Questions before first grow

Hello I am about to start an indoor grow for the very first time and I had a few question to ask I currently got a 3x3x6 tent and I have a a 315w cmh fixture but I don’t want it to be too hot or anything is there any recommendations from anyone on maybe a cheap light worth 200$ or lower that will be perfect for my tent! Thank you if anyone can help me out. I am going to be using 3 part flora nutrients in soil fox farm happy frog inside 3-5 gallon for autoflowers okay and 5-7gallon for photos or what do you guys recommend for sizes on pots and what not.


Definitely check up enfun led’s in aliexpress, I got the 240w one and it works really well, no heat almost, tho if you have cold winters definitely use the cmh!! It does a great job at resin production!


ProFlux Quantum Board 100W QB-1000

Doesn’t have a fan, so no noise and I got it for 140 EUR.

Plants are very happy with it!

As for pots perhaps look into one big pot that fits in your tent.

As a cheaper alternative for synthetic nutrients you can get some nitrogen fixing cover crop seeds like clover, vetch, buckwheat, etc.
It can be sown at the same time as your cannabis and it’ll help hold moisture, fertilize the soil, and provide mulch.
You can also put a tube in your pot where you drop kitchenscraps in (aka worm tower), then put a sock over it to keep any flying insects out. (Or cut the ends off a plastic bottle.)
Then you can also water into the tube and keep your topsoil on the dry side, which keeps fungus gnats away. :+1:


Photos: 5+ gal pots
Autos: 3+ gal

That’s what seems to be the norm but it’s really up to you.

You might be able to save a few bucks by not using fox farms soil if you’re using Flora Nutrients. You could use straight cococoir or a very basic potting soil instead since you aren’t relying on the soil to feed the plants


There’s also two ways you can run your lights and grow cycles.

Many work in a linear way, first veg, then flower, then harvest, repeat.

Another way is having a perpetual 12/12 flower cycle, and sowing multiple cannabis seeds in the same pot at different intervals, having plants in all different stages of life, from sprouts to mature flowering plants. I’m experimenting with that now and it works fine too.
Smaller plants but harvesting more often.
This is great for breeding and open pollination.
You can make many different crosses very fast this way and easily create your own new polyhybrid cultivar, inbreeding using the seeds harvested.


Couple of those should suit u nicely, Ive grown jungles under mind

If ur shooting for one size fits both photo and auto a 5 gallon would be fine, I run my autos in 3 gallon in my greenhouse but a 5 would prob give me a lil bigger plants but do 3 to save space


Welcome. The 315 may be a little hot for that tent. But could be doable with the right exhaust fan.

Go light on the nutes at first. The Happy Frog has nutrients so you don’t want it to be to hot.

Personally, I grow in 3.5 gal with Pro-mix. If you are feeding with Flora, you can use smaller pots than if you were water only soil.

The MOST important thing to remember. Growing should be FUN. Enjoy the journey!!


Thank you everyone for such amazing information and help I will be taking all this data and be comparing to few of what you guys are saying and hopefully I can find the perfect light to go in there but for pots I totally got the help I wanted for the sizes so thank you to everyone who replied


Will you start a grow journal here?

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I find 3 gallon pots plenty big for photos.


Hells yeah I’m about to start up a journal I’m just waiting for some beans In the mail than I’ll be start one up for indoor and than I plan to start an outdoor one also midway may hopefully if weather warms up


What are you getting? Where you order from? Is it the very start of your collection? Sorry lot of questions

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