5H Club ♣ Sipping Time In Netcup Growing

5H Club :clubs: March Maturation Madness

They just keep reaching up, even the early flops have come back halfway to their former height.
Where this one was touching last time there is a bit of browning but small affected areas.

They got another round of flopping two days ago and almost all the main colas of the tall plant were bent and tied down to other branches on the opposite side.

This is the unflopped lower branch at the current canopy height. Below is a top on the other Sniper. On both Snipers the large fan leaves are showing frost.Thought it would show more but the yellowish tint is sticky icky…

The 0909 plant with the yellow discoloration deformity wasn’t thriving and became redundant.
The other has shown female and continues to do it’s thing. Watching that it doesn’t get out of hand.


Some stretchy legs on them ladies huh?

5H Club :clubs: Shelter Bloom In Place

Plants win this round… as long as they don’t actually TOUCH the lights they get LITFA protocol.
Had to re-adjust a few of the flopped ones from upward momentum but hardly worth the gloving up. If you don’t your hand comes back sticky/greasy.

The Sniper pair at day 35 are stacking nicely.

Since I haven’t done any this season, went back to the 90s stash of beans.

Haven’t gotten any to pop in the last couple of years trying, but was only doing a pair at a time.
Decided to jump in deep and try for 10 - chose 5 of the smallest and largest
Somewhere in Subcool’s genetics profiles are varieties with very small seeds. The Janis Joplin popped earlier this season is an example of small seed size around TGA backgrounds.

Not that I’m expecting much, but genetics will be outside most strains of today.


5H Club :clubs: Barricaded & Buzzed

Well the social distancing thing fine, but confined with one’s own family raises security issues from bored explorations. LOCK IT DOWN…

A bit more to go for the Sniper pair. Tops still up near lights but not close enough to do something.
The ends have filled out a bit and are bulking up. They have increased uptake of water and the reservoir needs filled daily.

Tall Sniper has some roots down into the reservoir itself. The green riser platform, being solid across the surface where the basket sits, holds enough moisture that the roots don’t air prune.

The seeds didn’t work out. There were a couple that showed crack and a white interior, some a bit of a bump like a root coming out, but then nothing happened. Split open some from the same batch and only 4 of 10 had white insides, 3 were hollow. Have hundreds to keep trying…


What’s the sniper make up sure some beefy stocks on those girls! Nice build up of buds looks like they produce .

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5H Club :clubs: 49ers In The Air

@ShiskaberrySavior Don’t remember the genetics, I won these and the breeder is still active but I haven’t been able to ask again what the cross contains. Can’t find the videos of it grown out (thanks to YT) but these were testers.

The tall one is bulking up, the other not quite as much. The upper fans are starting to show a bit of color turning purple/red shades. The other plant (not a Sniper) at day 35 had a bit of stretch and got flopped over along a plane to fit the space.

Week 5 already? The doors (when closed) has left it flat on one side where it rests up against the panda panel and the doors. When flopped along the red lines, when the box opens up in a week or so will expand it in width by spreading out the flopped branches.

The two big ones I don’t want to disturb until just before harvest. Not sure how long to finish, but scoped them today and mostly clear with a few cloudy…


5H Club :clubs: Extended Cut Version

The Sniper pair have reached day 56 - 8 week mark and haven’t seen the usual fade yet.
Under the scope it’s mostly clear. There’s no hurry so will let them go an check back at day 60…
70… whatever it takes…

Had considered letting the reservoir dry up (usually causes a flush of golds) since once cut
the stalk will continue to drip for over a week on moisture left in basket when set out to dry.
Have dropped the dosage on the teas to half their peak strength for another week or two…


5H Club :clubs: The Latest 411

Took advantage of a bit of private alone time…
The pair were stuck back behind and left alone a couple weeks.

The Tall that had the most branches flopped and tied used a bit more canopy space .
These would have done well in a taller environment. The internodal spacing could have been a bit
tighter, but the nuggets down to the scrog level were of decent size and density.
The uppermost colas were a bit light intense and ends were a bit odd growth from it.

Once pulled from the cabinet it appeared even larger. Ending up working from the top down,
not being able to cut lower section until tie wires can be accessed and removed.

