A few basic questions- auto, guerilla, pots size

First of all, a big hello to everyone. OG is a great community and I’m glad I came across it.
I have a few questions…
I have never grown an autoflowering variety. I am as familiar with photoperiod(few grows). Now I am forced into guerrilla growing. Bush is in a soilless area(little soil on hard stones) so I will have to grow in pots. I’m interested how big containers to use? Some minimum requirements for healthy plants, decent yield, and to keep site visits to a minimum regard watering?
I have a couple of years old fertilizer. Sannies organic kit (tablets, mychorizae, bacto), some guano, silica, fulvic, malted barley, aloe 200x. Although they are never open I probably won’t use that at all, but go with mineral fertilizers. I’m not sure if bacteria and mycorrhiza are still good. What do you think about that?
I would prepare pots on the site and transplant the plants into them. Should I top the plants in a small pot? As far as I understood it would prolong the vegetation and i would like to keep the plants near me for as long as possible. So I am interested in how big pots to use for germination and initial development.
Any other advice is welcome
Genetics is Mephistos Alien vs triangle and Fast buds Tangiematic. They are few years old. Should I use fulvic for germination or go with regular procedure?
Thank you and big respect


with organics you generally want a bigger pot, stealth growing i always liked smaller pots I could carry easily.
that said I dont really do autos but many do here @JBow918 and others maybe they can help you


I get 3 foot tall plants in a 3 gal so I would think 10 - 15 gals should give you some big autos.

I think all your amendments sounds good to me but I’m a salt guy so I cant say if you would or wouldn’t need anything else. As to shelf life of said amendments I also have no idea.

A lot of people say never top autos. I have had good results and very bad results topping autoflowers. When I comes to transplanting I have the same experience as with topping, some good some horrible. In my experience the trick with topping and transplanting is to not stress her at all.

I would use the soil and amendments you have and plant those girls straight into the final pot and not top them.

Hope this helps some my friend.


Sure it helped. It’s better not to be smart in advance and to touch as little as possible. At least for the first time
I will sniff out the organic ingredients and make a decision based on the smell.
The only thing I can’t do is plant directly in the final pot. I can’t take care of such small plants ion site on a daily basis. It’s too risky. I have to transplant them. As i said i would like to keep them near me as long as possible. I guess I could do that in the third week? Or…? How large pots do you think would be optimal for germination and initial growth in that time frame?


For 3 weeks of germinating? Pretty much anything.

I’d say how long you wait to transplant is up to you. What kind of light can you give them near home? They don’t need much light at all to germinate, and you could probably give them some veg time using simply a few light bulbs.


I have a t8 fluo tube 24w 6500K. I also have a 250w hps dual if there is a need for it.
There is a lot of sun during the day, so a few hours of artificial light will be used. I can hide small plants in the yard
Clearly, I have no idea about autos and that’s why I started overthinking and combining nonsense. Some things I misunderstood, some information I took as facts (and they don’t have to be).
It is best to open the diary so it will be easier