A Topological Approach to Marijuana or the Garden of Weeden

Anyone else see the multi-billion dollar cannabis breeder program and block chain popping up overnight?

Why overnight? Because strain collection and breeder collections and stock can be immediately insured.

Cannabis bridging markets!


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Sounds interesting to me, unfortunately way above my pay grade, or so it seems. :pleading_face:


Quis custodes custodiat? Not being sarcastic here, since you’re actually proposing details of a crypto system. It’s an interesting idea, but a lot of cryptos are interesting ideas and end badly. Who secures the blockchain, and what’s their incentive to do so? What prevents someone from altering the blockchain and claiming ownership of whatever strains they want?

Once these questions are answered, you need a coder or preferably many coders skilled enough to implement such a system, and ideally a year or three on a testnet before trying to deal with real money. Bitcoin restarted its blockchain from scratch three times rather than altering it once mistakes had been made; Ethereum has a centralized authority that chose to hard fork the chain when they screwed up and lost $15 million of various investors’ money to a bug in the code that went live and got exploited. Luna just made $30 billion or so vanish into thin air in a matter of days, though that was more about a badly-designed incentive system than anything else. Are you sure you want to start a new blockchain rather than just creating an NFT marketplace and an associated token on the ETH chain, or SOL or ATOM?


My reasoning for a block chain was that it would provided strain tracking.
A purpose built block chain is just that…in reality I see this more as an insurance backed thing. The insurance bonds do any real financial lifting, which is a security net for the NFT holders because the money in in a complete different market.

I would think that a specific block chain would allow there to be price fluctuation In The actual price the end buyer pays for very desirable seed packets, while not actually changing it insured value. The specific price an end buyer can sell the seeds he bought from the breeder would changes but the underlying financials remain the same.

I don’t think it would really be necessary for a new block chain bit might be easiest to maintain the NFTs.

I literally just rolled out of bed so I hope that isn’t confusing.

So like the breeder sells the seeds for $100 and the the buyer, based on the market could turn around and sell them for more. The sale price of the final NFT is basically irrelevant.
This isn’t about money but about preservation and breeding.


I’m reading about Luna. I wondering if it’s crash is due to bear trading rather than any inherent “instability” in the coin. Maybe the market was just taken advantage of by the bears. The way it was structured makes possible gains from a price plummet astronomical.
:wink: Pure bear action…this is probably just the example for the rest of. The market…the one where they got there claws dug in deep…

Back to a bull market…:roll_eyes:


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The dark underside of blockchains that they don’t tell people about; the more secure the blockchain, the more expensive it is to transact. At least, for decentralized proof-of-work blockchains. If there’s not much money in the record-keeping and it’s more about the insurance bonds, this might be best to do on the Solana blockchain. It has NFT functionality and still keeps the transaction cost low, as far as I know; it might be slightly less secure than Ethereum but it sounds like there’s not much of a downside even in the event of a hack. Bitcoin is more focused on security and doesn’t have the infrastructure for smart contracts as complex as the other two. It’s focused on creating a new form of money. PoS chains like Ethereum, Solana, Algorand, etc. are more focused on having currency that works in its limited capacity to buy transaction space on its blockchain, a “world computer” in the words of Ethereum’s designer.

From what I’ve read it was a bit of both. Everything was fine when there was plenty of liquidity, but now we’re in a bear market and there’s not as much money coming in. The Luna system was built on something called Anchor, a loan platform where people could loan out their UST at rates of 15-20% on average. That rate was supported by reserves built up from the money people had paid to buy LUNA, and it worked fine as long as it was a bull market and Terra Labs kept making money. A subsidiary of Terra Labs, Luna Foundation Guard, was buying BTC reserves to guarantee the liquidity of UST and to keep paying the interest rates on Anchor. As long as the bull market continued, this was a great strategy and kept making them more money in a “virtuous cycle.” When the bear market hit and the Fed pulled back their support, the liquidity dried up and people started cashing out of both BTC and LUNA, turning it into a vicious cycle overnight. Thus, a 20-30% crash from the peak on the NASDAQ and big tech, a 40-50% crash from the peak on BTC (big tech with the added risk of attempting to disrupt seigniorage) and a 99.99% crash from the peak on LUNA.


A seemingly easy fix for the stable coins would be to do updates. Instead of trying to actualize in real time, just do it once a day. This would make it so there isn’t any inherent lag in the two price points.

I’m thinking and if there were a coin attached to the NFT, say the free grow light coin :wink: given that the coin is used to get free utilities and not as a financial product this would offer stability and security to both.
Any trading of a associated coin wouldn’t affect the NFTs or the utility of the coin itself…

Quick note— you wouldn’t associate the NFTs Blockchain with any money. The 2nd hand price point of reselling seeds is just a price point in reality and not a hard line financial transaction. The NFT environment is basically money free, and the position is back by the bond on the bond market.

