Advice for DWC Hydroponic

like i said im just a novice starting out and haven’t even had a successful grow tried once and failed outdoors this time im going indoors im not set up yet to be truthful i have not got my lights yet but i’m just going to do the bubble bucket style with 5 gal buckets and fish tank air supply and order hydro nutes plan on ordering 2 of these Top LED Grow Light Lamp Full Spectrum Panel Veg Flower for Medical Indoor Plant for sale online | eBay


WOW. That’s a pretty avant-garde system for a newbie…

Speaking of lights any leds anyone would recommend for a decent price


Sorry didn’t mean to tag you

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Go to this thread and check out the discussion. It might help you a lot…



Where is Lotus he would be all over this. :grin:

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Exactly my thoughts, where is the “Master of Disaster” HAHAHAHA @lotus710

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COBs… exactly what I would recommend :+1:

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i was just looking for the easiest and cheapest way to get going trying to be-buddin and staying within my budget

I did the dame thing bout18 yrs ago. I mastered indoor dwc. Any question fill free to ask. I can tell you some very good tricks.


thanks man i’m sure i’ll twist your ear for something mainly on the nutes part like did you have to make the batch stronger if you did more than one plant per bucket i;ve watched just about everything there is on youtube about it and read almost everything that is on here and a few other sites did you use co2 ? if so was it inside the bucket ?

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I had 8. 45 gal( i think, been awhile) rubbermaid almost square tubs. All day at wallyworld , cheap. 6 sisters in each.notched lid for 4 long airstones. All connected via 3/4 " dark clear tubing to a 5 gal. Controll bucket. Equal lenghts on each tube. With c.bckt. on floor level i marked full line for tubs. I used 5" plastic cups made for dwc and other systems. Then placed 5" coco cup in plastic cup. Holes in lid big enough to fit 2/3rds into tub . full level about 1/4" over bottom of cups ( this is flower room) allready had roots galore. Over 1’ long , looking like a mop. I would trim bout 1" off before transplanting from veg. to flwr… 1 trick, might take awhile to do, i had 2- 100 gal. Fish tanks and 1-150 gal tank. Allready had 150 tank before growing. Only added the 2 100 gal tanks about 3 and 6 months into dwc setup. Tap water i was told to let sit 24 hrs before using. At first wasn’t so bad cause just veg. for 2 wks before.Transplanting to flwr room. As i was getting ready to transplant i would cut bottom limbs for clones .ended up using 100 gal tank for my clone machine. Fish had 1/2 of tank, clones had other half. I took 1×12 planks(unpainted or treated) cut 14 holes big enough to drop reg ol styrofoam cup 2/3rds in. Cut bout quarter size( u.s. currency) hole and let stem hang down 2" s . trimed stem so no leaves where in cup. Cut, trimed rest of leaf tips off.maybe 1/2" to 1" depending on leaf size. Filled cup with grow rocks to stabilize clone. Filled tank so water level was 1/4" above bottom of stem. Down at bottom of tank where more longest airstones i could find. Covered bottom on clone half. All tanks had a undergravel filter( only filter for tank) and 4 or 5"s ov gravel on top of filter( filter covers whole bottem of tank). Creates a natural( microbacteria) way of filtering waste products and keeping water clear. The fish i gave plenty of hiding spots cause the two double for foot floreasent shop lights are own 24/7. In two weeks( allways :100: % success, no gels, aloe or anything. Just tank water and clones). The roots where every where, bout 9 - 12"s long and so thick i would have to tear cup in half to get roots thru hole in bottom of cup. From there i would transplant into 5"pltk/coco cups and after a slight trim to roots kinda twhirl the roots bt still keeping spread out, would start to fill soil mix. Fox farm ocean floor mixed 50/50 perlite. Then mix bag of bat guano( nit. For veg.) in.all this is in round tub big enough to hold all ingrediants with lid to seal between times in use. Then mix that mix 50/50 with grow rocks( lava rocks work to). Then put cups into i think bout 20 gal tub. Not really sure but will go to wallyworld today take a look and refresh mem. 6 sisters/ tub. same as others.cup 2/3rds in hole, water level 1/4" above bottom of cup. Everything on a 2 week cycle. 2 weeks cloning, 2 weeks vegging, 8 weeks flwr. When the firt 2 tubs are done cooking under 24/7 lights( i used 400w m.h., nowadays u have more options)… I would pull my clones, then leaving all sun leaves on( even where u pulled clones from) trim rest of limbs of untill u get to the last few. Longest limb left on plant was bout 1/4" long. What this did was to only grow top. 1 big ass cola bud over 2’ long weighing up to 3/4 pnd. I think next time maybe 4 or 5 sister at most cause allways 1 sister got choked out , maybe 2 oz’s. most… Rest from 1/4 pnd up. I tried several org. Nutes but allwa ys blew ph off scale. Then had to pour in adjustment. No good. They might have some out now, i don’t know. I used EnvyA- EnvyB, 2 part mix, more of 1 in veg, more of the other in flower. Wasn’t. Organic, but derived kinda from good stuff… Wasn’t. Just chemicals. Hit like 6.0 - 6.1 ph. Never flush at end of grow, never no chem. taste… I added bat gauno( p) into control bucket as i poured fert. mix in. Bout half full i poured in control bucket 1/4 cup peroxide, half jar(plastic bear) pure honey, and squirt of superthrive… Buds tasted like candy , skunk smelled exactly like live skunk, and would give at least a 6 hr high, not even eating could bring u down. Used only fish tank water. Bring 1 tank half way down, then even portions outa other two tanks as needed. At first you’ll only have two tubs flowering, 2 wks later, 2 more tubs flowern so on and so on untill all 8 tubs or in and u got 2 more ready to go in, well its what you’ve been working so hard far, HARVEST first 2tubs in. … Out!. Change fert mix every two wks when transplanting( clone to veg., veg to flwr, flwr to drying up side down for 1 week , trim and jar, never ever in a bag. Let sit 2 weeks .its on… I never added water to tubs inbetween cycles, with water starting just a little high it never got to low. It would drop but just bout time u think u half to add, 2 wks gone by, time to change. Water in fish tanks has stablized and got fertilized and bacterialized in the two wks since last changed. You don’t transplant to new cup ever, once in 5" cup after cloning its home there till harvest. Coco wont be any good but plastic cup will survive a few grows. Some stalks would be almost as big as my wrist and some roots be as big as my thumb, thats what tears cups up. Im learning k.n.f. now and going to do next grow that way for i hear better quality. I dont see how cause i dont think u could do any better except saying pure organic. But we will see. As far as production goes. U can’t. Beat this system i just described. Every 2 weeks pumping 2-3 pnds out from a 7×14’ room, clone, veg, flwr. For flwr i used 2 hps 400w. with 1 400w m.h. inbetween to keep the stretch down and it would compact the colas rock hard. Keep air temp at 72° f. Water will stay in mid 60’s which is perfect. Put fan on plants allways . every day when i chkd plants i would mist with water… In first few days of vegging u have to dip mix from tub and hand water untill roots popp thru cups. In plants the leaves breath co2 but the roots breath o2. In a container or flood tabel the roots only get fresh o2 after water/feed forces old o2 out and draws new o2 in, only gets max food benefits right after feeding. Some organics are diff. They allways feeding strong. In the dwc. The bubbles are allways supplying fresh o2 to roots as they are allways feeding in fert mix. This system grows faster better than any im willing to bet


