6,500 people pardoned for possession

I am in the process of trying to get my record sorted. Had to wait 10 years before I could due to the laws. I refuse to go to the USA till my record is fixed as once they have you in their computer you are there for life as they don’t recognize Canadian pardons. As long as I wait I will be able to cross as my record will be hidden from them.


Does fedgov still include cannabis questions/bar users on job applications?

For all you who haven’t seen Leaves of Grass… I suggest it… cheese factor is moderate but it’s a good flick…

Probably the greatest line in the movie and it relates to the topic



Such a stupid thing to arrest people for, and IMO the ability to know what’s in someone’s possession aside from illegal weapons, is nobody’s F’ing business

LOL, that was cool, I will have to check that out. Would not play at first, had to change my VPN country, apparently Canada not allowed to watch :rofl:


A philosophy professor with Harvard aspirations who’s twin brother is a large scale illegal commercial in Oklahoma.

Good movie


The immediate thing this change would mean is this will convert the businesses from ‘cash only’ back into the regular banking practices.

That will add further pressure on the recalcitrant states to get in line or loose out on potential revenue streams.



Crazy how I can’t visit Canada because of my background, but a no good criminal like you can live in such a beautiful country :man_shrugging:t2:


Agreed… but legal states are having trouble banking with marijuana dispensaries because of federal laws and their money is literally being stolen on transit by … well, people…

True, it brings tax into it, but also brings it to the front. Why can people have better access to jobs while being alcoholics or even having the occasional drink and it showing up on a piss test but they had a drink last night so it’s ok.OK…

I could smoke last week and only last week and be denied a job I am more than qualified for. That isn’t right. Less people die smoking weed than drinking alcohol… almost no people in fact.


Guess we just have high standards :rofl: Seriously though, that sucks. I have the same issue going the other way. Everyone should be able to visit the amazing beauty that is Canada.


Perfect example of what I will not tolerate

We aren’t picking sides, we’re speaking on the topic

Not you Doug, there was a post before that has been hidden.


I used to work from home for a Canadian company… will agree Canada is awesome…

Except Quebec… lol

But I digress


LOL, cool man, you had me scratching my head there for a sec. Not a big fan of Quebec myself. Got stuck there in Old Quebec City when I was 16 and homeless. It was right when they were trying to force them to put English on their signs so they had a hate on for us non French speaking folk. I have met some amazing people from there though in all fairness so not all bad, just had an experience that kind of soured me to the place.

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On topic:

We must celebrate!


1000000% my fault.

Now, back to the topic.

Rec legalization for the US opens the best kinds of doors into slowing a recession, not only for us but others… brings more money in to help fix the current money crises in the country but also brings a lot more opportunities for job creation and variety import/export


May EUROPE follow in these footsteps!


This is where I am looking forward to things getting to. The ability to sell back and forth across borders giving folks a wider pool to choose from. That will be a blessed day.


Or the ability for us to be able to mail our medicine to other people that we want to try it , legally…

Not even a large scale company thing. Just friends and gifts ya know


It would take tremendous pressure off the health care system.


“Simple possession” AFAIK can be possessing any amount, even a dimebag, amounts to simple possession if the police wanna push the issue… Having TWO dimebags could up the ante to Possession with the Intent to Distribute (multiple packages, packaged for consumption).

I applied as an Amazon Delivery Driver. My drug test (urine) is scheduled for Monday afternoon. I won’t smoke Monday morning. but Sunday? Sorry. Its LEGAL for me to consume, so FUCK OFF if you dont like it. Frankly not even worried, not doing any flush or other bullshit like that. I’ve done a bit of searching and supposedly they don’t check for THC unless in an at-fault accident (likely then a mouth swab). WAY overqualified for this job, but the job market is fuqued up anyways, and I’m this close to saying F it, and living nomadically on the sale of my home. We’ll see if they have an issue.