Bubble hash bags?

Hey there everyone…gonna start off by saying thanks to anyone who participates in this discussion. So, Im looking to get me a bubble hash setup. Looking for recommendations. What brand bags are the best value? How many bags? Should i get a small washing machine? Those are my main 3 questions. But, I am definitely open to any advice on techniques and tips about the whole process. Somebody school me!


I dont know much… but what I do know is DO NOT get the 1 gallon bags. They work but the suck ass


from what I’ve seen and heard yes to the mini washer.

I have The 5 gallon bubble dude bags but only made bubble once.

I’ve used the 160 about 5-6 times for dry ice. It has been holding up nicely with no tears.


Also, another thing im interested in is what mini washer are you guys using. Seems crazy to pay 140 for a mini washer because it has a cannabis name brand on it. Im sure there is a cheap option on amazon?


Are you using the 160 bag to make dry sift?

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Best Value I do not know but I can vouch for the quality of Boldt Bags. They are expensive but they are quality. I do not regret my purchase whatsoever.

How many bags? Get a full 8 bag set. Some of the most important contaminant catch bags do not come with 3-4 bag systems.

Washing machine? It’s not a necessity unless you are making hash all the time but if the budget will allow it then go ahead and treat yourself.


What are the most important micron bag numbers in your opinion?


With dry ice yes! Just crush dry ice and shake it. I do the first shake gentle to get what I call the best. Then shake it till it’s green.

There’s a cheap washer on amazon for $60. Safeway brand maybe Iirc and they’re all 5-7 gallon machines.


It depends what your goals are but the 160 and 190 are very important for catching contaminant and they are usually not included in 3-4 bag kits. You will never get full melt without them.


I personally will not make bubble without the washing machine anymore. Takes the mess and guess work out of it for me.
I do NOT use the 220 Micron “wash” bag, but put material straight into the machine.

You do not need to buy a special machine, any decent machine will work, like this one:

I have 3 sets of bags, 2 el cheapo sets, one nice set form Bubble Man, his Bubble Bags, 5 gallon size. The Bubble Bags will pull 25 % more than my cheap bags, no longer use them at all. They feel better, fit MUCH BETTER over the 5 gallon buckets, and have held up perfectly. I wash them in alcohol after every run with them, they are like new with 50 runs or more on them.

I am a snob, have so much Bud to make the Hash with, I am picky on what I keep. Like I said I do not use the wash bag in the machine, just throw material in it.

I have an 8 bag set, but never use them all. FOR ME…i do it this way, and I KNOW I leave some bubble, but do not care as I only want “full melt”

Material into the machine. 1st bag in is my 45, then my 73, then 160, finally 220 to catch the shit. I throw away the 220 and the 160 too, only keeping the 73/45 bags, both pretty much full melty.

SOME bud the 160 is good…SOME…SOME Bud the 25 is good…SOME. Changes by the Buds you use.

If I were to buy bags again , and since I use the “machine” to agitate with, I would only get a 160 / 73/ 45 and that would be it.

Without a machine, you will need a 220 or so “work Bag” to work it in. IF you have machine, nope.

as always…JMHO…


Look up Frenchy Cannoli on YouTube. Watch his 1 hour 38 min video. He explains hash making (water and ice) to the T.


I agree completely @Jetdro the Bubbleman bags are worth the extra cost. And the washer makes life easier, especially with fresh froze material because there is usually more of it.


I have an el cheapo 5 gallon 8 bag vivosun set. I don’t use all 8 bags but I like having options. The best? No. But it works just fine.

Never used the washing machine I expect I makes the process that much more pleasant.


Washer = yes, don’t pay more than 100 for sure… i think they’re closer to 50 on amazon. I got lucky & was given a washer & set of used bags on top of my own set.

First set was cheap 3 bag set “grow” no name brand, canvas & rubber. Do not recommend. Rubber deteriorated, material frayed, etc.

2nd/current set, “Bubble Magic” 8 bag set, black pvc/vinyl, holding up better but still have a seam repair needed on one bag after 20+ uses.

Part of the “luxury” of an 8 bag set let’s you do a sample test run & see where that batch’s trichomes are hanging out & what you like the most. It’s a hassle but allows you to see different plants have different resin heads.

I’ve had some good 25micron but hardly ever, 75-90 or 75-125 is always the ‘money’ for nice bubble, & this year I’m using the laziest method ever with 190, 75, & 45. The 75-190 is great with this stuff & the 45 is going into my alcohol jar. Continuously. :smile: :honey_pot:

I put a 5 gallon bucket with (too much) weed & water & some ice on top to hold the weed down initially & let it sit for 2 weeks before I did my first batch. :thumbsup: :hourglass_flowing_sand: This pre-soaking really seems to help a bit.

I did hand stirred for the first 4-5 washes & kept it in the fridge for another week & then used the washer(no bag, just cold water, weed & ice). Drain the hose into a CLEAN (AF) bucket until it clogs, then invert/dump it all into the bucket. Rinse washer slightly with (showerhead in my case) into bucket. In my case also, this bucket be chillin in the bathtub for spill control. :grin: :shower: Next put the work(190), 75, & 45 on UPSIDE DOWN on to the bucket, & very snug with the first one or you will cry watching hash go down the drain like I did that one time. :unamused:

Then manly man that mfer & invert it into ANOTHER clean bucket if you want to keep the funk water for fertilizer use or whatever or just down the drain (like a savage/homer).

Remove work bag & material to another bucket for re-use/whatever.

Rinse the 2 bags & collect with a spoon(gently, don’t fuck up your bag).

Place on to pre-moistened/dampened white coffee filter, on top of a few folded paper towels. It will wick away that moisture quick & after a few hours you can smoke it.

Always have more ice than you think you’ll need.

& like Frenchy says, don’t do it when you’re in a hurry. do it with plenty of time & patience.

And alcohol to clean the bags when you’re done. No, not :beers: :wine_glass:, isopropyl/rubbing alcohol. (@Esrgood4u how is it that alcohol leads to rubbing but not rubbing alcohol? :thinking: :laughing: :hugging:)

Dirty bags get clogged & if you have a big batch it means scraping resin with your fingertips in freezing cold water. Like I did the other day. :sweat_smile:


:evergreen_tree: washi-washi


Ha ha :rofl:. Yeah alcohol turns even the nicest person into a complete wanker :laughing:


Has anyone tried the “all mesh” bags? I have the regular ones, but the all mesh bags interest me.


I have the all mesh bubble bag dude ones. They’re good for the price. If you use them in the bucket your in for a pain in the ass adventure. They don’t stick to the sides of the buckets. I got my self a $45 mini washer off eBay last year and it made everything so easier.