Not stronger but went buy directions. I was feeding 48 plants on the same flwr. Go to strong you might burn. How to tell if mixing enough. Or to much or not enough is to watch the very tip of the leaf, bout 3/4 way thru. Flowr it should judt barely start burning tip only, perfect. Burn any more, cut back formula. Not burning, up the formula. I would start a little weak, even weaker if adding guanos, etc. Better to under feed a lil than just burnem up 1st two weeks. U can go stronger easyer than going weaker. …no i didn’t. Use co2. U could i suppose, i think the cost might override the bennefits, dont know for sure tho. I heard u can take brewers yeast and add to a beer and it’ll produce co2, but every time i tried to try i would drink the beer😄. Dry ice does same thing, as it melts it produces co2. I did that for 60.00$ worth of ice and said f- that. Very expensive. I just allways seemed to be in the room just looking at the awesomeness of the flower, and i produced enough co2 for 2 rooms, 3 if i had beans for supper.

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One more thought, you can grow in 3, 5, 55 gal. Buckets or tubs. Dont matter. If u have 1 or 2 buckets only, probly don’t need controll bucket. Start geting alot of buckets the controll bucket makes it easier. You can grow full plant if you like , its all up to you how you want final product to look. Don’t really matter. It does depend on what amount of room you have to do this in. If you got plenty room and only want 2 full plants, then do it. If you dont have a lot of room and want to make the most of it , then do as i did, sea of green, tops only . more bud/ sq ft this way. You dont have to clone from vegging plants, you can pop a bean everytime, its up to what You Want. You could keep a mother and clone from her, again , its up to YOU. It kinda spiraled outa controll on me. I didn’t think that little room could do so much. No matter how you do it you will make mistakes at first, don’t worry or get yourself down , thats how we learn the best. The system works the same matter what size or shape bucket or size shape of plant. Make sure keep temps at 72-° , plenty of air bubbling. I started with cheap air pumps. 2 stones / pump. , to eventually industrial duty pumps 4 stones/ pump and still pumping twice more air out each stone. Cant put to much air bubbles, the smaller/ finer the bubble the better. Check stone bubbles during change. Clean or replace. I keeped pet stores out of long stones, i allways kept 10 or more stocked up just incase. Extra pumps after while. Then eventually extra lights. When the shit breaks, and it will!.. Its nice to have what you need to fix on hand, instead of waiting for the 4 day holiday wknd to hurry up and end so the grow shop will open again.but thats not how probly any body starts up. You build up to it. Happy growing, best of luck. Start a thread on system build and grow. We all want to watch. And maybe even learn something from you! Im almost 60 and im still learning. Check out knf thread.


I have to chime in to say that airpumps are useless. Just use waterpumps, they are more silent and you don’t have to buy airstones which clog up eventually.

EDIT: oh fuck this was 6mo old thread sorry…


s’ok someone could benefit from the info still :thumbsup:


People are still doing DWC if not more now than before, so yeah man!


I have a question, have you ever dealt with fly larvae in your Res and buckets? I have seriously decreased their population but there are still a few surviving the multiple H2O2 applications and hand picking. They have three stages, Larvae, pupa and then fly. I kill a couple flies a day and 3 to 4 larvae who are focused in one bucket out of 8 in particular. The plants are very helathy right now, and Im about to flip them into flower. Obviously I had stunted growth at the begining because there were so many (hundereds) of them back then.


Have you heard of this product? Rosemary Oil kill insect eggs.

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Yes I have, Im in Africa so i have to order it. When I spoke to my Supplier in CA., they recommended Crop 1. I still havent decided what to get. HAve you any experience with these fuckers? lol