A Community Discussion On Deleted Post

I am seeing some posted deleted and want to learn from the OG Community about how they feel about members deleting post.

When I see a rumble between two members I have to research the previous post by each member to find out how the rumble started. I have to look through other topics and figure out how I want to handle the matter.

I truly want to hear what our community has to say about deleting posts. This is your chance to make your opinions matter.


do you mean member deleting their own post, people splitting topics or moderators deleting users posts??

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Members deleting thier own post or moderators deleting post. Topics being split can be taken up with the person who split the topic at any time.

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I would be very interested in finding out how the community feels about this too.

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idk doesn’t really bother me, i think most times i’ve seen it has just been someone editing a previous post to include the content of both



Well , if i may join, i’d simply ask myself the question who does this serve? E. G. Is it more contribution to some wall of trophees, for example. If so i’d also suggest checking if instant gratification ain’t no determining factor, as i’d go for a board with systematic “probation” periods for newbies, to avoid intense/fueled over-night fights, etc., etc. Other than that good moderatorship is best when not noticed at all i believe.

So i feel like this board went fine so far, keep up the nice work!

Good day, have fun!! :peace:


we need the ability to go back and delete our own posts because we’re high!

when my posts get deleted by moderators it’s usually for the best, I’m not that attached to any of them. if someone really wants to say something hopefully they write it again or a toned-down version


Seems to me like you all are doing a good job of taking care of potential and non-sense posts and flagrant members.

If the post is flagged to be deleted by the user for withdrawing their post, I just skip by it.
If it’s in an argument and I want to understand what is going on, then I check or try too. Aside from being a member on ICmag or whatever it is called. (I don’t post there, just read and look and bud porn), lots of other forums are full of stupid comments and time wasting remarks.

You all probably send out a PM if you delete someones posting right?
Do we have any female moderators?


It slows reading the thread. and chops it up but other than that i don’t care.

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I think the moderators need to be able to delete posts as long as it’s done responsibly and for the right reasons.
As far as members deleting their own posts, I would say, only after they’ve been here awhile.
If a member is ripped and screws up on a post, there’s always the edit button. (unless they misuse it)

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Currently members can edit or delete their own posts freely.

I’m not against editing (updating / modifying) posts to correct inacurrate facts and prevent misunderstanding.

What I don’t like is deleting (completely removing) post which is not last post in discussion. That means there are already replies reacting to that post. If member decides to remove it, the thread of debate is lost and it makes topic hard or impossible to read. It also pretty selfishly renders reactions of other members irrelevant (they took their time to reply and are replying to non-existing post).

I don’t want to limit users ability to remove posts altogether. They can mess up and clean the mess this way / no stress… But I think they should think twice before removing post from the center of discussion and consider arguments above.

To those who reply to other’s posts I recommend to quote whole post or use text selection to partly quote it when replying so that at least meaning of the debate is preserved under all circumstances.


Most of the time we try to explain why we deleted a post in the topic so everyone can read why. As far as I know we don’t have any female moderators.


I’m not even sure we got female members, one would think so… We got 1524 members as of yesterday and there’s gotta be women in there, i think.


We have a few female members. Mac 07 and HumbleUpbingings are female.


Oh ok, i didn´t know that! It´s good for the site.


Personally dont like it. I believe the good and bad should be posted. Arguments are full of knowledge drops usualy. The edit button is there if you fuck up or if you got too mad during a rage post so you can fix it and/or apologize.


The one that bothers me is the user who gets frustrated then deletes all their posts before quitting the site. Haven’t seen that here, yet…


Wow sorry I had to vent, I hope I didn’t sound too harsh in the above post, I really didn’t mean it, not about the Lamma sex and I don’t even know your mother so … Anyway as a drinking stoned poster, I am in favor of the remove and edit tools … wish I had one for the real world …


Eres un cahondo, @Illegal_Smile… Yo como no se inglés ni me doy por aludido en este “thread”, ni se de lo que trata, je, je…