New to it ALL, except smoking, I have so many questions???

Okay So I’m not exactly sure if I am wording these questions right and they are probably dumbass newbie questions??? But i wont know if i dont ask?? Okay so setting up and indoor grow … I have a grow tent i think the deminsions are 24×24×48 or the next one up fort off what kind of lights are the best to use ?? Full spectrum?? Do I use 5 gallon buckets ? And what kind of soil do people suggest? And so I just use regular old city water or do I need like spring water or some shit? Please let me know all details down tonje smallest so I can have the best out come ? And seeds feminized or auto flower ? Is there an option u can choose a feminises auto flower or does it have to be one or the other?? I need a mentor ( A Myagi if u will, wax on wax off???) I’m not good at learning through reading I have to have someone telling me amd showing me … I would also like to grow outside and im not prepared for that at all if someone would like to break that down and explain what I need for that and how to set outside grows up what do I do and how to.he prepared … Thank you fir any and all answers I am so excites to get started… Wish me luck and good fortune… Also one more question if any seasoned growers could go back in time and act as your own mentor on your very first grow what advice would you tell yourself how would you be better prepared and what do u wish u knew then what you know now… Lol … did I say that right… Can’t wait to see your answers,


For that space I’d get a 100-150w quality light and run 4 plants in 1G pots.

They make feminized auto flowers.
Straight fems would be a good choice too.

Most commercial soil mixes are fine. I like Promix.

At the very least you should buy pH strips or drops to give you an idea of where you are. If you’re way off a fancy meter will be in order.


My advice to you is pick a style that appeals to you. Follow a few growers who use that style and pick up their tips.

Depending on your side of the world you might be a bit late for outside. If you’re dying to get something out, I suggest AUTOS in sub irrigation planters, or cloth bags.

None. :kissing_heart:
Come to the hydro side.

Use water without chlorine. Usually city water has something that’s not good.
I use an RV filter on well water.

Fem or feminized seeds can be auto flower (you do not have to change light cycles) or photoperiod (you do have to change light cycles.

It’s your choice. The only advantage I see, is you don’t have to waste time and space on males with fem seeds. I grow both photos and autos.

You’re going to kill some plants.

You don’t need cannabis specific anything.

If you’re not having fun, stop.


There’s a lot to learn here on OG @GratefuLez and welcome to the party!

As @Foreigner suggested a 100-150w full spectrum light with a dimmer would be ideal for your situation.
Unless you like fucking around, stick with nursery pots and soil or soil-less mediums with nute applications like Promix.

If you just want flower, get feminized auto flowers and you can just leave the light on 24/0 and in a few months you’ll have smoke.

If you want to hone your skills, get photoperiod and learn to sex them at week 4 from sprouting, and then training into flowering at 12/12.

Outiside can be easy enough depending on your location. As an example the plants growing in my compost heap will need nothing from me until sept/oct where i need to start keeping an eye on them for pathogen issues such as bud rot and powdery mildew as a result of the damp conditions I get where I am.

You got this, just keep reading, asking questions here on OG and you’ll gain that XP in no time!




Happy growing! :fist:t3::feather::feather: @GratefuLez


My first grow was my most successful. I asked all the questions all the time of my buddy. I use fox farms ocean forest soil. It is pretty hot so I rarely have to feed for a while in veg. I use city water. Most of the time I fill gallon jugs with my city water and let them sit for a couple days to dissipate the chlorine. Basically I fill them immediately after watering and let it set till next time.

Anyway happy growing and good luck!

Last bit of advice is the same as others have said. Jump around on the journals on here and don’t be afraid to ask questions pretty much everyone here is going to be happy to help a rookie out. We can’t overgrow the world without ya.



The only stupid/dumbass question is the question that does not get asked.

Welcome to the wonderful world of growing weed! Pot leaf hopper


First, figure out which grow style you think suits you most to try out first. Coco? DWC/RDWC? Building up a good soil? Decent soil and top dressing or feeding some liquid stuff during the grow? SIPs? So on and so on. My suggestion would be coco for your first few tries. It’s really easy and forgivable. I also feel it’s the easiest for someone to mentor you through over the internet. Autos seem to be really good these days, but I’d go with fem or reg photoperiods unless keeping the tent area dark is an issue or something. Best of luck!!


@GratefuLez . You will do fine. :+1: May the Universe bless you and your garden. “Om mani padme hum. “:grin: :rainbow:


If you want to grow in coco and want someone to walk you through the grow shoot me a private message. I have no problem doing it.


I grow in deep water culture hydroponics (DWC) if you’re interested in that. I’d be glad to share my experiences with you too.

And not just OP. Anyone ever wants to talk about buckets of water I’m right there for it.


i know many are able to do hydro from the start without issues. i feel like there are a couple things in hydro that a new grower could have issues with tho (from reservoir temps, pumps, to managing root problems). for beginners i like the soilless/semi-hydro approach with peat or coir and a general fertilizer (20-10-20) or the jacks combo.

seems kind of trite - and somethings have been already updated - but my advice to new growers is to check out the bugbee intro to growing - it really makes things simple and you understand the basics so you can feel confident to fine tune or improve later on.

also for OP if this is any help, needs proper updating (hopefully ill have some time to do that soon):


Thank u for any and all adviv’ce I’m like a sponge and sucking it all in


How’s it been going? Were you able to get some seeds started?