Adding lamps alongside my Diablo X 750 for new 5x5 tent

Thats more light than ive ever used. Dont need an upgrade in my eyes.


gotta give you respect for taking the leap at a $1K LED. yep, the form factor of it isn’t great. but it sounds like the coverage you’re missing isn’t really a big deal to you, and it’ll be a minute before you’re maxing out the 750. by then, maybe you’ll have a clearer idea on the path forward. get some grows in, sort genetics, medium, method…a lot of catching up to do.

the whole thing is knowing who to listen to. obviously a learning curve there, and a bit of a catch-22


This is a scorpion rspec far red in a 5x5…its turned down to 550ish watts.


I have 4 of these and they daisy chain well. They work well for cheap. They cover a 4x6 ft room.

And i have two of these in a 2x3 that also work well, and are cheap i also have 3 of these in a 2x2 and they work well in there too.

Both work well for a cheap add.

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My good friend e$koB@r runs his Diablo with Migrow uv bars

Check out his thread in Hydro, which is a must read in its own right but you will be more then happy with his detailed explanation

Grtz carper


Thank you, everyone, for helping out. UV bar or two was mentioned above and sounds interesting. I think I am just going to start out small and add plants as my skill set grows.

I know this is off topic, however I am still trying to figure forums and posting. So while I have some of you here, may I pick your brains on grow mediums, grow bags/fabric containers, what do you feed with during veg vs flowering, and what is your feeding schedule?

I just started, my first grow was in old drywall compound 5 gal. bucket with potting soil. It worked but heavy to move if needed. I checked moisture by feel at the top and lightly but thoroughly soaked when dry. Twice a week, roughly, I gave a drink of Miracle-Gro. During veg I added some homemade fish emulsion. I know, almost comical, but I did manage to enough bud to last a couple months from 2 plants.

Any and all help is so appreciated. I am sure there are plenty of threads on topic, but it may take tome for me to find them, lol. Thanks again!!


if you’d like to keep it simple, hempy buckets. strongly recommend. @methodanon is currently putting on a hempy show if you’d like a peek. good stuff.

IMO, cloning is a home grower’s most important skill. you don’t need a ton of stuff, just some practice. if you were able to get comfy cloning and growing hempy, you’re basically home free.


Thanks on the heads up! I definitely want to get proficient at cloning in addition to basic grow skills. I would like to find a reputable source for clones to start with and get going ob some more growing while I reserve a plant to practice my cloning on. What do you use to clone and what method? If I may ask. I have heard different opinions. Thanks!

Make your own ez cloner, clones have roots in 6 days every time. there is a pump with spayers in the bucket. Ez to build.

I did start a new thread, I think, it is still up for approval. Being new my topics need approval and I have a limited number of post/replies per day. So, can you or anyone suggest a reputable source for quality clones? Teens preferably to start with? Thanks.

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Where are you located @justjay?

This is just my opinion, id set up a veg room or tent, start with some bag seeds for 6 months to a year. Many things are going to happen as a new grower. Ph issues, nutrition issues, soil issues, bugs, etc. get a feel for the green thumb, we all wanted the bomb bomb right off the bat too. But honestly you will be so disappointed to loose your grow to bugs or a light leak and reveg. Till you have all those quarks worked out i waited now i am working on buying a laboratory electron microscope, so i can look past the cellular level, and really get into the genetics. Just my opinion but id start with something simple and clone that first and move up from there.


Upstate NY

Do you want to practice rooting snips or working with ones that already have roots?

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All I am looking for is a 3 or 4 clones, preferably teens. I am not talking about a tent full. I agree with what you are saying, generally. However, a couple clones I can start another roll with and perhaps one to snip for cuttinggs to practice rooting. I have had two reasonably successful runs so far from donor clones, and I am comfortable with them. I had one disaster with some seedlings that was a complete washout. I have cracked seeds indoors and grew outdoors long ago. Honestly, marajuana is a weed, and it grows well in the wild without much doing. Indoors seems a good bit more technical. Definately a learning curve, but I enjoy that.

I am just starting and am piecing together my supplies for growing. Propagation and specialized veg setups are just another big exspensive foray. Definitely worth it for sure, but down the road. Right now, I just want to grow a few plants for personal use and one perhaps two to work on cloning.

I know there is more to cloning than dipping cuttings into rooting hormone then sticking them into sand or perlite, but come success or failure I enjoy such endeavors.

I am not farmiliar with bag seeds. I assume they are bulk packets of seed? Any recommendations about where to get seeds? I see a board here for seeds, but I am not able to access it. Presumably until I have been part of the community for a longer time. Thanks for replying.

no idea if they’re legit, but

maybe check in here too

not…really. most ganja plants clone relatively well. method dictated mainly by scale and preferences. most important is a good cutting from a healthy plant. next would be proper light level (very weak)


That is awesome! I have never seen anything like that before. Do you have a link to detailed instructions? That looks like the way to go. Thanks.

Ok. So dip and stick in a medium, then let root development occur under low level of light? Would a blue spectrum be preferable during rooting or a plain old plant centric white, or perhaps fluorescent?

Yes, I saw upstate clones on another site. They are quite close by, actually. I have been thinking about trying them out. I like to support local business. Bugs, at least minor problems, I can deal with, but something like canker is another story. Thanks, I think I will give them shot. I believe there is another place in Wechester County called NY Clones or NY Clone Bank, too. I was just curious if anyone had personal experience with a particular company.

I would like to get proficient at cutting slips from mothers and rooting. For the moment, I think some teens to just get me back in the game. The couple plants I ran where from rooted clones. I guess they were about the size of plugs. I was given a couple by a friend. Orinally I think he got clones from Sun-Clone…? But I got rooted clippings from the original he got. So I may think about them also. I am mostly likely going to shop a bit and try and get in on a 4 or 6 bundle on special.

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