55 Galon bubble bags

Hey folks hope everyone’s well… just a quick question if anyone’s used them? Currently running 2 sets of 5galon and they just aren’t sufficient enough. I’ve seen that lady that was taught by Frenchy (forgot her name) use them in her op and just wonder if any of you have worked with them biggies


You would need an iceberg to have enough ice haha

I believe I watched an Ed Rostenthal video where he used this size.


:joy::joy::joy: yeah it’s a lot of ice that’s for sure but my little bags just take me too long to get through a few kilos so trying to figure out what route to take in upscaling… will search for his vids… thanks :facepunch::facepunch:


At that point I’d think buying/building a dry sifter would be better? Handles a lot more volume and takes out all of the elbow grease!

The first time I ever did bubblehash was with those. :thumbsup: I helped a friend who didn’t know what he was doing so I didn’t either :smile: & we used a stout electric drill with a paint-mixer attachment. Recommended was a wooden paddle.

Stirring that much mat’l & ice is a bear of a job & you’ve got a lot of work there so better get your friend ‘Ogre’ to do that one. :joy:

The other thing to consider is draining/pouring/etc.; A full drum weighs A LOT so don’t plan on carrying it around. heheh

:thinking: :smoking: just had the idea to use the ocean to do it for you…hmmm… :ocean: or even a cold mountain river! :smile:


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