The more of a gap there is in the value of a stablecoin’s backing and its face value, the more traders there will be to take advantage of arbitrage at the expense of the people using the coin - a full day between updates would leave plenty of time for that gap to form and discourage use. The two largest stablecoins aren’t really decentralized systems, which is how they function; they’re tokens issued by traditional corporations with traditional accounting departments to invest the money people deposit. The yield on those investments is their payroll and profit. In other words, banks, which is why they’ve had to register as money transmitters like Paypal, Cashapp, etc.

Still not sure where this fits in, and every time you say it’s used to get free stuff it continues to seem a little shady. Where do the coins come from, what’s their intended use, and why would anyone want to buy one? Are they supposed to increase in value? If so, based on what?

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Well trading on one would be purely speculative. Basically it would only have a value to the market in that it is secure in what it was doing ie: it’s always going to be here. It’s about the life span of the coin is the only thing that gives it value. And hopefully that life span is indefinite.

Yes a once daily update would cause there to be a price gap, but, with the coin attempting to actualize in real time there are essentially 3 trading parties so there is ALWAYS a gap that can be taken advantage of. And in the case of Luna, the more the price fall the larger the gap becomes and the whole thing simply snowballs.
A once daily update would creat a sort of anti inflation technique like they use in real world currency.

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Ok, so pretty much the same use-case as BTC and a direct competitor with BTC. I doubt it’ll go anywhere, but then again people are still buying Doge, so who the hell knows…

Luna was an attempt to use the arbitrage to prop up a supposedly-decentralized, automatic system… like I said, it worked until the money stopped coming in and then it all fell apart. That’s why people were calling it a Ponzi from the beginning, somewhat accurately it turns out. It’s arguable, and I’m sure the lawyers will be arguing just that for quite some time when Do Kwon gets his day in court. Doesn’t matter to me, I stayed away from it like the plague, but a lot of people want to see him bleed. :stuck_out_tongue:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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I like to see it as a healthy market environment, friendly competition so to speak, give the investors options. Could even been seen as a trading partner.

Japan and china both use actualization schemes to control inflation.

I see implementation of both a coin and the NFT as relatively simple; the coin is produced and recorded as transactions are completed and held by a central party to be released to the market upon its own discretion (basically still paper accounting). The coin on the market would bee on the market and not specifically held in someone’s crypto wallet…there would have to be some fine-tuning to integrate the. Blockchain and the market. The Blockchain would be simpler than current Blockchains in that it would be geared towards the market or trader and only has to keep a record of market value of the coin and the number of coins.

I hope I’m not rambling… still not fully awake.

You could use the coin to pay any expenses in creating and maintaining the NFTs.


What this project really needs is a lawyer who can file for and be the first employee of a non profit breeders association.

But I agree a competent coder would be invaluable.

Hint Hint :umbrella:


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I’m definitely not a lawyer, I just play one on TV. :stuck_out_tongue: I’m also not an expert coder… I’m an investor and I’ve been watching the crypto sector for about 5 years, so I have some idea what’s happening and how they work, that’s all. I don’t particularly want to be involved in starting my own, especially not one involved with cannabis breeding since I’m in an illegal state. Well, a legal state where it’s illegal to grow if you’re not a large corporation who can bribe the government…


Just listen to the way this sounds…
That is pretty messed up brother.
Sorry, your state is jacked.
Legalization could have been sooo much better.
Your statement speaks volumes.


That’s too bad you can’t grow how you want. If all this works out we should be able to get you sponsored to grow. Fuck a bunch of small town rental cops trying to steal your weed.


Just out of curiosity, delving into the NFTs, what would anyone consider a good insured value for a strain? Say something from Bohdi? What would you all consider a fair insurance value? What about a clone?

I’m thinking at least $15k for a bonefide strain. And that is a very conservative estimate.
Im not so keen on the clones, cuz everyone has one, I see them as more like seed packs maybe more…$200-300.

But a quick breakdown and refresher.

-Breeder has elite NFTs for each strain; insured. High value
-breeder sells large reproducable seed packs 100-300 dollar value, NFT insured with stipulation they will be reproduced.
-combine seed pack NFTs for insured crosses.
-everything is tracked on the blockchain
-breeder could release fem seed packs with an NFT that is a collectors card type since they are not reproducable.

Neat huh? :grin::wink::umbrella:

I don’t wanna mucky up the post but how does insurance man Joe ensure that the seeds are reproduced? Simple growmigos, in a small 2x2 tent grow out all 50 seeds in a trapazodial pyramid for open pollination. Insurance man Joe pays for this or the free grow light coin does. :grin: Photo document etc…I like to call them grow logs.



Maybe there should be the Overgrow Blockchain! :thinking::thinking:

Or a band, lol :grin:. There should be both; a band sponsored by the overgrow blockchain.

Maybe we could get on the DogE blockchain…I might know a guy :wink:.


Another good one! A website or addon that is supported by the block chain. What I mean is say you are doing a grow log or just regularly posting. You post something like Mango Haze. The mango Haze text is highlighted and is linked to the Blockchain info of the strain, crosses, parents, pics and relevent grows. Sort of like a encyclopedia.

Edit: and for all you bear types out there…with clicking to access Blockchain info, you could be looking at some sorta eprofit. :roll_eyes:
