After months of rain...a hurricane?

You gotta know I 'preciate ya, Bro, but all is well. Got more incoming, SUPER THANKS!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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No worries, offer stands just hmu if you do. Ever

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Been a crazy “growing year”, plus Frost is predicted to occur early. I know farmers who have planted three times due to Heat, Rain, and more rain. I do wonder what the Potato Harvest will be like. Everybody becomes a “Salvage Savage” this year. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Luckily, my needs are simple :wink:

PLUS, I’ve got my Plan B for just in case:

Not sure what’s going on with this one…started at the same time as the others


My flowers outside even took a hit. We had rain everyday in Aug. It might not have hit a couple miles north or south somedays. We got it everyday. One day was 3/4 in less then 15 minutes.

:green_heart: :seedling:


My spot has been bonkers this year… I think I watered two or three times the entire summer… because it hasn’t been rainfree for more than 4 days since May, and those were recent.

I had to throw away a ton of huge buds from a big crazy smelling CSI plant the other day… did salvage a little bit.

Maybe next year will be a banner one, but at the moment I’m thinking about shifting to indoors.


Yeah I’m afraid this weather is the new normal. Sucks sorry bro. Start using heavy duty cages and zip ties along with stakes.


It has been a rough season in the northeast, no doubt.

Just nonstop rain all summer it seemed. Everything was wet all the time. And sky high humidity. I had to pull a couple outdoor plants early due to rot also

Hopefully next year is better.


Permaculture methods can make a garden/farm more resistant to floods and hurricanes and such, but wet is wet…


Just saw a forecast saying there’s a sub-tropical system that’s going to move onshore in the MidAtlantic region, and then head North, serious flooding and heavy rain.


I cut about 1/3 of my outdoor stuff…figured the rest could go into Oct and maybe get a decent finish. Looks like that might not happen.


Been wicked busy at work, so I’ve been away from the plants for 5 days…
Checked on them this morning and discovered this fresh hell:

Along with these:

I mean really? Snails?..I swear I wouldn’t be surprised to see locusts and plague next.


I don’t know about you but the sun is shining outside my house at the moment… don’t know how long that’ll last but I’ll take it.


I got a second wave of hemp borers too. Whole branch fell off yesterday at the hole they ate, luckily a lower with smalls. But now I am ready to defend from those bastards.

A couple plants are looking close to ready…

I had very wet summer and feared bud rot. In end I only lost about 5 buds. As to the wind, it bent my plants almost side ways. It cleaned off most everything from the bend back to the ground. Somewhere if someone was lucky, a lot of buds landed on the ground.
However, after all of that I still ended up with the most incredible buds and harvest I had. A lot due to the advice some gave on “OverGrow.”

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Snails are something I don’t see around here. The hemp borer damage looks worse though. :grimacing:

Good luck finishing out the season. :crossed_fingers:

How do you deal with hemp borers? They look like real bastards. I hated moths before. I hate them even more now.

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So far I haven’t dealt with them. Looks like the only way is to spray everything with an insecticide, which I really don’t want to do. So far the damage has been limited to a few stalks, so not significant, but still not happy about it.
One article said to eliminate all plant material every year. I already do that, so that’s not going to be a solution.
I guess perethrin kills them, same as ticks, but again, I really don’t want to douse my weed in that.

I’m sure open to ideas if anyone here on OG has some suggestions.

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You cut them out or kill them manually!

At least that’s what I did and it worked to the detriment of the plant health. This was in veg however, I haven’t seen them since in my plants.

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I had 1 or 2 last year…now that I’m in trim jail, I’m noticing a lot more this year.

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And did anyone else get snails this year? Wtaf?
Snails. I was doing more trimming in the kitchen of some fresh-cut stalks this morning, and several of the branches had 6-8 snails on the leaves.

What a year.

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3 years ago a few snails showed up. This year was a banner year for them. Luckily they focused on the Dill and Fennel. lucky for the weed plants not so lucky for the dill. Never had them the 30 years prior to that. Then they are here, now in force. I snipped many of them in half.