Dark spots on yellow leaves

Hey guys I got an auto in supersoil and its got sone dark yellow spotting going on can anyone help me solve this issue?


1.) How far is your light away from the canaopy?

2.) Have you scoped for bugs?

3.) what is your PH going in, and going out of your run off ? I know you said your in super soil which is organic, and in theory you should not have to PH your water but I’m curious to see what your PH is? Also do you use PH up or down? If so you may be ruining your microbes. Try PH your water organically.
Is your PH between 6.0 - 7.0 ? Check ALL your basics then let us know, I hope this is helpful and someone can get you pointed in the right direction. Good luck :slightly_smiling_face:

I would say they are hungry

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My first guess would be Magnesium deficiency, try watering with or foliar spraying with Epsom salt. I Remember I use to get that Towards the second half to last weeks of flowering until I mixed more dolomite lime into my soil mix. It could also be calcium deficient, which the lime would also fix.


Typically it is a lockout rather than a deficiency.
You can have pH problems with water in supersoil, not easily but I managed to do it. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

@George is pretty quick on diagnoses, lets see what he thinks.



Thanks for tagging but I’m far from being an expert, just willing to help. Autos are low feeders, the new growth looks OK so my thoughts point to bugs, I can see white irregular blotches (bugs eating the sap? Leafminers trails?):

I have borrowed this pic from spider mites:

spider mites

You can see some also in the new growth:

Maybe the plant is hungry as it been said and weakness attracts bugs. Check the back of the leaves with a scope and look for bugs, brown poop and eggs, hope they are thrips instead … :sweat:


Good eye on the rasping damage on the leaf. I didn’t see that, would most likely be thrips sucking the nutrients out of the leaves.
In that photo you can see the rasping damage, the thrips, and the excrement :nauseated_face:


I did have fungus knats its a qb 120 about 16 inches and its getting worse this has happened a couple times to me during flower do you think its sometjing in the water?


I heard with LED you should give them more CalMag, those brown blotches are tipically Calcium deficiency and perhaps Magnesium also as Seamonkey84 mentioned, try that Epsom salts foliar spray or just add some CalMag if you got it, check the back of the bad looking leaves with a scope for bugs … :sunglasses:


Are you using Airpots? And if so, are you making sure to keep them well hydrated? As much as I love the plant growth in those, they are a pita to water. :v: