A single big jug

I’m still using this cheapo plastic water jug, about 20-21 years now. 1/2 gallon capacity.

The years I spent growing in stealth boxes, I built, it was perfect to water, but not to mix in. So when I saw these being tossed out at a fire hall fund raising dinner, during clean up, I saved them. I think mayonnaise was the content. Each hold a bit more than a gallon. Been using these for over 10 years now.

When I got into hydro, I looked into a dedicated reservoir, but due to doorway width, and cost, I bailed on that idea. I was picking up something at Wally World, and saw a Rubber Maid, trash can, on sale, and for $9.00 picked it up, graduated a 5 gallon and 10 gallon lines to the side of it, an set it on a Harbor Freight dolly for $7.00-8.00. Now I fill it up at the slop sink, and roll it to my hydro areas, or to make tea’s in.

When I got into tent growing, I just went and bought one. You realize all the hinkies (changes to maintenance) to doing to stuff in a tent, through the door or side access ways, that you did NOT face while growing out in the open area of a basement.
I of course, had to have 3 tents, and the 4’ x 8’ x 4’ tent, when full, JUST SUCKED, to water an feed them. Crawling into and out of them, made me feel like the scene in Pet Dective, when he crawled out of the fake rhinos ass!! Almost every time, I’d giggle like a mad man, when the thought would strike me.
So one day, I’m crawling into to water or tea or feed, the far back plants, when I thought, my water can, needs a spout. I had a section of old green garden hose that simply cut a section off, maybe a foot long, and slide right over the cans spout. I never had to crawl into it again to water the far reaches of that big tent. Stupid simple, but super effective, and saved me more time than all my great ideas put together. Not that I have many.

My last cheapo container I use, is a dedicated medium scooping tool, I made from a spent gallon of nutrients. It works perfect to fill 1 g, 3 g, and 10 g pots I use. I mix up my medium in my basement, store it in dedicated Rubber Maid 35 g trash cans.

Best to you all!


:musical_note: Dippitty do da…dippity, eh?!

Solo cup, aquarium paddle and a 5 gallon bucket. Add water and nutes… check ppm. Adjust as necessary.


Nice collection.

Is there any particular advantage to the aquarium paddle or just a mixing tool?

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There was sediment at high concentration in a particular nutrient solution I was using. the idea was to stir it thoroughly and collect suspended particles and add with the waffle paddle to keep the solutions balanced. It works so far.

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