A Topological Approach to Marijuana or the Garden of Weeden

Introductory post here. Hopefully this thread can be used to further develop these ideas. Hash stuff out so to speak :wink:.

It’s really the people’s plant…if there were a breeders association they could set up like a conservation group. Make sure that the plant doesn’t get taken from those that grow and cherish it.

I bet there could even be us grant money involved for the organization, seeds are legal, farm bill, MJ is soon to be rescheduled

@LemonadeJoe Further, I’m sure we are all familiar with kennel clubs and such. There really, really needs to be something like this for MJ. Seeds are now legal, let’s start the North American Cannabis breeder association. Preserve, collect, and cherish the plant.


Good times!!! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

There is actually a crypto called “the hemp coin”, not affiliated…thought Hempcoin was cool.



Hemp coin may be different but they used to have CannaCoin when bitcoin first launched.

I thought that was kinda cool too.
It failed, or they scammed people, not really sure.
I hope the hemp coin does better, I do like the concept.

I do like this concept a ton also!
Let’s make this thing happen. :sunglasses:


Ive been giving both these ideas some thought, and i believe that the most efficient and expedient way to start a “kennel club” would be to first get in contact with a lawyer.
I know there are a couple lawyers that are members here, maybe if I could reach out to them they would be interested in assisting in this.


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In mathematics, topology (from the Greek words τόπος, ‘place, location’, and λόγος, ‘study’) is concerned with the properties of a geometric object that are preserved under continuous deformations, such as stretching, twisting, crumpling, and bending; that is, without closing holes, opening holes, tearing, gluing, or passing through itself.

Möbius strips, which have only one surface and one edge, are a kind of object studied in topology.

I posted the link by accident so figured I had to put something in it…stoner moment I hit send because I wanted to preview it in the thread before posting more…haha. :grin:

So if we look at the ecosystem of marijuana as a whole, including not only growth of the plant but also the social and economic conditions impacting it, like a solid geometric form, which can be twisted while retaining its integrity.

So when I say topological it pertains to a “kennel club” in that it (the kennel club) serves to promote the best interests of the plant. The club is able to help create the best atmosphere for the total needs of the plant and it’s furtherance. This could take place in numerus different ways all contributing to the total integrity of the marijuana ecosystem and further strengthening not only the total system but the inputs of the system as well, such that the sum would be greater than the parts and in essence the system would “unbreakable”.

I don’t want to get to far ahead of myself but…

A “hemp coin” or even an agricultural coin would serve as the glue which binds the system together, provides for it financially, and maintains the integrity of the system in that it is discreet to the system. As it pertains to marijuana and the agriculture as a whole it could pay for the inputs while maintaining the integrity of “GROWING MARIJUANA” and giving the value of growing Marijuana a real market. (And possibly other plants) the value of the coin can be seen as the value of the total market…

((Insert comment) and it’s so damn incredibly easy!:grin::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::exploding_head: A couple initial sponsors or “users” to give a coin integrity, file for non profit)

So you wanna grow some plants eh? :smiley::+1:



The original.


What utility would such a coin have other than the ability to rug pull then fall?


It would be market wide. What I mean is is the rug isn’t even in the factor. Unless the rug were the size of the north Atlantic. It would be marijuana as a whole, out in public.
No more cat videos, :joy_cat:

@Foreigner I just realized the guy has a hemp coin, :grin:.
@FiveGar the coin itself would make the inputs of growing marijuana free. :+1:


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And where, pray tell, does the money come from? If it’s from this “hempcoin” that is entirely different from the current “hempcoin” that was created 8 years ago and functioned as a very effective pump & dump, i.e. rug pull, back then but is now basically defunct… how exactly is it different, yet somehow a huge generator of money that can let us all do everything we want for free? Other than vague musings about how crypto in general creates money from nothing and bitcoin allowed people to sell their bitcoin, then accept bitcoin as payment for items and then sell their bitcoin again, leaving them with money and items but no bitcoin, and that therefore this was free money. Of course, such a statement completely devalues bitcoin or whatever other crypto you’re discussing; if it’s valueless, then you’re explicitly setting out to defraud people and just disguising it with a lot of waffle about a kennel club for marijuana. I guess I answered my own question. :man_shrugging:


I’m kind of offended but thats a general response I can get over it.
To be blunt there are no vague musings. Do you really think all the 20 thousand cryptos out there that no one else has though of this. This IS exactly how Bitcoin started, meaning that it was used to make double the profit from the items you were selling.
Plus as an economic system, the value of “TOTALLY FREE EVERYTHING YOU COULD EVER USE TO GROW WEED OR MAYBE SOME PUMKINS” is clearly undeniable. Business is generated, sales are made, income rises people reinvest what they would have spent on grow gear into the market, more money is made.
There is no deception on my part, no using weed as a water boy to line my pockets and the fundamentals would be simple. Plus I’m pretty sure that securities fraud is a pretty big deal so yeah, there’s that :face_with_raised_eyebrow:.
I see this as the future of agricultural not just marijuana breeding, this is the mycros and fertilizer that’s used to fuel the future of the grow industry. This paves the way for a freer tomorrow while ensuring that plants in general and our own health even is cared for and protected. This is the future backbone of a global economy. This is something I give a damn about.
Given that this is basically weeds birthday and Christmas and new years please try to keep the thread positive.
And this to me at least is a serious endeavor and I take it seriously there is a light at the end of the tunnel…mom and dad are getting back together!, yeah !!! :grin::+1:


