Agreenpassion's closet

Hi there! Thanks for stopping in.

My wife and I live in N Oregon and have 2 grows a year with a summer break. Before it restarts in October.

We currently have thirty-something seedlings under t5s. But I will be transplanting to mostly 3 gallon containers. Mixed hard and fabric. And moving to the 5 X 5 room with LED.

Last grow ended with full jars and a couple cool crosses to Idlewilder’s “Chasca” male. (THANKS bro!) We are growing a big variety this time.

Rather than write a laundry list of strain names. Let me show you guys some pics to introduce a few.

The sleepy pup’s name is Dummy. My wife’s new Chiweenie.

The 1st plant pic is a stumpy trifoliate Flapjacks X Animal Cookies my wife has adopted. It will get it’s fair share of love too. Lol

Pure Michigan S1 :eyes:

Las Vegas Triangle Kush 2 reg.

Third Dimension reg.

Las Vegas Triangle Kush 2 reg.

“Pralines” Gooey X Chocolate Diesel 7 reg.

The “Pralines” was made by our very own @santero
I grew 3 ladies several years ago and saw the jars empty too fast. :flushed: All young-uns look like little stumpy thick wide leafed Affies. Lol. Maybe find a couple males?!

So many more, including 3 Birthday Cake X PeanutButter Breath and 3 Cherry Garseeya X PBB made and kindly gifted by @Crafty_Flame
Very vigorous younglings all.


Bro I’ll be in the corner sitting in my recliner joint rolled popcorn in hand let the show begin

A great line up and a cute puppy

Puff puff :dash: pass


Hey Paps welcome in bro!

I rocked the octos for a couple years back when. But I like to run numbers of medium sized plants. And you know Octopots are great at growing humongous plants fast. So I grow soil or soiless again. :laughing:

Smoking “Kushana” by Freak Genetics to lubricate the morning.


I went old school with herijuana today lol

Good to read you brother


I grew a couple female Herijuana Jackberrys outdoor 7 years ago+. Those specifically were a freebie when I bought some Sugar Punch seeds from Sannie’s. Had a blanketing KO stone I’ll never forget and a 2+ lb yield on a 6’ [1.8M] plant OD but was 6’ [1.8M] wide too. :wink:

I don’t grow OD now. Just our 5’ X 5’ [1.524M²] flower closet.
I’ve never grown straight Herijuana. But I have so many seeds to get to I likely never will. Unless I start OD again… :shr you know how it is.

Another good one was Indican’s “DLAF” Holy Princess X Herijuana. I have fond memories of that one’s sweet yet earthy taste and heavy stone.


Hello @Agreenpassion your plants look great. Would love to follow along and see how that stumpy little Flapjacks x animal cookies turns out. Gotta love those little trifoliate leaves. :seedling:
It’s always nice to see another Oregonian on here.:sunny: My husband and I live in the southern part of our beautiful state.


Nice to read you @MyrtleGrounds I got about as far south as Bandon and Coos Bay as young man. Plenty of those beautiful Myrtle trees there. Guess that’s not all the way south though. Lol


Beautiful pics and sweet dog @Agreenpassion

I’ll be tagging along on this thread. :wave:
Looks like I could learn a lot along the way!


I remember that one well


Welcome in @emeraldbullfrog
I mostly have just figured this out over the years by making mistakes and learning. That and a few kind souls who have helped immensely.
And there are so many more experienced people here than I. 5fa174dee03f8685ee7e70341e6d23b1


Very cool! Sounds like a great mix of flavors. Look8ng forward to updates. Happy grow🍻


Lush and healthy , happy happy plants , I’ve always admired your grows

Will be watching this for sure : )

Out of curiosity , what spectrum are the tubes in your t5 fixture ?


Thanks @StrongerthanDirt yeah, we like a big variety lol

Hey @ifish I remember seeing your name back in the day. :slightly_smiling_face: I’m using 6500K color spectrum on the old t5.

It’s nice to see so many OpenGrowers here. Thanks for popping in bro.

C99 101 by Amarok
(Garlic Breath X Modified Macberry Moonshine) X Mother of all Cherries 3 by Meraki


heya AGP,your youngsters do look very happy!
pulled me a chair too


ooh nice, this i want to see :yum:
the “pralines” are from ages ago, haha.

can’t wait to see how those pure michigan do for ya.
got some regs in the stash and am holding until i grew
a few crosses to maybe work with it later on. the trichs are
amazing and the “no fruit”-thing makes me curious too :slight_smile:


Good to see you @saxo :slightly_smiling_face: thanks bro.

1 Like

I’ve only got the 1 Pure Michigan S1 going. Also a “Rocket Surgery” fem. which is Ya Hemi X Pure Michigan. Some of these “newer” Genetics can be :fire: also.

Broskii, I can’t forget about some of the classics though. And memories of the roast duck flavored Chocolate Thai. With that really up antidepressant high. Another one on the grow list (still). Lol

I grew 2 females of those Holy Princess F2s. One was like red berry/tropical taste and fruity smell. :yum: The best one imo was like an even mix of the parents.


Pictures of the 4 (not 5 as I previously thought) “Pralines” Gooey X Chocolate Diesel by Santero

This is my 12 year old elderly lady cat Kupo


That cross sounds excellent they look like stout thick plants too going to be :fire::fire::fire:. Dig your cat too​:beers::100:


Thanks StrongerthanDirt!

New news- I found where the 5th Gooey X Chocolate Diesel went. Was hiding in the bushes, one tray over. Nice and healthy. :slight_smile:
Also, the triploid Flapjacks X Animal Cookies 2 is now alternating branches like normal. But it still seems Dwarf sized. My wife is calling it Stubby 2.

Tossed out an early showing Grapefruit funk smelling LUI male.