Looking for Ancient OG f1

Anyone out there have any AOG f1


There’s a COPA ancient og f3


Also the freebie is ancient og f3 so you could just buy any pack and also get 5 of them.

^^ good price

Not too sure there’d be many f1’s left. Motherlode gardens has an “ancient og project” and an f5 also.


I have 5 seeds left of my original f1 pack as I did an adage with 17 beans many years ago, sadly I’m down to like 10 F2’s and 16 F3’s so I’d really love to make fresh stock this winter or next spring the latest so I’m putting out feelers now. Thank you for the info, in fact my F3’s are always asked about “oh are these from Copa” lol it’s actually why I reverted to the F2’s more but my F3’s have a magical phenotype I’d absolutely love to find and isolate again as well, just a first factory like I’ve never seen before


I have seen a pack in the last 2 weeks, I believe for sale the catch is I can’t figure out where. I will keep digging until I find it.


I appreciate it a lot bro, you know exactly what that would mean to me :wink: much respect

are you plannin to do a seed run?
I have 6 seeds left from my pack but had plans to work them alongside Ancient OG x Headbanger.

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No question bro, it’s a necessity in my eyes @SHSC-1

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Ironically I just popped a gem of yours you sent, and another is sitting just waiting to launch off the diving board

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@moderators please close this for me