6,500 people pardoned for possession

Also help ease the opioid crisis by giving people a real alternative that truly isn’t addictive.


I am SO glad I am severely allergic to synthetic opiods (to the point of anaphalactic shock, and choking to death). That alone guarantees I will never have an interest, nor even a sample to try. I know my personality is an addictive one, and that could be a bad combo, but not if it never happens :slight_smile:


That is one thing we enjoy up here. We can mail up to an oz to anyone in the country with no issues. Canada Post even sells special smell proof mailers, it’s amazing. Legalization isn’t perfect but it sure has it’s advantages. This move in the USA is one step closer to that IMO.

Yeah, the only issue here was they said pardons for simple possession but added under 30 grams to the criteria. To me it should have been anyone that got convicted of possession but nothing else. It’s cool though, my opinion don’t mean shit to them, lol. At least we made it to legalization but stuff like that 30g limit for pardons is just the old thinking trying to keep it’s hooks into things.


Sadly, though, sin taxes such as what generates weed revenue for states/locales are basically just a wealth transfer from poor to rich. Just like the lottery.

At least legal weed helps us poor peeps emotionally deal with the shit hand capitalism has dealt us…

Also, federal jobs all require piss tests, and most public universities do too, so basically national labs and all the best research institutions lose out on talent from prohibition. Just think of all the giants of science who’ve had their best thoughts on weed or psychedelics. It’s so nuts to exclude them!


Canada you can mail 1 ounce of bud to friends. less if it is concentrates.


Not to be a Debbie downer but I just tried looking up what simple possession at the federal level entails and saw a statistic that no one is currently in prison for federal simple possession charges. Now getting a prior conviction cleared is great, but people aren’t being let out of prison over this. A simple possession federal charge is probably smoking a joint at a national park or getting caught on a federal property with a very small amount. Otherwise small amount possession equals a state or local municipality/County charge.

The rescheduling is a great thing for them to be talking about but unfortunately these pardons sound better than they actually are in my opinion.


This is exactly how they did it in Illinois. Worthless for me. Any large quantity and they always tack on manufacturing and distribution just due to the weight, so even then it’s no longer simple possession.


I wonder…
Does this mean they will stop arresting folks for cannabis of any sort?
Like in possession of too much weight?
What about possession of black market weed?
Will you still go to jail for cannabis?


It’s just the terminology. There is no Simple Possession here, only possession of a controlled substance. There is a different charge for possession with the intent to traffic which they tacked on to me. Thing is since the judge threw that out it doesn’t count. Only our government tacking on rules about who they would allow to pardon.

It’s a start though. It will allow a ton of folks to travel, get better jobs etc so a big positive IMO.


I would think it would become more civil fines now unless it’s over the top at which point would be worse but I could be wrong.


Only in Washington D.C. at best. Every where else is gonna be up to the states.


Really, now that is very very cool.
I did not know that thanks!
Woow…Cooool! :exploding_head:


Thats called Marijuana in my state, and supposedly a chargable offence. Possession of Cannabis on the other hand, isn’t chargable (because, well, taxes somehow make it different).


Yup, check these out.


I agree with that. Weed gets a bad rap because of smell and how long it stays in your system. They’ll drag a pot head down to the bottom of the well.


Trying to reclassify Cannabis so it will NOT be Federally illegal anymore!
Then each State has the right to make it legal/illegal…In that State.

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Funny things happen when midterms are around the corner. Not too convinced we’ll see the more destructive cannabis policies addressed anytime soon, but still hoping.


But!!! It is a different story when it is federal. There could be some states where I can be county by county. Then you’re gonna have judges they can do and say different things. Like approve or not approve. Money is fixing to do the talking. Just a surplus of merchandise alone will be a big game changer. You will have a multitude of companies trying to make money off of clothing furniture the markets going to be much more friendly and open. Who can say no to that right?

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I just woke up. What does this mean? Is legalization around the corner? Is he REALLY going to remove it from the list of schedules? HOLY LE SHIT!


I’m not trying to get into a bunch of debates or finger pointing, but this adds up to a whole lot of nothing. DC still has their own jurisdiction. It’s not like every crime committed in DC is a federal crime just bc its DC. If you get a speeding ticket in DC, its not a federal speeding ticket. Federal charges for weed kick in when they go big. This simple possession thing is smoke & mirrors.

Doug is right, it will help people get out from the thumb that’s been on them for prior charges, but very very few people have EVER been handed a federal charge for simple possession. There are very limited circumstances for that to occur.

Some states are likely to retaliate and impose harsher penalties at the state level just to say fuck you to Biden. These are all good signs but the actual outcomes at this point are pretty minimal.