Accelerated air dehydration experiment and testing - a better quick dry method thanks to terploc bag

@OriginalDankmaster96 , i have absolutely used a standard food dehydrator to quickly dry my buds and no it didnt destroy them. i unwired the heating element and set it up on a cycle timer so it runs for a few minutes, pauses for a few, then repeats. after a few months in the jars youd never know it was dried in such horrid conditions. if you did a side by side comparison with slowly dried bud its fair to say the dehydrated but would be less terpy for sure but i havnt known it to cause a “hay smell” or anything like that. also the thc content seems entirely unaffected.

i know im going to catch a ton of shit for admitting that. while its for sure not ideal its not going to ruin your crop. its like those ice creme buckets that were allowed to thaw and were refrozen.


He doesn’t have time to cure tho, he wants to enter this in a competition at the end of the month


ya thats not gonna happen. needs like 2-3m min

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This is probably what most fear will happen, the hay/green/grass etc gets locked in ruining terps flavors. I had to learn early in my former apt environment how to avoid that having bud dried within 3 days, and yeah there was nothing that can done to slow it, it was 10-20% so slow drying was nonexistent, how I beat my environment conditions is to heavily flush, force the plant to use it’s N and basically go deficient at harvest, so when that’s done any faster drying time doesn’t lock in chlorophyll in, still has true flavor regardless, besides the chlorophyll the combustion is clean, zero dark ash, all fine white and that’s how I know I completely flushed all nutrients out. People knock my steam dry method in the microwave and too many that actually TRY this know it works, just like I know it does but it doesn’t work as well for the grower who has GREEN plants at harvest than the grower who’s flushing and forcing the plant to use it’s remaining reserves and leaves are YELLOWING fast. My unit is a Ninja Foodie that has a dehydrating function, but I don’t know how to unwire anything and wouldn’t attempt it on this if I even knew

So let’s rephrase, for a grower who doesn’t need to cure out chlorophyll, does that change the equation any ?

how long before harvest do you stop the nutes? i’m gonna try flushing this time.

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At least 2 weeks, I just use my cal-mag BA brew and mix up the sugar concentrate and potassium booster, so it’s not zero but it’s a low ppm 200-300 to start forcing the plant to draw from the leaves, this what you want, the more N that’s forced out, is less green hay to cure out. Curing improves things, but when you flush aggressively, the bud has flavor when it’s dry


I’ve decided I’m doing an EXPERIMENT. I’m going to dry a SMALL nug enough to roll one from in the dehydrator until it’s nearly crispy, I will then put it in the terp lock bag to rehydrate, once it’s hydrated I will smoke it and give the results. Keep in mind how I finish my plants is NOT how everyone else does, so when curing is essential without flushing the plant completely, it’s bypassed forcing reserves to be used by harvest. It’s just a nug, the rest IS AIR DRYING in racks. If it’s harsh and shitty, I’ll say so, if it WORKS then it becomes evident why I get flavor without curing out chlorophyll first. It’s why I can test bud at any stage past the 5th week in my steam quick dry and still get the flavor as it’s developing. Quick dry only has flavor as chlorophyll is drained out, otherwise no it’s it’s harsh lawn clippings, the chlorophyll is trapped and it’s permanent. I know all about this, it’s how I developed the steam dry method at 19 and I learned the N in basic science is chlorophyll from photosynthesis and by slowly having it broken down started to give me flavor in buds immediately dry. So we’ll see but trust me I know all about the “green” and after my 3rd grow I’ve NEVER dealt with it again. Only the crap I bought that did have unflushed N or not enough, terrible grass taste. I knew why too… nobody hides from Dankmaster if you don’t flush your finishing buds properly :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Flush is bro science , and starving plants during the weeks they build the most is counter productive . My plants finish with no green and rainbow colors , quick dried in a dehydrator or any other method , they taste nasty . Send quick dry bud to any decent contest your gonna look like a tool .
My 11 week ladies see no N after week 5 of flower , and still need a proper dry to not lose terps . Facts are : above 70 F in dry , you just lost your terps . Let bud go under 55 percent water or so , it’s done . Rehydration does nothing for terp loss .

You can dry well in 5 days , with a controlled proper environment set on a slope , such as a Cannatrol . Keeping temp correct and sloping the water removal rate will proper quick dry , but you still won’t have proper taste smell or power for 10 days in the best case .

I wanted to send bud off for a contest too , but forgot about it . I certainly under any conditions or circumstances would not send quick dried bud ,


You’re entitled to your opinion, I know what I’m smoking. You’re assuming I’m sending quick dried when I said I’m conducting a test. I can tell already bro, you wouldn’t try my method and I’ve read too many testimonials about it working. We all have different methodology’s of growing, you’re entitled to grow your bud how you enjoy it. I grow mine how I prefer it! Don’t care if you take offense to quick dry, I know it works, and thanks I thought this site wasn’t about AD HOMIEN attacking :rage: How dare you call me a tool. I’ve never said anything disrespectful to you! It’s uncalled for!!

I’m a bit pissed off when I have something that’s templated across the internet and used to my credit that’s proven across growing forums :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::rage::triumph:

Didn’t call you a tool , but way your acting I would now ! Was trying to keep you from liking like one .

