6,500 people pardoned for possession

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

It’s a great start. I can make phase 2 easier for you Joe.


That’s what they are trying to do where I live in the UK. The whole UK government need lining up against a wall.

Schedule 2 substances are labelled 'Pharmacy Medicine '. They are available for sale from pharmacies and from licensed retailers in rural areas where no pharmacy is nearby. Many painkillers are Schedule 2 substances.

This is the goal of Cannabis legalization.


In Germany it was a big promise before election, now after getting in power they suddenly found out it wouldn’t get along with EU - right :smile: it’s funny for when it wasn’t so sad.

Then I look in my neighboring countries like Czech Republic, Poland, Swiss, Austria, Netherlands and am confused. I mean not confused at all but I guess you know what I mean…

I’d like to swear on those people as well as at superior institutions dictating shit to countries. But I don’t because that would be wasting energy on not surprising outcomes. Still I have hope when things get sorted out eventually…

Rant over


Was going to say with the whole federal possession it’s usually the charge that is stuck to larger charges to make them in to larger cases it’s very rare to have a federal possession charge this changes nothing.It is a midterm virtue signaling from a dying Political party.Kamala Harris bragged about jailing people for Cannabis and threw the book at them now she says no one should go to jail for Cannabis and even laughs and says she smoked weed and she inhaled to Charlamane the God on his podcast on live air.So let me get this timeline down you were smoking weed while putting people in jail for smoking weed ?Yeah not too wholesome.Nothing will change mark my words.These people on both sides of thr political spectrum do not have you in thier interests.Wh have a big problem on our hands and it’s going to have to take everyone to come together on this one.


The News of course!

Oh wait. I meant fictional stories and comic books…

The problem with the news today, is you have to fact-check the articles yourself.

1 dimebag might equal simple possession. 2 dimebags would have INSTANTLY been upgraded to “intent to distribute” despite clearly being personal in my state. Just because there is more than 1 package.

Personally, its a lot of smoke and mirrors. Politicians tell you what you wanna hear based on whats trending, News tells you what they think will sell more papers / airtime / commercials.

Until its treated like any other plant in your garden, nothing else matters…

It should be criminal, its so damn hypocritical!

And that therein is the problem with our judicial system. Rather than just charge you for what you are guilty for, they trump up the charges with lots of extra infractions (some possibly covered under other things they are charging you with), and they hope that SOME will stick, if they all don’t. A perfect example is when I was 16 I was in a motorcycle / car accident (I was on a dirt bike and got hit). The responding officer was THE worst to get busted by, “Lock-em-up Larry” he was called. I was fully in the wrong (unlicensed, unregistered, uninsured), and the cop wrote me up for SIXTEEN offenses. 14 of them were dropped. Such as “Failure to Yield” and “Failure to Stop” at a stop sign, its one, or the other, there is NO yield sign there. No witness that I failed to stop? Then its NEITHER. Also got hit for non working brake light and no tail lights. Mind you, BEFORE the car smashed them, there were working tail lights and a brake light, my whole rear fender / lights were destroyed in the accident. It was also dismissed. My point is, in the effort to pad their coffers, they throw the book at you and hope SOMETHING sticks. Rather than present an airtight case for 1 or 2 charges. Its laziness, corruption and greed wrapped up in one package.

Sad to say, but I doubt I will ever believe a politician, regardless of party, in my lifetime. Each and every one is working an angle… for themselves, not for you!


How are we still swinging this politically?

Been stated a couple times that this thread, while being technically political, would not be treated as such. It would be to talk about the future of what this bill is starting.

Pretty well left it alone but now it’s starting to wrap around again.

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ya do realize not every user reads EVERY thread, EVERY day, right? I missed commentary about politics, and clearly I am not picking a side… Nothing I said was instigative or fodder for a flame war.

I’m out… thread on ignore… And will only read threads based on the PLANT now… Might as well eliminate any non-plant forums too, because clearly there are blurred lines…


The political end of this site was closed a long while ago.

I do, however I would expect that if a user came into this thread looking to post, they would’ve read the entire thread post by post, not skipped to the end and replied without reading any of it.

No need for that, just if you’re gonna post, do the reading first, don’t just interject an opinion based on the title of the thread.