Bitcoin was started to see if someone could create a digital currency without a centralized authority to mediate disputes such as double-spending. It took several years before people were willing to pay anything at all for it; and that was several years of work in coding and people setting up machines specially dedicated to maintaining the ledger. The value didn’t come from nowhere, it came from the work put in. Starting another one of 20,000 cryptos not with an idea of offering something new, but with an idea of using it to get money from nothing, seems pretty sketchy to me.


Point blank man no it didn’t. Bitcoin did not get it’s start by tallying up all the data points in a system that is deception to cover up what they were really doing. That’s the line that a public relations specialist has come up with to keep things quiet.
I can’t see how that is a bad thing at all though. Seems like a good thing to me. Made Elon musk a mega billionaire.


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Gotcha. Well, enjoy cooking up your scam then. I’m sure the CFTC and/or SEC will have interesting things to say about it if it ever goes anywhere. They’re still getting their ducks in a row as far as whose job it is to regulate the sector, but it will be regulated soon enough. Some cryptos that actually serve a purpose and are truly decentralized will stick around, and others that are solely scams cooked up by folks who think this is all a scam in the first place - much less that Elon Musk had anything to do with it other than using it to his advantage - will be shut down and their creators prosecuted for fraud. Have fun joining Virgil Griffith and Do Kwon for your day in court.

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Out of curiosity what would you consider a crypto that does work? What is the work that the crypto is doing? Why is crypto, so much busier than fiat?

Because no other than the simple reason I stated above. You don’t need a mine tallying data to give it value…that’s just fishing with crackers. All you gotta do is make some, and have someone else agree to pay for it.

Decentralization currency is more sketchy in it’s self than a market traded coin that provides free stuff. Please don’t accuse me of crimes or conspiring to commit them. That is definitely not what I’m doing and I’m sure that is not the spirit of overgrow.


Pretty sure you’re just setting up straw men now… I’m not really interested in debating the legitimacy of crypto as a whole, just wanted to understand your attitude about it. At least now I understand your comment earlier:

I believe the term you’re looking for is “shills.”


Hey buddy I’m a polite guy but you are coming of as one of those overgrow posers trying to hawk their own brand of bs. Don’t accuse me of a crime again.

This is done with the ultimate sincereity and transparency

You don’t even know what you are talking about @cormoran, you think that “mining” is what give a crypto value? That it’ somehow doing work makes it ok to sell? That’s bs

There is no crypto that out there that actually does “work”. If there is I wanna see it. And not processing transactions with in a closed system…that one doesn’t even exist.


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Welcome to the garden of Weeden! This is the type of community I am trying to create.




I wanna run threw your wicked garden. :sunglasses:
I do like the concept if you can find a way to pull it off.


—im going to use this post for quick note:

  • the growers association could insure ($) members collections. :fire:
    -There should be an exclusive catalog with strain lists and the history of crosses; like pedigree books for animals
    -there should be magazine all thing cannabis, more professional to go with a professional association, not so hightimes
    -get ahold of Richard Branson, :wink:, to help ssponsorship :grin:
    144 cuts per square foot
    60 degrees fahrenheit :grin::slightly_smiling_face::wink::grin:
    -individual seed pack NFTs. Can be insured, if you have it it’s. Worth it. Blockchain strain tracking in real time.
    ----this insurance would be free :wink:


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I think I need to elaborate on the NFTs.

—so the grower grows the seeds and issues a NFT with the seed pack he is to send out. The NFT tell what it is, it’s parents, lot number batch number original breeder etc.

— then the kind insurance guy issuses an insurance bond for the value of the pack for that NFT…say $100 then sell the bond on the bond market like he does. :grin::grin::grin:

— then buyer buys the 40 pack of seeds (which is insured) for $100 and receives the NFT and the seeds.

— buyer open pollinates the entire 40 pack…this is to gaurantee the value of the insurance on the seeds and so that he can still say he owns the parts of the NFT. (Doesn’t have to but would loose value and the NFT would become defuntct)

— buyer can then sell back the NFT to breeder and breeder can do with them what he wants )

— NFTS can becombinded to make new ones, or crosses, which buyer can sell for a percentage…new NFT is insured

— process repeats…THIS gives a real time tracking of alll strains and crosses and provides a permanent historical lineage of everything on the block chain.

— original breeder would have slightly different NFT for original stock. Clones have different NFT.

:slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face: So to put it simply, all strains and cross are tracked on the block chain, and all the products of the block chain are insured.


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