About to grow my first regs... Here's my plan, is it legit?

Hey y’all, I’m about to grow my first regular seeds ever and I wanted to lay out my plan and see what the issues might be…

Reason I’m asking is I’ve only been growing about 6 years total probably less than 100 plants in all my grows so I’m not the most experienced and all my grows have been photo or auto fems.

I have a small space of only 2x2ft and plan on starting 5 regs in it (Dreamcatcher from Greenpoint).

I’ll flower at about day 21 and I’m guessing I’ll land somewhere between 1-3 females which will be pruned to fit into the small space depending on how many I get.

The plants can get 3 feet tall and still be 18 inches from my light which is the sweet spot.

Am I crazy to run regs if I can only run 5 seeds?

I guess it’s possible I could get 5 males, but seems unlikely… But maybe it’s not that unlikely :slight_smile:

What do you guys think?


Your height restriction sound about right.

I run regular seeds normally and the issue I see here is that you’ll need to veg them to the point where they overgrow the space.

I suppose it could be done, but I would be concerned about running out of space before being able to sex them.

In this space, to my mind, fems might be a better choice.

Edit - I usually pop 8 or so seeds in order to end up with 3-4 females. One extra, give away. One too few, not the end of the world.


I would germ an extra 25% more than you need. to make sure you get the amount of females you want, and then if you have more than you need, choose the best of them, and either give them away or euthanize the rest you can’t use, if you don’t have the ability to keep a mother or two.

I find it hard to get the right amount, so I normally just germ 4 seeds at a time, and then once I know how many females I have either grow them out, or if its just one, make a mother out of it for clones.


Put a scrog net across the canopy once you get rid of the males and use the net to force them sideways instead of upwards by weaving the branches through the net during stretch. Prune everything underneath the canopy so the plant will use all nutrients on the parts that receive all the light :v:


This is a good point… Even if I flower at day 21 from sprout, I probably wont know which are male until after day 40 from sprout(?). So having 5 plants 40 days old in a 2x2 might be what breaks this plan in half…



I can veg my little ones until they are in 1 gallon pots at which point they overgrow the space (20” x 30”). I then flip them in a 2x4 until they show sex.

I’m sure it can be done. But you’re really pushing the limits of your space.


True… And if I only run 4 seeds I run a higher risk of getting 0-1 females…

Might be stuck with fems until I get a bigger tent :wink:

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Something I’ve considered, but never done, is to do all regular seeds and one fem seed. This way you’re almost guaranteed one female, and you don’t need to do 2-3 plants to get the same result.

But, I’m always on the lookout for a desirable male so my goals are a bit different.


Personally I would say to do half an half. I’d stick with fem beans but throw a couple regs on the side. I myself have only tried anything with regs twice and both times I had more females than males but I also know that’s luck of the draw nothing is guaranteed with regular photos. I wish you luck whatever you decide to do :blush:


I bet that dreamcatcher is a beast. You should try your plan out and see how what you find. I’m sure you’ll find something worth the time.


This also was an idea I’ve had but not followed up yet