Plants stalk has black on it

Hey everyone;

Has anyone seen a bottom stalk turn black ? Almost looks like some sort of rot or potential insect inside the stem maybe ? Here are some pictures because I suck at explaining lol-

Outdoor garden; plant seems droopy and leaves are yellowing - my other plant beside it seems fine;

Unhealthy one ;


Dang sorry bud. Stem rot. Cut her down. She’s a goner.


Awe damn. Will it spread to my other plant beside it ? Thx for quick reply @Slammedsonoma420


I’m not sure I haven’t had this problem but I think you would be OK. Other members will chime in to help as well. Sorry for your loss.


Thanks again man. First time I have ever ran into this problem. Google says it’s a fungus in the soil and can last 5 years. Damn lol! Might just chop her .


You Can and must cut it


can you take clones of her before you chop her down? would be a shame to toss the plant entirely.


Fusarium is what you want to look up. Seed/soilborn. DO NOT COMPOST. Bag and tag. Any tool you used while dealing with that plant need a 10% bleach bath.


What u said


Ok this sucks because she was the biggest plant too. Thank you all for the help.

I will try to clone but will they carry this trait ? Or is this all caused by soil conditions? My girlfriends been looking after them while I’m out of town working.


What is it? I wouldnt recommend taking cuts.


It’s blue god ; I have more seeds.


If your other plants dont have it, i would probably trash the seeds too.


Same strain growing right beside it- seems fine… for now. LOL :sob:

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PYTHIUM is one of the Fungus that causes “STEM ROT/ROOT ROT”. Causes can be many…MOLD. PM, entry point from Insects, even over-watering. As others have stated, some Strains/varieties are MORE susceptible than others. No need in tossing ALL seeds, just be MORE vigilant as plant grows. Good luck, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: NOTE: DO NOT COMPOST!! Fungal Virus will spread throughout your Compost Pile. As stated, “bag it”, toss the Soil, rid yourself of ALL traces of it.


You got a nasty case of stem rot. It has been there a while and has gone to Spore which is the black you are seeing. I had a friend that had a very bad case in his whole outdoor crop. He went online and was told to use Vaseline. DON’T use vasoline lol. Thankfully you are on OG and will get good info. Copper sprays work to a point… but once the whole entire perimeter has stem rot, getting rid of it is difficult. You need to keep the stem dry, and you need to dig out the Rot. Cut away the rotten tissue until it becomes the proper color, which will be different depending upon the depths of the infection… basically the material will stop feeling slimy. Then spray the area with some sort of copper fungicide or other fungicide. I have had good luck with Serenade. You’ll probably have to hit the area more than once. Hit the area and keep an eye on it and as it heals it should turn brown as it scabs over. Keep an eye out for white mushroom looking things growing back out of the stem which is the infection coming back. Unfortunately this one might be too far gone. Plan on supporting the plant somehow because my friend lost his plants when they tipped over, not when they died. If you can’t get rid of the infection it will just get deeper and deeper and deeper until the plant is dead. Sometimes you can get a harvest in before it happens if you battle it the whole time


That’s how my friend Salvaged a harvest. Cloned whole branches


that’s an excellent tip ^^^^^^^^^^^ :metal: :metal: :metal:


Thanks everyone for all the great info! I love OG; unfortunately I just chopped her down and cut my losses.

Not a great outdoor this year - 2 plants stolen, 1 with rot . But I have one left at least! Still have 3 on week four of flower inside and 13 seedlings on way :slight_smile:


"STOLEN"? On your own property, or Guerilla Grow? Gotta get OFF a “beaten path” if that’s the case. That’s unfortunate, especially after you did all the work. I wish you better luck, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: