearest toilet…
Small boy water filter(R.O. was a waste for my city water)4 wall fans… exhale Co2 bags… 6"exhaust set to 70⁰ on a controller.
HPS hoods ducted and exhausted… CMH hood open and warmed the room.
and my most fave nutes I have ever used… ECO NUTRIENTS so damn simple IF you don’t mind making fresh food every feed and adjust pH with nectar olympus up. …I found some pics from a few month period… where to start with?

This was the end of a cure in August 2017… who ever used BANANA MANA? :sweat_smile::sweat_smile: DAMNIT :sweat_smile: I bought into so many gimmicks!!! Most helped but not worth the extra cost.

No clue what they were… most likely some KDS seeds(green apple, sugar drum, blue dream) and maybe a bodhi Lavender aura… and maybe some archive Oregon lemons… maybe… LA Plata labs clementine… maybe they look like something familiar to you?

side note… KDS seeds blue dream was one of THE most stinky trees I ever did grow… made my heart race after smoking, I didn’t like that… but the damn skunk like body odor smell with roses attached😅 was a smell that wouldn’t wash off your fingers… carry on…

Time for cuts… under a 4ft red hue T12 bulb or so. Old ass bulb… in a shop light ! Works AWESOME!

BEST AEROPONIC recipe ever!!!

I had a set up where I would never keep a mom… always cut from the healthiest clone… veg 2 months or the next rounds cycle… cut in half… then new shoes for everyone and off to the show…

I would try to get all these ladies as happy as I could

(you know that new growth starting with new fans just pointing straight up looking so vigorous)

Out of a 5x5 tent that had a 4ft 8bulb T5 into the new HPS/CMH room for a week at least to adjust to the new lights in their same containers, then switch from 3gal to 5gal and send em off to the races.

A couple cool things I saw this round…

As much fun as it is… it really is a lot of work… balancing a 4 yr old (at the time of the pics)… a full time job… but I always made time for the girls!

I loved winter time for growing… allowed for some cool stuff to happen, I was getting obsessed with mycelium and trying to create it from bottled goodies… I made a decent effort at it i thought.

My mentor told me "a fish can only get as big as the tank they swim in… "

But is that true?? Lots of wiggle room on that topic!

Still not sure what these trees are. I apologize… they were a blast to grow though.

I guess you could call it a 6 part feed regiment with the nectar pH up included.

A buddy gave me 5 gallon samples of eco nutes… so it was a lot easier to transfer those to old nectar jugs I had laying around still.

It all happens kind of quick if you look back on the round… I got lucky not having PM or bugs… I know my spot got attacked shortly after this round…

I used to take that whole room down by myself in a weekend(the REAL trim jail)…
IT WAS HORRIBLE! If you were awake you were wet trimming… then once you got it all trimmed… the room needed sterilized 100% and shove new rides in and transplant before work the next week. Ahhh it sucked. Or you just say fuck it and mess up your schedule … it happens…

Then I found out about dry trim… oh heeeck YEAH!

And the cycle repeats itself… 🫡🫡😏

What a hobby! Learn a lot … and never stop learning.

I’d say there is a slight difference in how my trees look between then and now…

Thought I could feed down to earth liquid bloom and calcium without checking pH. I was wrong… I’m soo ready for the next run! Stay tuned…

Sorry for the long post… I responded to another thread too many times and had to wait for another response before replying again… sooo I just went for it here. :sweat_smile: I got more old pics I will try to find and share. Happy Sunday OG community :pray:


The trip down memory lane. Very nice, looking forward to seeing more posts my friend, glad you decided to start posting.


Welp… time for an out of town trip for a few days… trusting THEO to take care of the littles…

(THEO = The Old lady :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:)

See ya Friday girls :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::kissing_heart::kissing_heart: when I get back you will get some 12/12 love (the 3 with bamboo sticks)

Not much going on… but a 2x4 tent doesn’t let me play like I want to!

Had to check the mail before I left… glad I did!!

I can’t wait for a new place with more room! I’m gonna go nuts :crazy_face:

If you can’t tell… I’m a mega fan of Dave :innocent:

Hope yall have a rad tuesday✌️


3 days later… ok… I’m bad at predicting the flip date :sweat_smile:

Unfortunately while I was gone the heater shut off an momma bear didn’t catch it. So it got below 50⁰ at night maybe warmed up to 60-65 oops :innocent:… darn bath tub tech! #SlowVegForTheWin

This lady intrigues me… a big skunk/NL1 x super skunk from AK that has not gotten rid of these “warts” so she got a nickname… been vegging while her sister bloomed… she just got a haircut last weekend. As soon as she has some good growth… you know the deal just wanna make sure she is happy

The wart on Dec 28th

The CMH @ 190w definitely pissed the lowers off…makes sense because I jacked their shade :shushing_face::sunglasses:

The Americanna BX sister, same story as the skunk cross… she just got her haircut a week before the other 2.

Everything looks mad , I’m sorry. I’ll snap em out of it!!! Stay tuned.

Happy Friday all!!! :v:


Anyone tried this before? let’s give it a shot…

This meter sat in the garage for a year… never touched… pull it out dry… calibration check and she was spot on… way to go Hannah!!! One hell of a $40 pH meter

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Bless this tree! My back has been bothering me something fierce the last 2 weeks. Woke up today and loaded 2 bong rips and has made it tolerable. Anyone else share similar effects?

The neighbor gave me a pain pill last night and it helped… after 2 hrs the pain was gone like a light switch… then less than 2 hours later it was back… like i had to have another one to carry on…who, how, or why would this be good for someone?

All I gotta say…



Hope this turned out correctly…
This is the first time seeing foam for me…I tried with manure before.I don’t know why :blush:

This time:
1 cup worm castings
Maybe 1/16 cup unsulphured molasses
And a tablespoon of kelp meal

4 - 1.5" air stones and I stole the pump out of my cloner and have left it on for 20hrs now.
-3 gallons of Tap water that sat in a bucket for a day.

Hot dang I’m pumped! Definitely checking pH and adjusting with olympus UP on everything this run :blush:(it seemed pretty inexpensive seems beneficial).

Thanks for checking it out :v:

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I’m gonna let her fly as is.

Bad idea?


Maybe a little intense. Ya might thin it out with some lower ph water, I dunno 3:1 water/tea? Get that ph closer to 6.5

I use hades down.

If I had a big pot 3,5,7 gallons, I would worry less about an intense tea. In a 1/2 or 1 gallon pot I might be more prudent.



Thank you very much for the reply Cartwright :facepunch: I appreciate that a lot.
The liquid definitely seemed “thick” and barely ran through the solo cups I got in the bath tub.


No prob, but I’m no guru, that’s fo sho. I tend to lean to less is more, even with teas. I have freaked out my share of plants;)


For what it’s worth… one of the solo cups a day after the higher than desired non pH tea. Next time I will for sure drop the pH with hades down! :facepunch::facepunch:

These girls get abused In the bath tub unfortunately :innocent:

Did anyone ever trim with those huge arts and craft scissors? … I may have at one point in time… can’t forget it…(the best ones had a tension screw :sweat_smile: sore hands!)


I got right now some BIG SKUNK/NL1 X SUPER SKUNK (we should find a name for it…) some of them have exactly the same look as yours, I lowered the light intensity and they doing fine. I got them along with some Catpiss v3 and I’m planning to cross them up to see if I can get some skunkpiss xD. They are veggin yet and with the cold they have been going slow (except for one monster Catpiss v3) but the room smells STRONG. I’ll be watching :wink:


i have a pack of the same but i don’t plan on running it anytime soon.

Cartwright… I owe you a handshake or a hug!! Your advice on the worm casting tea was on POINT wayyy too high pH and needed diluted… my bad and thank you. I ended up dealing with alkaline toxicity this round… may have ended up with a few extra beans I wasn’t ready for… ah well… onto the next one…

I was pretty excited to see I can still make clones :grin::grin::grin::grin:!!.. last attempt in january with old cloning goodies took over a month and single root from stems happened… not populations of em.

Lil cup was a Chem blazzin bag seed from 2017… the dark tree is a “green apple” bag seed from KDS around 2017. Mostly yellow tree is a “newer” seed of big skunk NL1 x super skunk.

I take full responsibility for light leaks and improper ph.
Next attempt to not fuck up… black Dom x super skunk… blue dream x tk nl5 haze… (1) tk x nl5 haze(tk dom)

Sorry for the sloppy post and not keeping up posting. Life gets busy… but I will never stop growing :heart_eyes: shitty rounds or not. Yeeehaawwwwww OG!!! Happy Sunday all!!!


You were definitely right on the teas! :sweat_smile: live and learn… and thank you for taking the time to let me know. :handshake::handshake::handshake:

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I’m glad things are looking so good over there. Keep up the good work.

Anything can be over done, even teas :wink:

Have a great eve

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9 days in on the clones… I’m just excited… sorry. I now believe in dip n grow cloning solution 100%! And some big skunk nl1 x super skunk after a few days hanging. I’m sure there are some seeds in those flowers… bonus for me! Oops… :grin::grin:

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This big skunk nl1 x super skunk is some creeper stuff. Now that it’s hung for 7 days. Loaded that small piece in a bowl… it took a bit to kick in… like old creeper stuff… then the body felt like I took a muscle relaxer… WHOA!.. pretty surprised… tried it again the next night… told the wife I was gonna roll a joint and tear up the neighbors with this super stuff… smoked a bowl first… then decided it was bed time instead :sweat_smile:. I love it!!

Some bag seed from 2017 out of some KDS green apple… smells earthy/eucalyptus kind of.

I messed the girls up with bad pH and light leaks in the tent. Bummer! Still happy with how it makes me feel so far!

Happy memorial day weekend all!!!