IG Culture ?s

I like IG. I’ve been on it for quite a while but only started following the IG cannabis world a few months ago. I now have questions:

Why is there always such drama? To me, it seems like teenagers puffing out their chests from insecurity.

Why do these dramatic players, who are clearly young, boast about their vast knowledge and depth of breeding experience?

I had no idea how many people have started calling themselves breeders and selling beans they purportedly produced; usually, of course, for exorbitant prices.

For every Bodhi - who consistently posts their work and never disparages other growers - there are ten knuckleheads slinging the latest Skittles/Runts mashup, talking in fire emojis :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:

Sorry for the rant but damn if it’s not difficult to wade through all the bs.

Kev :v:t4:


Why waste your time on all the drama, unless it is too funny to pass up?


hear yah Bro, I stay off IG, I only play pubg solo with chat off for the same reasons.


Its the same reason there are so many half naked young girls on IG… the “look at me” generation…


IG is the worst.
I hope they keep cracking down on their restrictions and send everyone back to the forums.


Only problem with that is they’ll try to bring the same behavior with them to the forums. Then the forums get overrun with trolls and misinformation.


IG “culture” lol it’s literally shitty rec dudeweed “culture”, selfies with their plants and shit, petty arguments and law talk, “yo watch me take this huge dab duuuuuuuudesterfjfnfnfkrkfnfbcn so bitchn…”
Idk it’s lame.


It has always been this way no matter the platform… Seems like it is also connected to personality and temperament, introverts vs extroverts…

Btw has anybody checked out Clubhouse? Seems like good idea for covid times… Not sure how it can work for cannabis scene though, because majority prefers higher standard of privacy and anonymity.


I haven’t played PUBG for at least a year, but I was the same. No chat/solo was the only “fun” way to play.


:fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:It’s the craziest thing I’ve ever seen.:fire::fire::fire::fire::fire: It is, without a doubt, the most toxic social media community I’ve ever come across. :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:The sheer density of overinflated egos is so great it practically forms a black hole. :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:

I honestly felt like there was zero room for me in this community until I found Overgrow. I was literally ready to give up on cannabis on more than a few occasions. I feel like there’s a culture war occurring in the cannabis community. It’s a battle between good natured, kind spirited growers, breeders and the cottage industry surrounding them and the “Emerald Triangle” ‘get rich or die trying’ ‘ride or die’ ‘embrace the hustle’ culture that seems to be dominating the cannabis landscape at the moment.

What I don’t think they get, for whatever reason, is that they’re going to be left ‘holding the bags’ once the mega-corporations begin dominating the commercial cannabis landscape. They can’t compete at scale, in ‘the big hustle’. It’s rigged against them by the very nature of the legislative framework surrounding cannabis legalization and the inertia behind ‘big capital’. They will be squeezed out and the kinder natured cottage industry will endure because the big capital isn’t interested in the smaller, niche industries.


The whole “watch me take a huge rip” mindset is befuddling. Thankfully, these cats are unable to communicate in anything but Bro-speak so they’re easy to spot. The natural entitlement these guys have is massive.


I’m old and cheap. Every time I watch one of those idiots do a 1 gram dab, my first thought is why!!


I guess all depends in what you want to do with Instagram.
My experience has been wonderful, I “meet”people all around the world sharing the same as I do, trading seeds, so far,I just have good experiences trading and sharing knowledge and stuff over there.

The key is to keep away of those pages with hundreds thousands of followers that just post comercial shift, be humble and don’t fall in to their game.

Obviously no need to say IG is nothing as Overgrow is, you guys rock! :green_heart: