8 years of OverGrow Anniversary Celebration 300 prizes, 1999+ seeds, 19 T-shirts!

That’s BOG himself bud.


My entry into marijuana

A cross of mine (clone underwent triploid mutation)


BOG looks like my kind of person! Also looks like this guy I know who I do acrobatic and pole art with.


My entry for pet photos has 4 more cats and a 14 year old dog.


Looks like Indica buzz.


My entry into art, I painted my own sacred geometries on a skate park two weeks ago.


I have a bunch of pics of him in my journals, my 5x5 is kind of like a BOG reproduction shrine, lol.


I wish my cats were this chill! I mean, they are chill but this cat is like ccHHIIIILLLLLlll!!!


I love that for you!

He is very calm, but when he is very scared he only comes inside the house when my daughters are sleeping hahah I already took him off the top of a coconut tree :palm_tree: he climbed up and didn’t know how to get down, I love him :heart_eyes: and the other 4

He’s sleeping now on top of Vega’s grow because it’s warm. He’ll come in soon, they haven’t slept yet hahah


This makes me so happy to hear! A cat in a coconut tree 🥹 Very beautiful feline you have.


I’m climbing up a ladder that’s almost 5 meters high :crazy_face: :joy:


Your cat is very adventurous! My three cats have some shelves, poles they can climb up, and too many cat trees in the home. Even have somes condos to nap in!


@LoveDaAuto next winner for a sticker… sorry took me so long guys


Is this a Silky Americana cross? Beautiful bird!


Woke up and saw your comment, went to reply and drew a complete blank :roll_eyes: @InTheWoods
I can’t remember. Not a silkie, but maybe a frizzle? Which leads me to a pic I grabbed this morning off my frizzle/silkie mix Robot Arm. He’s a sizzle :joy:

I have 3 Americana, 6 arucana/orppington mixes, 2 frizzles, a sizzle, and an ayam cemani


3:33 am the Sasquatch forest phone rings!

Me: Hello?
Voice on phone: This is the Canadian weed consortium may I speak with heliosphear…
Me: Thats me
Voice on phone: @DougDawson got both answers correct, a prize should be awarded to him too.
Me: Understood, I thought Shabang was not suppose to mentioned to avoid other people trying to use it, kind of a sacred thing.
Voice on phone: Not relevant! Can’t be done, award the prize and make it good! You still owe DoubleD $20 from the last poster OG poster delivery. How about you award him a OverGrow shirt…

Me: Agreed, Should I also send a sticker?
Voice on the phone: Only if he didn’t get the first one you sent. You know the mail service, he lives in a place where the mail is thrown out of an airplane for delivery. :rofl:
Me: understood, Thank you Canadian Weed Consortium!

Attention OverGrow: Both @GallacreekD66 and @DougDawson were correct in the historical OverGrow question. You can find more information about The history of OverGrow here.

@DougDawson because of your Outstanding historical knowledge and your constant OGness and love of all things BOG. You have been awarded a T-shirt with the logo of your choice! I’ll get atcha later with the selection available. Thank you my Friend for always being there for myself and every person on OverGrow.

When you read about the history of OG and find out about what happened in the beginning of OverGrow and how incredible it was going to be and then getting stolen by BC, it’s a head ringer. There are several reason why I Think this version of OverGrow is the best, the number one reason is @LemonadeJoe and to you I say Thank You every day. Thank you for 8 years of OverGrow!

@CaptainRon your shirt is in Production

Thank you for your $20 donation to support OverGrow.

@Cannabi5 your shirt is in Production

Thank you for your $5 donation to support OverGrow

More shirts to be ordered today, the end date of shirt orders was to be 11:59 PM August 21st… This deadline has been extended to 11:59 PM August 31st, new logo’s are being added that will also be available for Prize winners of the 17 free shirts, BIG Thank you to the donations provided to make this possible. @HighTilliDie @Rhai88 @Rena93 @Ivy @Mrgreenthumb @SunGrown @Nick @KrakenKultivation @hooddirt @Gadarien Truly OG of you all.

More stickers shipping today:

More T-shirt orders to put in and a lawn to mow. :sunglasses:

Have a Fantastic Day OverGrow! Be good to yourself. :smiley:


Sticker Chain Giveaway #1

  1. @Illicitmango
  2. @420noob
  3. @Carty
  4. @LoveDaAutos please name the next and last winner. If you choose someone who has already won a sticker, you will be asked to select someone else. :smiley:
  5. ?

The Tshirts are for sale ? Who do I speak to yo get one


@JanBorrego from the first post in this thread: [quote=“Heliosphear, post:1, topic:158580”]
Orders for T-shirts will be accepted from August 1st to August 21st, the price is $20 and a $5 donation to feed people in need with World Central Kitchen. Size Small - 2XL, 7 colors and 20 logo’s to choose from to have printed on your T-shirt. If you’re interested please send me a Private Message and I will send you the order form with all the information provided.