Don't panic if it's not organic

These are Kerosene Krash by Dutch Passion. They were switched to bloom on 4-8-24 but they have been in my veg cab waiting whilst another grow was coming down and drying. Ok maybe they were a bit neglected in their tbh, but hey they are coming good so i flipped them to bloom 2 days ago. All three have been topped now 2 plants once and other topped twice to try and keep things nice and even up top.

Feeds atmo are just Hydrocrop (Hydrosol powder ferts) A&B at around 1.4 -1.6 EC & PH is anywhere between 5.5 and 6.5, wherever it lands in that scale tbh but i aim for around 6.0 PH.

Grow medium is some old coco and clayballs (70/30) that`s been flushed through and then soaked overnight in some calmag around 1.6EC @ PH 5.8 just to rebuffer it for a little of that va-va-voom a little extra calmag can give to coco.

Lighting atmo is 250mh plus about 50watt of an Invisible Sun 100watter LED.

System is just a real old school dog and basically its just an inner bucket full of holes at bottom, inside another bucket with an outlet pipe at bottom for run off. Basically its a run to waste set up that’s hand watered, its kinda slung together but its what I’ve always used with coco and it serves me well.

Flowering room is 1.8ft x 3.6ft (55cm x 110cm) = 6.5 sq ft . Ok not the biggest but it works just fine for me.

Just a few seedling & vegging pictures.
Kersosene Krash (2)
Kersosene krashh veg (1) veg (2) veg (3)

Here`s we are at as of 2 days ago when i flipped to bloom


This is GG4 X Gelato, right? Great flavor and depth of smoke potential - good luck!


Its GG#4 x Sunset Sherbet. Its one that I’ve been wanting to grow for a while now so i hit them up for some, they told me theirs always a slight chance of hermie with gg#4 genetics in mix but i just love that terpy diesel taste so ill risk it, fingers crossed and all that shit.

2 different pheno`s in the mix of the 3 that I see, one is really lanky and other other 2 are more stocky and robust, i shall be taking cutts to run them again though so i shall see what i like best out of both phenos. Cheers man.


Welcome to OverGrow, 2-scoops. I somehow ended up with a bunch of Sunset Sherbet crosses myself, not really sure if I can distinguish it in a cross yet though. The one GG4 hybrid I grew was crossed to a Chem hybrid, and I surprisingly didn’t get a herm, so hopefully you’re in the clear too.

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Fingers crossed to that one here man. TBH I’ve grown gg#4 on its own before without any problems, so lets hope this one goes smoothly.

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So i bought me cdm lighting unit and Philips 315w bulb to run alongside my 100watt Invisible Sun led. Basically I’m just trying to create a decent light spec and from reading around net these two lights paired are just that.

Moving on a bit the plants are now 12 days into bloom and are getting quite big in that space, they also needed netting up and and a little jig around. Anyhow i removed all plants lobbed off a load of big fan leaves and some bottom crappy shit and netted them up. Jobs a good en.

Feeds now are A&B, Massive & Rezin, usually i wouldn`t stray from the good old seaweed juice as an additive typo booster but the Massive and Rezin came with my light order as freebies so i thought why not hey. EC @ 2.2 & PH 5.8ish.

Anyhow enough jibber jabber here`s some plant pictures, before and after fan leaf removal and netting up typo stuff. Cheers guys.



Oh i took a few cutts as well.


So today we are at 16 days in bloom, feeds and ph are roughly same as before.

So what i noticed about these plants is although its said mostly indica, jeez man i swear they look like a sativa heavy hybrid typo strain, you know score growing fast allover the bloody place once you flip to bloom and more so with the one bad ass stretchy pheno ,although all are very similar with that hydrid strain look now in bloom.

So I’ve done a bit of bending of the tallest shoots to try to keep them all in line.

I took some close ups too of the tiny pom pom buds starting out.


Here`s the Octane Fire OG which is around 5 weeks cured, i think they’re pretty cool pictures, they’re not bad bud shots as well to say it was chopped and battered around with trim bowl.


Those are some cool shots the buds look great.


Amazing work man. Great pictures and good to see another 4x2 Coco grower making it work for them. Love the set up.

Edit* I just discovered about mixing Coco with clay balls. I think this will be a game changer over mixing with perlite.


CMH with LED is my favorite setup. Density from the LED and extra frost from the CMH.


Yes its what I’m aiming for mate, i was using hps & led combo but thought id make the switch to this 2 light combo, which will be first time i used it. Cheers guys.


So these are at 25 days on bloom now and they starting to frost up nicely. Feeds are around same using same stuff @ 2.2ec and ph 5.8. Jobs a good en.


24 days in flower bloom every other week also I’m growing under 1,000 HPS an 600 MH bulb bloom every other week it’s stacking pretty good what u think


Nice man but how in the hell do you deal with the heat? I combine my blurple LED with HID during the cool months bc otherwise just insane amount of heat

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You’ll get a huge yield under those lights.

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I didn’t really beat the heat it got up in mid 90s 100 degrees for week or so unfortunately i know not supposed to but mine seem ok i just had lots of fans going it was a pain but now i got it somewhat under control lol i gave em 2 gallons of water every couple days the drank good lol


I’m hoping so plants are maybe 4ft tall an bottom branches are looking good also I grew in 5 gallon bucket filled half with some vegetable grow dirt an I used some dirt in the backyard it floods every year so my soil decent


Damn man that’s not ideal haha I would worry about potential fire hazards. Anything over 85 is pretty damn hot for plants and there’s no way you can properly flower in that kind of temperature. Do you have a grow tent or is it just an open space or what’s going on?

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1000 watt HPS with a 600 watt MH