8 x Big Bang / Road to 1kg [Coco, 1300w HPS]

Day 12 - Flowering (week 2)

Buds started covering with the that THC crystal sugar. Can’t wait till it spreads everywhere. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I increased the lamps height a little bit, just moving the plants a little bit higher. Gonna stretch them down tomorrow.

Theres 1 lamp missing on the photo. Thats okay, I just bought a bad replacement HPS for that slot and its hardly working, gonna take an extra one. I just turned it off while taking photo.

The ph in the few buckets from the right side are increasing a ph a little bit (the run off was about 6), also noticed some little red places on few leafs. So, I’m watching over it. :v:


Man this tent is looking even prettier than figured with how full it is!

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Damn son!!! It’s getting BEASTLY up in there!!!


Actually, seems only top buds. I watched under the cover today, removed dead leafs and untied their stretches. Realized that it is already suffering from underdose. The plants are all yellow from the bottom, I wasnt just seeing that and didnt pay attention. Disappointed for a while, but its week 3 and yet we still have time for it, so I’m not really panicking, just need to fix it asap. I’ve poured them 750ppm/1.5EC already.

Ph/ppm was bullshitin me for a while again. It quickly turns into crap when you do a lot of tests. Its all when making a new solution (recipe), and you try to precisely adjust ph by adding ph up/down.

I will drop an update tomorrow :v:

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Don’t know how I missed this one :disappointed:, glad to see you finally indoors and not devoured by a :bear:.

Congrats for your incoming harvest beer3|nullxnull, great job done, hope next one will be with LED and soil, less hassle with watering and pH drops … :sunglasses:

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Day 19 - Underdose troubles [week 3]

Heya. :sweat_smile:

So, I just forgot about them for sometime, while was doing my things, and wasnt really aware. One time I thought that it slowed down in growth, but I was seeing is stable at 500 and wasnt really paying attention. :man_facepalming:.

2 days ago, I decided to remove all junk and dead leafs from the bottom of the plants, and finally realized that they are sicking of underdose. The leafs and buds at the bottom levels are all yellow, although everything dark green and sticky at the top. I instantly poured them 750ppm / 1.5 EC.

I untied everything, and increased the lamps height. I hope this way they will get a little bit up and fill the gaps of lost leafs and energy.

My camera is crappy and cant show you all the picture I see, but anyway. Damn, that was stupid. What you folks, think, will it recover from this? I really hope its going to build new bottom leafs after increasing dosage and all yellow buds eventually get green. Will it? :pray:


Heeey, wassup brutha! Glad to see you up here :slight_smile: You just right in time, the most interesting part just begins

Actually I had couple indoor grows in my back, but they was pretty shitty. My first and best indoor grow (Dutch Passion Power Plant) was on soil and I really wonder how that I have not fucked it up :D. But then I had like few really crappy indoor grows with it, so I decided to go coco.

I definitely need to acquire me some leds but they are pretty expensie, so first I need to get some good result before investing in it. I really like LED that it gets you even light distribution in your room. :ok_hand:


how the hps effiency?and how much it cost, i dont kmow chose what light to grow my polant. :smiley:

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I don’t really believe there is any difference between them. They do, but the difference is too small against the price costs. I buy the cheapest one, like for 7$ for each. I dont really see that it works any worse than the top ones. There is certainly a difference in lifetime, but I don’t really care, I just buy the new one :D.

My lamps are so cheap they dont even have tech specs or anything like that. Just 400w E40 HPS, megawatt, made in russia


Day 20 - Spread the branches [week 3]


Maybe its better to accept the mistake and cut off the poor ones, so do not waste costless time and energy on 'em?

Almost at week 4 and this one pops out… Damn every fuckn time some freakin shit comes out :D.

Anyway, folks. What would you do. Also, I’m holding 750-800 ppm (1.5 EC) @ 5.7 ph, do you think I should go even more higher? Greenhouse tells me 1.7 EC @ 5.7 ph, but I’m afraid of overdosage.


next time scrog definitely :man_facepalming: :joy:

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Do you feed every watering? To me those ec are high, but I like to use minimal feed every watering, just my way


Yeah. I feed at morning and at night, two times a day.

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At that ec? And they still hungry you say?
Ever take the ph of the run off?
I’m just starting to do this myself

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I check the EC and PH every time from the run off. Because it tells you whats going with your plants. This way, you can control how your plants react to your feedings. For example, if you give your plants too much nute, the EC will rise and PH will get down. As opposite, if you give them too small, the ph will rise and and EC will get down. In excellent conditions, you should get stable EC and slow PH+.

Its in Russian tho, but basically it tells you what I explained in upper. Plus some explanation whether your plants eat up cations and anions. When the crop eat up anions (N / P / S), it will get acidic (ph-), if your crop eat up cations (K / Ca / Mg), it will get alkali (ph+).

So, last few days I noticed tha ph goes up in run off like to the 6-6.1, while EC was seems stable. But I’m feeding like every 12 hours, and I think I just dont have enough time for EC to drop too much, thats why it is was stable while PH goes up. I don’t know, I’m not really sure, but my past experience tell me so. Another thing, that I could mess it up with just light deficit. I’m not sure right now. But I really feel like I have to keep at least 1.5 EC right now.

EC in the green house table even more higher

See, 1.7EC @ 5.7pH at week 3


Must be just some super hungry plants man :flushed::flushed::flushed:
I’ve been doing the whole ec and ph thing religiously lately. Trying to really understand my plants, to help me be the best grower I can be.


:thinking: How much do you put, and whats your pot size and substrate? Maybe I’m overthinking that thing.

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As of now I’m mostly in 1 gal fabric pots for my sexing tent, and 2-3 gal in flower tent.
Using promix hp, and even with my BB x NL that’s about 5 weeks into flower I still give .6 ec, and feed every 2nd day


I think you’re right. I’m on coco tho, where you must feed every watering. I tried to raise it up to 1.5ec, but again got the problems. Dropped to 1.0EC again. Seems it was a light deficit actually

I’m cooking the fresh nutes, pour it, then get the drain back in my 19L bottles. On next watering, I just add the water to fill it to the top, adjust it and feed that. I do this few times, then I do a fresh nutes from tap water again.

Day 24 - Recovered from light deficit [week 4]

Seems like everything 'aight again. Those yellow buds turnt dark green and I’m very much happy seeing that. Poured feedings + booster (i was giving only feedings while recovering) again. 1 of the plants appeared very very thin, compared to others. Thats the price :frowning:
Now I think scrog screen would be pretty useful even in this grow. Definetly wouldnt hurt

By the way… Week four, guys! :sunglasses:

Now I see how much crystals getting on even on the bottom ones. I calmed a lil’ bit. It really gets more tastier and tastier.

I broke few little buds few days ago, it dried and I smoked it. Damn… How long I’have not been smoking really good indoor stuff… Differs from what I used to smoke for about an year or so. :+1: Cant wait either