8 x Big Bang / Road to 1kg [Coco, 1300w HPS]

Hey everyone.

Some of y’all maybe recognize me for my outdoor grow, and now I’m into new indoor project. In this growing report I will try to achieve 1 kilo of the excellent buds (or die tryin haha). This is almost impossible for the first grow in new tent (especially with HPS), because I don’t really understand its potential. But at least I set me up a goal. :smiley: And I need your help to get that. So any advices appreciated. It’s my first serious grow.

I have acquired me a good growing tent, and grabbed some of the old equipment. I decided to try it out with some good genetics from bonus seed from Greenhouse. I have cut 8 clones from it, and put it in my black buckets. At first, I was thinking about having a reverse drip system. But I still haven’t got some of the equipment for it, for example, a good, proper pallet. Will finish that later. So, for now, just manual watering.


Homelab 120L tent (120cm x 240cm)
1300w HPS (2x400w, 2x250w)
2 x MagicAir 500 (500cm3) carbon filter
2 x Vents 125 (280 cm3) ducted fan
2 x domestic fans for airflow circulation
8 x 20L buckets
Powder Feedings (Short Flowering + Booster)


I’m trying to keep 1.5 EC / 750 ppm / 5.7 pH right now. Watering once in one-two days. Going to stretch and cut it tomorrow.

When should I turn 12/12? I think I should have a good cutting and turn up flowering light mode at the same time. And when my plants recover from topping and fill the gaps again, it will be a flowering stage already. What you think?


Big bang is the biggest plant I have ever grown got one in a swamp about 10 feet tall and I rarely fed it. It just did its own thing in a swamp. The genetics are behind you man. You got this.

Edit I’d give you hearts but I’m out.


Forgot to mention. My average temperature in the room is about 30 degrees of celsium, and I can’t get it lower with my current fan out equipment. And I actually don’t want to change it, because I think eventually I will swap everything on LED, and this problem will fade away naturally.

What you think about it? Will it affect my yield?


I’d say pretty warm unless your running c02 . Do the plants look stressed?


Not really, actually they are looking good. At least they don’t have anything wrong on the leaves.

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The Big Bang I grew last year were pretty good, still smoking it once a week, just watch out for the odd single male flower on the low down buds, near the end of flowering. Mine stretched about 30 inches in the first 4 weeks.

You should get a Kg with 8 plants, I think I averaged 4.5 ounces a plant on the 2 I grew.


Going to feed them every morning since now, because its pretty hot in the room, and they drink really a lot of water. The drain in one of the bucket occured >1000ppm. I have adjusted it. Going to look after that. I’m afraid, that this could be because of my lightning setup. Let me explain.

My lamps are set like this: 400wt - 250wt - 250wt - 400wt

By my eyes, the light is good inside room, like, it distributed evenly. But I’m aware that, those plants under my double 250wt lamps, are receiving lesser light in lumens (like the stream of light is worse) and consequently, they require lesser ppm. What do you think?


Sounds like a sweet project, I’ll be tagging along.
Good luck.


I dont think it will be as bad as you believe, the light is bouncing around off of everything that is reflective including the plants. The light is also going to overlap from each lamp.

I think you might see more difference in uptake due to each strain preference for required nutrients. Darker leaved plants will absorb more light, but light is not the only component to cause more nutrient uptake, temps and humidity will affect uptake, because the nutrients are part of the water once mixed, and water uptake is mostly regulated by the amount of heat and humidity which affects the plants respiration.

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Yeah, good point. :slight_smile:

By the way, I think I’m going to switch on flowering on next days. I think they are already ready.

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Yeah they look big enough, and they are probably going to double in size during the stretch phase. Looks like you have plenty of height though :+1:


Watered my girls today at the early morning - ppm seems more stable. It didnt get more than 850ppm from the drain.

How do I do it. I just filling my empty bucket with fresh nutrition, and pouring into one by one until I get proper drain from each. I’m pouring the whole bucket and pump out the drain via submersible pump. I check the ph and ppm and pour again, until I get decent results. It takes me about an hour to feed all the plants and correct their ph and ppm. My buckets are placed on the small wooden blocks, just to be sure that drain drains out correctly from the black bucket. It also helps me to pump out the nutrients from the drain, because there are not so much space in the washbowl. Do you think those wooden blocks could decompose with the time in the water and affect my ppm/ph? I’m adjusting every day, so I think that it shouldnt.

First problems. I think I put too much acid there while correcting the ph. Everything others are looking fine.


I would be more concerned with the wood becoming mouldy, I am not sure how it would affect ph unless it’s sitting in the bucket of nutrients.

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Wasup wasup wasup overgroooow.

It’s been a few days as I set up 12/12 light mode. Pistils already have started increasing from the calyx and I’m pretty sure it’s like a week before the first female flowers. I’m going to wait until I clearly see the first signs of it, and going to start counting flowering.

I broke my ph meter few days ago, and the ph for a little time was out of my control. Now I got everything back up. There were some weird issues after it, I couldn’t correctly control ph on some plants. I decided to flush everything and pour the fresh nutrients there. I still keeping 750 ppm / 1.5 EC / 5.7 pH for each plant, and going to leave it so until I see ppm is dropping from the drain. Is that good tactic?

The plants are quickly increasing, and my previous experience tells me that I must stretch. Not sure how to do that in this case, because there are too much :D, and the space in tent is limited, its pretty hard to sneak between buckets. Also a bit scared of breaking the branches as my plants are always watered (I was stretching in soil before watering back then). I’m thinking about it.


Nice looking plants… What’s the weather like where you are at? Big fan of big winter weather. Is it hard growing indoor or no problem?

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Around -10C right now. Had below -40C this winter few times, was pretty cold out here.

Its pretty yeah… I’m sweating both at indoor and outdoor. But one big pros here for the indoor. We have super cheap power, like 0.04$ for kwh.


I would love those prices for power mine is over 4 times that :disappointed:


Im all solar baby!:sunglasses:


I would love to be all solar! I can’t wait to see this tent filled up more already green on green and just flipped!