(80 days update) we need some help

We are in the 80 days now, but some of the plants dont look so well, some of then are with a strange colors on the leaf, we already try some things


spotted leaves is pest damage and they are tearing it up or calcium lockout, under that, the coloration(lighter margins) is caused by magnesium deficiency and curling under could mean overwatering…


What is your current feeding schedule?

How often do you water?

@toastyjakes Sounds spot on. Those spots on the leaves look like insect damage. I would check all the plants for any visable pests.


:fearful: :bug: :mag:

(my first reaction)

:wave: Welcome to the club



Check the undersides of the affected leaves. You probably have spider mites.


I’m gonna go against the grain here and say the spotting is feed induced.

Those spots are much bigger than what you’d expect from spider mites.

Check the bottoms of the leaves for pests, if you ain’t finding them it’s time to take a look at what you’re feeding them (or not feeding them)


Wait… what?

Those plants are 80 days old?

Also, I definitely agree with @toastyjakes on the magnesium deficiency diagnosis in photos 5 and 6.


I’ll be the really crazy guy and ask before I give any advice. What has the environment been like those 80 days? What and when are you feeding them and/or watering them?


Some strains like alot of feeding others don’t. I like to use some molasses in every feed, adds calcium. Most plant nuits for tomatoes don’t provide calcium.

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I see major overwatering. They are literally sitting in a pool of water. First things first, dump out the saucers! You may even need an emergency transplant. Not even gonna guess on the rest

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To me looks like bug damage in that one pic, also looks like the plants could be in bigger pots they look like 1 gallons to me could be a result of some deficiency starting up also.

It could be ph fluctuation.

It looks a little like thrip damage to me although I’m not sure.

Have a look here