About to try converting a female plant

I’m a fairly novice grower, and I’ve never bred seeds before. But, I think I want to try creating seeds this fall. :slight_smile: I want your input on my “thinking” here. Again, I’m just looking to making a lot of seeds here – selfies, I believe they are called.

So, using my actual (tentative for now) plan. . .

I’ve got 3 Laughing Buddha (Jamaican x Thai) seeds from Barney’s. I anticipate liking it and wanting seeds. So should I germ all three, take a clone of each, silver nitrate the clones, and keep the seeds from the mom who had the best smoke (maybe the others, too, as back-up)?

Or would I germ all three, select only the healthiest, clone her only, and move ahead?

Or am I missing something altogether? :slight_smile:

FYI, I don’t have any regular seeds in my possession at the moment.

This is where the process begins I guess, and I want to make sure I’m thinking about things in a logical way. If you have any ideas, I would welcome your knowledge, as usual.


I have reversed Laughing Buddha before. Your plan to germ and clone seems fine either way, but you need to use silver thiosulfate in my humble opinion. Silver nitrate might work, I don’t know, but STS has always worked for me. There are recipes and instructions on the web. maybe here too if you search.
Good luck.


Germinate all 3 and grow until about 10 inches. Flip the one to be reversed (sts) start spraying sts when you flip the lights to 12/12 you would spray this plant every 4-5 days for about 4 or 5 applications or until you see pollen sacks forming. Do not spray the other two plants at all , these will be your seed plants and smoke. Once the seed plants begin to flower put all 3 close together for up to 4 weeks as they pollinate. Remove your reversed plant with pollen at about week 4-5 . That will leave time for all seeds to ripen and help keep you from having tons of unripe seeds at the end. Good Luck and have fun! Ps reversed plant will have to be thrown away, not for use.


Oh wow, you changed my world a bit lol thank you! So, I’m pretty sure you just saved me a whole grow cycle (right?) and my only question (for now, I think) is: those two females that get pollinated? They provide seeds AND smoke? I assumed (idk why) it was either/or. (I told you I was new to this lol)

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One of the advantages of starting the reversed plant early into flower is to pollinate during the early female flowering phase to give the seeds time to mature. Depending how many seeds you need ,you could take out the reversed plant as soon as you see calyxs swelling with seeds. With the “male” gone the buds will go on to develop fairly well for smoke.

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I have kind of a follow up – your way works if I don’t care which of the 3 plants I self, right? If I want to be sure I self the “best plant,” I would clone all three, smoke the moms, decide my preference, self THAT one and toss the other two clones?

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I would reverse one and pollinate the other two. Smoke those two and save the seeds from the best one. You could save clones ,smoke all three first. Keep the best one to make 3 clones and proceed as directed. Two possibilities


THAT was exactly what I was trying to tease out, and I didn’t even know it myself. :slight_smile: Thanks. You did all the “math” for me! (Idk why and idk if I am the only one, but genetics has always been weird for me. . . I was always terrible at science and math, chemistry, physics, no way. . .but genetics was a special kind of hell. It usually feels either like a completely foreign language to me that I’ll never understand at all. . .OR, I’ll feel like I’m RIGHT on the cusp of total understanding and mastery of it. lol Nothing in between when it comes to alleles and stuff, apparently.)

I have to seriously “deep think” some stuff in this particular subject area. :slight_smile:


You can buy sts pre-made from Royal Ormus

Keep refrigerated and shake well before using . 9 different fems.



this is awesome! THANK YOU!


You’re welcome ! New member!