A Topological Approach to Marijuana or the Garden of Weeden

Imagine a world where horticulture and agriculture production was free +++ money. What I mean is if seen to fruition a new age stable economy can be established and “solidified”. I hope I’m not coming off as elusive but a fully stabilized and doubly productive economic sector would bring new definition to the difference between the rich and poor. This would begin to erode the walls of class differentiation …

“Could” triple the $$$ in the ag sector… With “trickle down effects” it could be even more, much more, 10x - 20x!

“Les’ do this!” :grin:



Let’s overgrow this shit! Lol, :grin::grin:

Sound like the world’s most productive and lucrative hobby. :grin:


Transforming a revolution…


Oh Snap!!

So I am sitting here thinking about the site (overgrow.com) and the co-op and then it struck me :exploding_head:!!!

So it would be cool to start this Blockchain, and get strains on it etc, etc. Why not use the co-op preservation runs for the first strains on the Blockchain! Then we could add in collected land races and personal strains!! Slowly building a definitive strain library/collection. It could become the definitive Encyclopedia Cannabis (and the first one :grinning:)!


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Bumpity bump bump, Bumpity bump bump !!!

:four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover:

Penny Haze FTW!!!


So funny thought…

Carbon credits…beer…so, beer is basically water and CO2 at least that is what it breaks down into.

So…once you have drunken the beer you have sequestered the carbon and get the “carbon credit”. So because CO2 and water are basically infinitely renewable you keep collecting carbon credits when you drink…over time we’ll…all investments have gains, so you get the point :point_right: !! Hazza!!! :wink::sweat_smile::partying_face:

“Washington Crosses the Delaware” !!!



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I’m glad I posted that about the renewable beer.

Here is a thought…why is our world so “wealthy” so to speak? Because we have never used beer bucks…but now in the modern age with crypto and countless currencies I feel that a “beer buck” powered Beer would be awesome…our economy can handle it.

Wouldn’t it be cool if there was OG beer…we have the whole marketing idea right here!!! Beer made from excess cannabis leaves that is free because it’s infinitely renewable…haha we could even pay people to drink it…pay 'em in hash pucks :smiley:! Put the hash puck under the cap!!


(Rumpelstiltskin :wink:)


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Digital renewable asset … … … Renewable digital asset !!!



lol garden of weede bring back memories of a campground i lived in years ago was nicknamed the garden of weeden all the residents of this “garden” we the most degrenerate peopel you could even imagine living around just let your imaginating take flight…

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just located this thread. interesting in how you took a good initial concept then totally screwed it up by using technology such as block chain and nft’s. the association would look nothing like the kennel club, which is an actual organization that works astoundingly well without crypto anything or nft’s. why would you bother with all that bullshit that just gets in the way if you were serious? i’ll have to agree with @Cormoran on this one in that it sounds like a scam to me. nice initial concept though, i’d think there would be lots of grass roots support for this, but you’d have to ensure that the big dogs, aka commercial growers, have nothing to do with it. that’s your achilles heel.




pretty sure i didn’t mention money one time. i even said it was a good idea. the part about using block chain for anything is asinine. i like that word. used it another time this week i think. anyway, the rest of your comment tells me i’m right about this. have a great weekend.

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i’m not trolling and i get it. that’s why i made the comments i made.

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