A Beautiful Friday Nov 6th to All

Hope every one has an amazing Friday.We are in for a week of sunny warm weather in Toronto.A perfect week to let my auto N.L soak up sun on my south facing balcony.Temps to be in the 70s so my balcony gets into mid 80s with the sun beating on it.


What colour temperature would that sunrise be? How long do you get that red/orange glow a day? Looks like some nice far reds to help ripen things up.

The sun cutting through the nitrogen in the atmosphere, right?


Absolutely beautiful!

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On a bright day i get about an hour of glow longer if its lightly cloudy.Facing south i get the sun rising like that from october till march.From April till September it rises more east of my building hits my balcony at 730am and i get full sun till about 4 to 5pm…I would say its far red spectrum as the sun is low in the sky.I agree all this red spectrum this week with warm temps should give them a great boost in flower and i totally opened both plants up to light them fully up.its a combination of that,a light haze and the sun reflecting off of Lake Ontario


With my balcony facing south and sheltered at 9am the thermometer was hiting 74f.will be in the 80s by 10am.Going to be like this here in Toronto till Wednesday so my 2 auto n.l will get 7hrs a day of full sun till Wednesday then Thursday it will plunge to 32f :rofl::rofl:


This morning was bvb the foggiest I’ve ever seen Northeastern Oklahoma. It was perfect morning for driving and smoking a doob!


Hey bro that sounds like my kinda morning.Love those foggy morning sunrises blazing a doob .love them even more being in the boat on the lake shroudded in a fog bank…

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Dude that’s what I’m talking about. When i was younger i would always sleep as late as possible but now days i love my early mornings to myself. I love getting up and doing stuff while the world sleeps. Especially drive around and smoke weed. Lol.


You know it brother…I went to home depot at 6am to grab promix seedling mix before they ran out of stock.because of covid no one was out smoked a doob on the way there and back and then got the girls out and had a coffee and toke as the sun rose.I love being up at dawn.

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I used to get up at 5-5:30…but we have that ridiculous time change…so now I’m up at 4-4:30 every morning…lol…almost too early…sun doesnt rise until 8ish…lol

I have wicked bouts of insomnia and when i do sleep its usually middle of the day lol.i like going out early morning and evening and up through the night.Yep do not miss the days of going to work in the dark and coming home in the dark for the winter months.

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Did you put the screen in yourself or is it built in? Never seen that before.

I put the screen in brother otherwise i would have a ton of pigeons roosting on my balcony

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Ah cool I was wondering if they were installing suicide screens in high rises now or something :neutral_face:

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Lmao that would not suprise me.I am actually thinking of building a plexi glass panel that i can close in my balcony in early spring and late fall to make a solarium to start earlier in spring and flower later in fall.Can even put black out curtains over it at night and run lights to :grin:

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That would be sweet, might as well toss a hot tub out there while you’re at it haha

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It 6ftx14ft barely enough room for the plant selection i want to put out there lol be nice to though.

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