A Community Discussion On Deleted Post

The deletion of posts is one of the best things about this site, and if each reply to a specific comment includes a quote than there’s little downside. It allows threads to be kept tidy, which is incredibly useful in an infinitely scrolling thread.

There are already a couple threads that have been brought back under control after going off the rails, all thanks to the moderators and individuals ability to remove posts. On other sites, the same attempt at removing information leaves whole pages full of empty posts.
While these other sites leave patches of blackened ground where wildfires have clearly burned themselves out, overgrow replants the spot and keeps moving.


The discussion splitting is a major brain-F#@$ for me tho… I keep screwing up and rereading dozens of posts before I realize it’s a thread I’ve gone over already.

Not saying it’s an issue with the feature. Just thinking out loud.


This is one of the most misunderstood actions on the boards. Splitting post into new topics,merging posts into existing topics is the life blood of a successful Forum.


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