Wow wow ain’t we all pissy . Damn , excuse me for giving a shit bout your rep

Obviously YOU DONT

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Let’s see, I didn’t need anyone to keep me from looking like a tool. I have been ASKING questions and proposed an EXPERIMENT, you assume I’m sending the entry quick dried, why ? A nug isn’t the ENTRY it’s a whole oz! The whole plant is air drying as I write, so instead of taking an neutral intriguing approach you decide to disrespect how I’ve grown 2 decades ago prior and now by saying it is starving the best parts, it’s slow draining before harvest and certainly not PLAIN water, so wrong idea. Another member decided to start criticizing me I will not name, and quickly backed off. I don’t and won’t disrespect how other people grow their plants and I’m not tolerating disrespect towards my practices and methods, so with that said whatever bud I send for the ENTRY is AIR DRIED if it’s in time for the deadline, if not well that’s how fate decided it. A nug tested isn’t the entry, doesn’t mean I’d throw it all in either to dehydration. You and me will be fine as long there is mutual respect!

The EXPERIMENT is underway…

Pie tin covered by foil set for 3 hrs at 105 degrees F

I will probably do intervals of 1 hr if not crunchy/crispy exterior from the initial 3hr

Update : NO HEAT inside dehydrator function of a Ninja Foodie. There’s NO HEAT CONDUCTION to pie tin. It’s only COOL air running, it’s not 105. The bud is cool to the touch after 2hrs in this setting…stay tuned this is getting interesting.

After 3 hrs.

Cool to the touch and slightly drier. Going the full 6hrs, which will rest several hrs more before I wake up to check and will post how the bud looks.

After 9 hrs, that includes a 2hr rest

Has it’s original odor still, definitely drier, but not crispy exterior, so back in for another 3hrs. 15 hrs total time so far.

18 hrs later, we now have this

Shrunk down considerably. Smells like the melon of PTK, and that’s how she usually smells until she cures a bit. NOT hay/green grass smell. So into the bag for 6 hrs, then I’ll inspect for pliability, increasing odors and mold. It’s not completely snap stem, but it would shrink further. We’ll see what 6 hrs brings sealed in the bag. I’ll update around 1am EST


He wasn’t trying to offend you brother, he just doesn’t want to see you get tore up at a contest. Bud contests are about what the judge’s preferences are, not personal preferences. He was just trying to help you out man and that bud still has lots of chlorophyll left it’s pretty bright green. Flushing removes the excess nutes not the chlorophyll. But you’re right everyone has their own way of doing things, nobody is trying to take that from ya. We just want to see you succeed at what your trying to do. :grinning:


Ya know after your little tantrum

You can pound sand

I DO NOT NEED people like you in my life
Hope you have a good one

Bye bye now

Just fine with me then. I’ll just add you to ignore/mute and call it a day. That’s what it’s there for, because not all of us agree or get along with each other, it’s human nature to life. You have a nice life too, bye! It’s clear to me you had ZERO respect, so won’t show any for YOU!

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Brother, he could have chosen his words better, like you did and I appreciate what you’re saying to me. It’s a more reasoned response. IF it doesn’t dry in time I’m not sending, it’s that simple. He could’ve taken a wait and see, but lashed out when I want to conduct an experiment on a bud, not the crop or sending an entry. I don’t appreciate assumptions made when they’re off base about my intentions.

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It’s not my place to say what he should or shouldn’t say but I do know that text messages, pms and posts can get taken differently then how it was meant. I see the confusion of not being able to have a face to face conversation causing things to seam differently than they actually are. I don’t like seeing good people part ways over mis communications.


What you described is classic text messaging mishaps. It’s why some people won’t date a texter, they discover it’s all misunderstandings at the end. I don’t text chat because it happens far too much now. Texting is a bane of reality destroying 2 way communication! Nobody has to like or agree with my unconventional thinking or ideas, I’m a contrarian by default and autistic mind so I buck conventional wisdom. All I ask is for mutual respect, if I don’t get that I’m looking for the exit. If a member can’t ask questions to get bashed over it, what’s the point of asking or posting ?

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It’s NOW time to find out if the terploc bag, rehydrated and increased aroma. I’m too high to smoke it now, so it will sit longer anyway overnight

Alright, let’s find out…approx 6hrs in the bag from 18 hrs cool air dehydration, the fan and grating cool to touch so there wasn’t HEAT used, only AIR.

So, I was right about my theory! The bag brought back stronger odors and it’s now sticky. It is POSSIBLE to accelerate IF necessary for whatever reasons, but only AIR dehydration. I would agree, heat dehydration probably wouldn’t smell/taste as good, so there’s a BIG difference how a dehydrator functions for this to work efficiently.

I will post tomorrow when I roll it up, and that tells the end of this test conclusively. Figuratively under 24 hrs and it’s ready. I will NOT tell anyone to dry an entire crop, unless it’s time constraints involved or to speed the rest of the air drying to finish, but it can be a better way than micro steam dry to sample the potency/trich window or that emergency fix, than buying dispo shyt. That’s what I hope and intend growers to do with this🧐


Food dehydrator or a/c or cat litter

From expensive to cheap. :joy:

Cool is good, warm is bad

Calendar doesn’t produce great buds, time & practice/experience can :sunglasses:

Good that you’re trying experimenting- but don’t put pressure on yourself, just let it evolve.

A garage in San Francisco is about the right place :thinking: temp & humidity wise

One last thing, the important thing… is you have weed. I remember but usually forget how desperate one can get.

Suffice it to say that hurrying it is not the way to success-ville.
