Accelerated air dehydration experiment and testing - a better quick dry method thanks to terploc bag

I’ve decided I’m doing an EXPERIMENT. I’m going to dry a SMALL nug enough to roll one from in the dehydrator until it’s nearly crispy, I will then put it in the terp lock bag to rehydrate, once it’s hydrated I will smoke it and give the results. Keep in mind how I finish my plants is NOT how everyone else does, so when curing is essential without flushing the plant completely, it’s bypassed forcing reserves to be used by harvest. It’s just a nug, the rest IS AIR DRYING in racks. If it’s harsh and shitty, I’ll say so, if it WORKS then it becomes evident why I get flavor without curing out chlorophyll first. It’s why I can test bud at any stage past the 5th week in my steam quick dry and still get the flavor as it’s developing. Quick dry only has flavor as chlorophyll is drained out, otherwise no it’s it’s harsh lawn clippings, the chlorophyll is trapped and it’s permanent. I know all about this, it’s how I developed the steam dry method at 19 and I learned the N in basic science is chlorophyll from photosynthesis and by slowly having it broken down started to give me flavor in buds immediately dry. So we’ll see but trust me I know all about the “green” and after my 3rd grow I’ve NEVER dealt with it again. Only the crap I bought that did have unflushed N or not enough, terrible grass taste. I knew why too… nobody hides from Dankmaster if you don’t flush your finishing buds properly :face_with_raised_eyebrow: