4x8 hlg diablo 30 gallon organic notill

What up errbody!? I’m new here and just wanna share my setup with yall. 1st run in 30 gallon pots, first pic from the top left clockwise is ih twisted helix, phenofinders chemhead og, perfect tree peach sherbert og, and ih platinum x terple. Second picture is phenofinders rainbow cake, delicious seeds lemon candy, bodhi sunra, phenofinders runtzosa


Im thinking maybe another week before I should flip to flower, what do yall think?

Also the chemhead and lemon candy came from half dead clones I transplanted late, that’s why the look all fucky, the ih twisted helix might be a mutant too


Welcome to overgrow :+1:

Your tent is looking great!

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Welcome to OG @RiverCityRando, how long have they been in veg?

Thank you, this is my actually my 3rd run in this tent, but the first in this new dirt. The first run was good besides the fact I lost 6/8 to rot and the 2nd run I fucked up my soil by letting it get to wet (whole nother story) so I started fresh this round. Basically coots mix and using knf inputs, ect.

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About a month, maybe a week or 2 more depending when you count the start. Popped the beans probably mid February

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This is some pics of the rainbow cake plant from the first run, and a pic of the dried/cured buds from the rc (left) and lemon candy (right) that made it to the finish line, the rc was frosty af and my favorite out of the first run, unfortunately it was a finicky plant and didn’t give me many clones and the three I took didn’t make it :frowning:


I’d top them and do some LST then flip them maybe 10 days later, and you can use the tops for clones.


Those pots are huge. I see now you stated you plan to veg for another week, do you think that’s enough time for the roots to develop in their containers?


This is my thought as well. You only have 1 plant per 30 gallon pot, so it seems like a waste not to veg them bigger before you flip. I’d personally go a minimum 6 weeks veg for a single plant in a pot that size.


Welcome and thank you for growing organic notill @RiverCityRando :+1:

You can certainly let them veg a week or so longer, I’d flip when they are about the same height as the pot.

You can also sow a small handful of seeds in every pot and have a micro forest going on under perpetual 12/12 light. This way you get smaller plants, but you can have more diversity and you harvest sooner and more often. Smaller harvests, but more often, I like that better. Less chance of running out of stash you see.

To prevent rot you may want to place a small dehumidifier in there during flowering, or make a DIY one with a bucket, a sieve and a bunch of salt.

Very cool that you have cover/companion crops going on!

May your operations run smoothly and easily, thank you for being here and documenting your grow!


Im hoping so, I’m trying to beat the clock on this run tho, my landlord who is actually just owns a property management company told me she does yearly inspections, last year she came at the end of june/beginning of July ish, so I have to chop, dry, and tear down so she can look and say “looks good to me”, even though I did that last year and the only room she didn’t look in was my grow room smfh lol

Thank you, it’s an honor to be able to post here after what happened with og 1.0. As far as growing notill organic it’s imo easier, and better in most if not all aspects, and just taste better. I’m in VA now and grew up here but lived in CO for a few years and had friends in the scene so I saw all types of ops and quality of work people were putting out and imo the best came from the guys that were doing notill, I’m not saying that the stuff people were doing with hydro was bad, in fact A++ at times, but the terps and taste on the notill/organic stuff were miles ahead

Also the bud rot I got on the first run was due to my own ignorance, I was pushing the plants to hard and they were foxtailing bad enough that it just looked like the outside of the bud, meanwhile the inside was done 3 weeks before, they were almost at 12 weeks before I chopt, I knew something was up at week 9 when they just kept throwing white pistols but by then it was too late, I tried to let the foxtail stuff finish but I should’ve just chopt then, it is what it is, it’s. Learning experience

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Sorry, I got caught up, here’s a little update tho. Day 2 or 3 since flipping to 12/12. I moved some the girls around some so now the first pic from the top left clockwise are: peach sherbert og, chemhead og, runtzosa, platinum terple. Second pic is: lemon candy, twisted helix, sunra, rainbow cake


Smooth operations!
Thanks for the update, looking good!

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Thank you, I’m trying to stay on top on everything this round, I’ve done some more defoliating and lollipoping since this pic, hopefully I can get to the finish with no rot :crossed_fingers:. I’ve been feeding with mostly knf inputs, lab, fpj, coconut water, wsc, wscp. I also water with a little humic acid to declorinate and j plantspeakers stuff, I’m not even guna attempt to spell it lol. I’ve also been spraying with lab, and neem oil, I’ll be doing that until I start to see pre flowers and then pray everything goes smoothly after that

If rot does happen again then perhaps consider a perpetual 12/12 and sow at different intervals so you always have a mix of plants in all stages of life, that should keep humidity more steady.

Smaller plants, but harvesting more often, 12/12 from seed knocks weeks off total life cycle. :+1:
Some people say they get more yield on a year basis.

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I have been thinking about having a separate 4x8 with 32 5 gal pots so I can start hunting this stash of beans I’ve amassed smh lol. Makes sense and it won’t hurt so much if I get a runt or mutant. Then I’ll be able to let the keepers in the big tent without having to worry how they’ll come out. Idk tho, seems like alot to keep up with watering, I’ll have to figure out some sort of irrigation and also how to keep them happy through flower in 5 gals, I really want to stick with the no till system but I know trying that in 5 gallon pots is a challenge to say the least… idk, I got some time to think on it, but for now here’s another update. Maybe a day or 2 into week 3 of flower now, starting to get excited and a little nervous now. I’ve been slowly working on defoliating and pruning but it’s alot with work and life in the way lol
20230501_234400|375x500 Uploading: 20230501_234409.jpg…


Another update, top dressed some fish bone meal, and some kelp, and have been watering with labs, wsc, wscp, fpj, ffj, and coconut water, following this knf input chart I found for cannabis. My ph got a little high so I also top dressed with some sulfur/gypsum mix to try and help bring it down, will probably too dress with some good compost/worm castings too to try and help. I’ll also be getting a soil test here soon to see what’s up and then adjust accordingly