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This is how I avoid political discussion.


In all fairness, this is a highly political topic, but I understand your position to try to keep it out of that sphere.


Then how did I go political OTHER THAN saying I will never believe politicians in my lifetime? You ASSUME too much… I DID read the whole thread, and I DIDNT see a whole lot of political mudslinging nor warnings. Some skimming, sorry I dont postulate on each individual post. Funny, you say I skipped to the end. Yet I have post #'s 41, 43, 54, as well as your “offending post”. SURE doesn’t look like I skipped to the end.

But lets be fair, if you’re gonna slap me for my post, you should really look at ALL of yourselves a bit deeper, cause you ALL posted worse many times.

I dont like politics, I DONT TRUST POLITICIANS. If thats “getting political” then I have a dictionary you can use…

now I’m really out. when this place raises my blood pressure cause of simple BS like this? no longer worth it to bother…



We’re discussing an executive order issued by a politician one month before an election. It’s pretty much impossible to keep it totally apolitical. Keeping it free of partisan rancor and back-and-forth memetics would seem to be the appropriate goal, I think… simply saying we can’t trust politicians is like observing that the sky is blue today. In point of fact, the sky is blue today, at least outside my window. However, since this is a political thread and I’m speaking in it, I guess I’m a politician and you can’t trust me when I say the sky is blue. :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh, and just in case anyone’s reaching for their memes, I come armed and ready:


Nube said this on post 8

“Who thinks this would have ever happened if the other guy’d won in 2020? That side of the aisle all campaign on “freedom” but it’s nowhere to be found in control over your body, your mind, your religion, or your preferences. It’s only “Freedom” as long as it adheres to their biblical definition of it, and just like in other dictatorships and theocracies around the world, it only applies to the male upper echelons of society. That side is 100% frauds. Not saying the other side isn’t mostly frauds, but they actually seem to care about freedom for us working class stiffs.”

Your response Mr. @toastyjakes .
"Yep yep…

That’s kinda borderline what I was saying not to do but I agree entirely so it’ll stay :wink:"

Post 77

“Its a meaningless gesture ment to distract and garner a few votes, if you cant see that then your willfully ignoring the fact. NO ONE is in prison for federal misdemeanors of weed first and foremost. But its a good reason for the lost ball crowd to find another reason to distract from the current administration by bringing up someone who hasnt been in office for two years. If you think that anything really meaningful will happen in the next couple years your kidding yourself. Obama had 8 years to do something and did nothing significant to change the scheduling. Face it until the bed buddies of politicians of both sided have locked down the profit factor nothing will come about. Big pharma isnt giving up this profit and thats why they PAY BOTH SIDES OF THE AISLE. But if you feel better OK. Id prefer mean tweets and $2 gas and low inflation. But I guess you like paying these prices so long as you have some kind of self designated moral high ground.”

Your response

Then @Nagel420 spoke up.
“Sad to say, but I doubt I will ever believe a politician, regardless of party, in my lifetime. Each and every one is working an angle… for themselves, not for you!”

Then your response.
"How are we still swinging this politically?

Been stated a couple times that this thread, while being technically political, would not be treated as such. It would be to talk about the future of what this bill is starting.

Pretty well left it alone but now it’s starting to wrap around again"

Nagel just made a comment that he didn’t trust politicians and that they all had their own motives.

Now, I won’t agree or disagree with any of these statements on this forum. I do want to say that I understand Nagel being pissed about the way he was called down and not the others. Especially the first post I quoted. The one you agreed with. I think that was the most politically charged statement of any I read on here.

Now, I am not one to, normally, go out of my way to make waves but I also don’t like to see double standards when calling folks down in a public forum. When you posted this “I agree entirely so it’ll stay”, that struck me as a little wrong if you see what I mean.

Just my opinion.

Great subject though. I am glad to see some progress toward some common sense in our laws.




I asked for forgiveness and the courts were very accommodating.


We can’t all be Canadian :grin:


It’s amazing how it works “I’m really sorry I did all that criminal shit it won’t happen again.” Sorry eh?

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Are Canadian courts lenient like Maine courts?

Yes, exactly like this with more beer.

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