7 Years of OverGrow Anniversary Party: Stickers, T-shirts, Prizes, Seeds and Mushrooms!

i`m going back to full automated. atleast for flowering an vegi. but dosen´t make sense to start that for a m². have. even though i hav the stuff liying around :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

building solid flowering room comes first! im tierd of the tent! tent is working fine. just a few thing are :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting:

Makes sense. Fully automated sounds pleasingly simple after the setup

Holy shit, that looks like a Polypoloid. Is it? :3c

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jep it is!! as soon as my nas works again i do a looking back thread with my former flowering and vegis room.

sorry for posting so much don´t want to spam at this thread

No problem, we all talk a ton here!

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I think especially me :rofl:

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na this pic was taken with a nikon d5 if i remember correctly

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Bug’s version of couch lock


that a relief !!! :rofl: :rofl:

He’ll ya man

Hey! I have one of those going now! One bud on the whole plant. Yours is prettier and bigger though! :heart_eyes:


Those are so neat.


I also have a few of those going too! :joy:

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I thought I was growin a strawberry’ :joy:


That’s funny :grin:

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your plant is alo looking nice! my foto is a crista ! i was so amazed when i found it in the block!!!

1 in a million i think is the chance to find one ! it was around chrismas so was really nice feast

ps: one of the bad bocks i had at that time! alot of pm it was an mess, but turned out fin in the end


No kidding? I may have to do a resin cast thingy! I didn’t know it was that rare! Cool to know! That’s on my Sour Diesel x GMO


in cultivation of cacti it happen more often! had a lophophora cristata probably around 70 years old
width around 30 cm and height was maybe 20 or less. got stollen when i moved! was a disaster

@NDNCHILD nice looking plants!!

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Yeah I’m not fond of a thief! Sorry that happened to you! That Sour D cross is actually 1 plant all natural. No training or topping. She just growing like that! One of my favorites in the tent right now! Thanks for your kind words! I’d love to have a room full like your pic! It kinda makes me feel all funny inside! :green_heart::joy:

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understandable thiefs sucks!!! no problem man already ten years or so ago, so it is just a memory.

nice sour d bx3 on my side finally comming back to life ! looking forward to flower some diesel :slight_smile:

already out of likes :cry: :cry: but you deserb one :grin: :slightly_smiling_face: :upside_down_face: :slightly_smiling_face:

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