Acapulco Gold.. Hoping to track down one last strain

I remember from the days of old, but ran into a bit of a personal issue. IE .divorce…thus will be shutting down my “garden” for the next 6 months or so while I sort things out…(no worries It’ll be fine)
That said, I wanted to hit the ground running when I start up again…
I had a deal for Bodhi’s Acapulco Gold, but unfortunately the trade went sideways…:frowning:
To be honest, I don’t know exactly what I am looking for, but was told Barney’s version was not “it” by some other growers “in the know”…

Anyone who might be able to help…let me know, and I’ll give you a list of what I have to offer…Photos and Autos…including my own Auto strain…Genesis…that I’ve created and worked for the past 2 1/2 years… {[(GSC Auto x GG4 Auto) x Tangiematic Auto]x Jack the Ripper (photo)}
These were taken to f2 to recapture the Auto gene…



:smile: :fire:


I have a pk on the way now from GLG.

Any chance u will be able to make more seeds?? (Doesnt have to be a seed run just make more for you and I)



Hey Craigson

If I ever manage to track down the AG I would certainly make more seeds…

That said, I’ll have to be honest, I don’t know when I’ll be able to do that for sure…probably next year with this divorce situation…I was suppose to do a seed run for Upstate, but voluntarily returned the beans because I wasnt confident I could meet the general timeline I had originally anticipated. If I’m not 100% certain I can follow through on my end, I wont compromise the trust…



Ill send you my pk in a few months once you are closer to sprouting them


I have a pack of bohdis AG ,
I intend to run it to make seeds, probably later this year I gift or trade seeds


@lefthandseeds @Guitarzan have both mentioned AG in other threads, might be worth an ask. Sorry to hear about some life changes, hopefully, all for the best…

Also would love some of your Genesis when you are ready :sweat_smile:

The FBSC is working on getting some of Snowhigh’s AG strains into the vault. They’re ordered, but they haven’t shipped yet.