6,500 people pardoned for possession

this scheduling system is stupid. There is literally a “medical” cannabis industry. They use heroin/ diactylmorphine in hospitals. They give out meth, aka “Desoxyn” as well. These arent similar drugs, they are the exact same chemical with a prettier packaging. And you say none of them have any medical use?? The government and the FDA, DEA , ABF and whatever dumb agency thats fighting a war against their neighbors are literally incapable of logical reasoning, because by definition, none of these drugs are schedule 1


Yep. Me as well.

Now here we going again trying to wax intellectual and bring politics into it.

Train on the tracks please


Wait? Was I pardoned? Awesome!

No I looked it up, there is no such thing as simple possession, it’s merely a term. The charge here is possession of a controlled substance and has no weight limit. Additional charges would be possession for the purpose of trafficking. Our government just placed a limit on who could get a pardon.


@TexasTea btw shoutout to a fellow Texan. Cant wait till we can all grow together without fear of prosecution. Indoor is fun, but id love to grow some outdoor texas bangers. But with the hillbilly ass sheriffs in this state, they might as well catch you going full walter white, mobile meth lab shit


100% with ya brother!

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I can’t wait for the Texas strains. Hoping for some seriously saliva dominant stinky as fuck mixes.

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I feel dank and dabby should be pardoned for smoking on federal land.
What say you.

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Possession of a controlled substance is simple possession, as opposed to possession with the intent to distribute. Prosecutors can make decisions about what to charge you with based on weight (or other factors). For obvious reasons merely saying “it’s for my own use” may not sway a trier of fact, and a guilty finding is unlikely to get overturned on appeal.


I call bullshit on that. The federal gubment is no way sending people to federal prison for a single simple possession of weed. The only possible way is if the person has a history or they are working on other charges. It’s the equivalent of the county police sentencing a person to jail for a simple jay walking ticket. Try again.


What about military? I was never caught in possession of anything but took a urine which indicated I might have smoke in the last 30 days. This resulted in being discharged with 10 days left in my enlistment with a General under Honerable Conditions. With the caveat I was guilty of behavior unbecoming blah, blah, blah. I will admit it has not had a negative impact on life as st this point I’m on disability and collecting a Federal pension from Civil Service, but it has always been a thorn in my side. I would love to have this military conviction removed from my records have my discharge upgraded to Honorable Discharge.

I know the military aspect will be an exception to Bidens actions even though he is Commander in Chief of military.

Congrats to those who will be positively impacted by this action.


Lol that wouldn’t save midterms brother, but I hear your point.

Some differences in numbers here…
is it 149 or 6,500?
Where do these numbers even come from?
Are they valid?

Were there really 6500 people locked up in federal prison for small amounts of cannabis?


Yes, as I said, it’s a phrase describing the charge of possession of a controlled substance. The amount is irrelevant. All convictions for only possession can be described as simple possession. Only a conviction of possession with the intent to traffic or trafficking of a controlled substance will nullify what is being described as simple possession. Here in Canada they did not pardon those with simple possession convictions, they pardoned those with simple possession under 30 grams. That is the part I call bullshit on. If the court only convicted you of possession than the amount should be irrelevant. Just their way of continuing to screw people over.

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I would say that is pretty much bullshit too.
I would love to hear the reason for why they chose to go that route.

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I would guess it’s because they took a bunch of shit for legalizing and pardoning anyone. Still many diehard anti pot people so they were likely trying to walk a line between the two groups that are for or against. That’s my guess anyway.

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I presume the 6500 includes people who have a misdemeanor conviction on their record but who aren’t in jail.

re that other guy, It is a fair point that the 149 may be in for something else and have a possession conviction in addition to something else (or have violated parole/terms of release). It’s a misdemeanor so the sentence is a year at most, and probably less. At the same time, f laws criminalizing simple possession regardless of the circumstances.

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It was passed by the 91st United States Congress as Title II of the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970 and signed into law by President Richard Nixon


Right for them to still pretend that marijuana is even remotely dangerous is laughable. It’s almost criminal to continue to perpetuate the idea that this plant somehow needs regulation all the while allowing tobacco and alcohol sales. I feel like someone or a lot of someone’s should face criminal charges because of the lies they’ve spread. Furthermore I’d like to see lawsuits from the families of those who were killed by fentanyl overdoses that happened because of laced weed. If there was a system of regulation in place that wouldn’t have happened. The government has that blood on their hands.


I had a almost exact thing happen to me 40 years ago. I was a bomber crew chief and it has never been an issue. I had to explain it once in a job interview and still got the job. Been with same company 30 years.