On the Wide you can see the damage on uppermost colas and heavy foxtail like structure.
This one was probably only 60-70% the quantity of the other plant.

Putting the one plant back in for as long as it needs to finish.
The genetics not quite up to the others that just left.


‘Full Neglect’ would make an interesting strain name. Or company name… :sweat_smile:

:evergreen_tree: :derelict_house:

5H Club :clubs: 4/20 Freely Enjoy Alone

The harvest bags hung out in the cabinet a week. Two above lights and 2 on floor racks.
Every day cycle they were rotated to opposite position. Upper position is a bit warmer on
the bottom of bag with high air flow. The lower are warmed by the lights on top and rack
allows air flow below from intake.

Jarred them up last night, mostly taking the stem pieces out.
The upper colas near the light weren’t as dense, the lowers were hard nuggets.
Breaking it off the stems, the bud size wasn’t large, just frosty and in quantity.
They each have a different smell, will see how it develops in curing, one has a
floral note and the other a canned fruit punch linger.

The really small ‘pea’ size went into the larf container (still usable) with the frost
covered fans. The buds sparkle, but also leave behind a quantity behind and might
be another good candidate for bubble or shaker.

Nice nickle size puck of scissor hash to enjoy for a 4/20 solo adventure…


5H Club :clubs: The Glass Time Gas Exchange

Two weeks after harvest the baskets were left in vacant veg area in the dark.
Didn’t check on them often, but they didn’t leak as much as the fabric container did.

They pulled easy from the baskets in a solid mass. The pruning up the sides shows a well distributed root system. What happened to the end caps (slabs taken from tub stage) they were engulfed with roots and incorporated into the full structure.

The felt pad across the bottom (inside the basket) as part of the wicking setup :arrow_double_up: back in the construction of this bloom run… did what was hoped. It stopped the roots from coming out the bottom of the basket and onto the plastic platform where it rested in the reservoir. The sides hanging over the edge of the platform did extend free floating root structure down into the reservoir on the Tall one…

For the amount of soil the stems were large enough to support it. Slicing it open, it split easily along the seam from when it was transplanted from tub stage. The roots from that point outward were thin and solid to the edges of the basket. From that point in there were thicker and tougher roots making the central root ball.

The soil, even after 2 weeks without access to water, was moist but not over wet. Will have to review the soil mixture, at the end it had a certain mud quality. Since it was amended once, it will not be saved for next season under assumption will once again be able to purchase a bag of soil, when and as needed for the economy…

A week drying and a week in the jar to cure…
Took everything out to allow them to stretch their sparkle bits… expanded exhale…
Wanted to sort and redistribute with boveda packs as necessary for stable moisture levels.
Both of these were overgrow - Grow Into The Lights, and each plant was more than any previous plant and taken as a total knocked out a quarter pounder


5H Club :clubs: May :bee: Ready To Harvest

There was something missing last week… the full neglect project.

It’s been going yellow for a couple weeks and keep picking them off when feel like it.
At day 71 it wasn’t showing much positive progress on bud sizes or such.

Many of the larger leaves in the colas were dried up, either fried near the lights or
as sign of too long bloom period. Trimming them up, they would come right out when
pulled most of the time and rarely need trimming up in the bud itself.

Lots of lower larf and will have to see how they shrink in drying, many were frosty and
had a bit of size. Based on area in bottom of bag larf was 20% range.
Compared to the Sniper, this was a skunky funk that overpowered them and was all
you could smell opening the box back before they got harvested.


5H Club :clubs: More Ignore & Store

The 0909 is at 9 days in the jar curing. Moisture is evening out to Boveda levels…

The stump has been in the dark for 2 weeks and still has growth happening.
Would probably reveg if re-hydrated and set on a long light cycle…

And to make sure that doesn’t happen…
The roots were wrapped around the outside, but the cross section also was solid.
Actual root ball was small from the tub size transplant and filled the container.

Sorted, weighed, and redistributed to jars with packs to continue curing.
Was surprised it was same weight as the Wide Sniper harvested earlier.
Not pictured is about 4 grams of larf popcorn which sampling has been :fire:
Isn’t as frosty, dense, pretty as the other but stinks more…