LED 350w test run

What up folks, long time no see, seems some peeps out here still remember me it is so lovely! Big ups out to @George and @zephyr who quoted me in other threads made me create my own here again!! :laughing:

It’s been a year or maybe two since I’ve been growing indoors, so this time I’m switching from HPS to LED light. Last run that I remember was really HOT and it becomes more fire hazard each single time So I decided to give a try a new setup. It will be a cooler and safer

So,m I got me a small tent, and a chinese LED board. Have never been growing under LED before, so any tips and tricks thanks in advance!!

MarsHydro Tent 120 cm to 60 cm,
LED Board Kingbrite Quantum Board 350w LM301h
Exhaust Fan 350cm3
2 x indoor seeds
Soil with Great White Shark mycorrhizae (20L / 5gal pots)
ScrOG (net will arrive soon)

First plant idk, I mixed it up at sprouting unfortunately, hoping it to be an Euphoria from DP (skunk), or it could be Tutankhamon (ak-47). we will see
Second one, is a Flowbomber Kush from Strain Hunters, which should be an OG Kush genetics

yeah some mass market beans, but should be good for a first run in a couple while. I am looking towards acquiring some uknown and undeground us / canada genetics for the next one :+1:


Vegetation Week 3


Glad to see you back beer|nullxnull, I was wondering if you had a bad encounter with a :bear: :see_no_evil:. I also switched from HPS to LED and noticed it in my electric bill and tent being cooler, no tacoing or fried leaves …

Following along popcorn , no guerrilla grow in the taiga this time? beer3|nullxnull


Idk, I think I fucked up this outdoor season, because I did do a good expiremental bed in the woods for like hundreds of plants, but I cannot reach it for like month already, jut since I have planted them, because I got my car in the service for a longer time that I expected. I don’t even know yet whether everything survived last freezes or not. But I think I will be able to finally get there next days.

Actually. I think it’s better back off and make a better preparation for a next season. Because, you know, that I did like 150 regulars last year, and pulling half of them seriously harms your yield. And you most likely won’t pull every male in time leading to flowers with seeds after all. I feel like I should try to go fem seeds instead of the regulars

But fem seeds are always expensive, so I’m think i should go breeding my own strains based on different northern genetics. I will need to test them first though. And then I need fems, and I need hundreds, if not thousands of them.

Most likely, there will be something interesting, but not this summer


That sounds like a good plan, fems (if possible autos) will do their job without worrying of pulling males and pollinations. You will find here on OG the way to make fem seeds, too complicated for me but I trust you always know what you’re doing and wouldn’t be a problem for you, a good path to follow … beer3|nullxnull


Welcome back @blazefortwunty !! I actually had read your whole 2020 thread after someone had posted in the members we haven’t seen recently thread. Great to see you posting again brother! I loved every bit of your guerilla grow out there, can’t wait to see how the indoor grow goes for you this year :smiley:

Acquiring fem seeds would definitely save you a lot of headache if you can manage to source them, I’m sure some people around here may be able to help you with that, too.

Again good to see you back and good luck with this run!


Hey @blazefortwunty . Making feminized seeds is easy. You can make your own colliodal silver for free with a 9 volt battery and 2 small peices of silver wire. Everything can be reused again and again forever. :rainbow:


Veg Week 4th.
I’m not sure it make sense to put weeks in vegetation, since I got photoperiods, but anyway. Beans took off helmets around 1th June

Kush is slowing down for some reason, still waiting for their leaves to open up fully so that they can start catching all the source light
Maybe inaccurate topping made it slow down, idk, we’ll be looking
Left one looks way better. She’s goin!!!


supp folks

so what do we have here

Left sista is going real good. All leaves straight green, no deficit,
growing very dam quick and already has bunch of big leaves shinin’ for a light.
I like this one on the veg
but, hey. can you cool down for a bit, let your little sister catch you up? :grin:

Right sista Flowbomber kush. still looking slow, though no problems so far. could it be just a such pheno, with slower veg progression?

Overall everything is going good. Going to pour some mycorrhizae next watering. Never been feeding that before, so i’m doing it once in a two weeks, as instructions says
Scrog net should arrive on the next week. Doing scrog first time as well. we’ll see how it will show itself


Great to see you again!

LED’s should be better for stealth. They won’t use as much electricity. It will be much easier to manage the heat. Your ventilation won’t need to push as much air to cool it, so the exhaust will probably be quieter.

The plants look good.

I like those cloth grow bags over the topsoil. Do you just pour your water into the saucer, and the bag keeps the topsoil from drying out? That’s a good system.


Hey @zephyr , thank you

I think you can feed it either way, I tried both. but I think I prefer more pouring from the top, than feeding from the tray, but both methods good. I have been trying, it can soak in at least 1L from the saucer easily. You just drop in some water and go. Saves a lot of time

But it also helps me with watering from the top. because that fabric is somewhat waterproof, it can hold the water (but at the same time water can drip through it)
so the whole bag looks like a bottle, and top acts like a bottleneck
i just pour in everything in one take and wait it soak through


Veg 5th week

guys, they finally goin’, both of them :partying_face:
watered them with the mycorrhizae, you can tell by the tray’s color

Left one is the best, no issues so far except few leaves with the burns from the light temp :call_me_hand:

Right one, recovered and started increasing its mass, but i don’t know guys it really looks like there is some problem, the leaves are twisting, I haven’t seen things like this before. Can you look at it, perhaps a mutation? :zombie:

Also, crops just began giving a little stink after watering, so I think it’s about the time to setup filtering system (i already got it, just need to install)
Feeding no nutrients yet, because there is a lot of soil, it will take some time for them roots to eat this up the whole thing

Average EC is about 0.5, I believe.
takin tests straight from the tray giving me different results :thinking:
might be a broken EC meter though. i also need pH meter, couldn’t find mine. actually. both should be quite old so i 'll get me a new ones. I need cleaner results

waiting for your questions wheter they are related or not =)



I don’t know if those bags are a good idea icon_e_confused|nullxnull, the benefit of fabric pots are that they help water to evaporate, root pruning and more oxygen for roots, all those benefits are gone if you wrap them, you cannot water in circles far around the stem to promote horizontal root growth looking for humidity, why did you put them? Forgive my sincerely … beer3|nullxnull


i don’t know honestly. they were in the stores and i was looking for a container so i just grab it :thinking: :grin:
didn’t really think about that beforehand
there were also an airpots, but I thought its more for a coco


My bad, I thought fabric pots were inside, maybe these bags are also transpirable, let’s see how they work … beer3|nullxnull


I’ve also got a couple of AK47 going from seed, they looked a bit twisted yet pale and under-feed all at the same time when they were small but sorted themselves out as they grew. Is your light adjustable? I’m wondering if you could turn it down a bit to encourage them to stretch a bit more.


Sup Igor! Actually yes! I was just about to say that. Do you think its a good idea? Because I always wanted to try that technique, because it is not possible with the HPS, but one person convinced me that it’s better to keep it as is - the plant will reach the net by itself. But i’m afraid that I have too much light, and internodes are short, thus not increasing in height.

When should I start dimming the light, like a week before turning into flower?

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If your plants are happy with the light strength dont dim, you could raise the light and turn it up a little to compensate for the new position. Tight internode spacing is typical of LED lighting and can be lengthened a bit by maintaining a good temp differential, at least 5deg.


How high above the plants is the light?

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