AK Bean Brains Group Buy Logistics

Still working on things. Seeing if the interest was there.

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That would be nice also.

Oh the interest is still there, just need to iron out some formalities.


I know I’m down for the old school

Edit, oh and that Hawaiian cat piss. :laughing:


Being honest, I like AKBB, but I haven’t had much luck with anything of his I’ve ran. I ran the TKNL5Haze a couple of times, Golden Showers, and Black Velvet and all of them hermied on me. And I was running lots of other stuff at the same time with no problems at all. And to be fair, the second time I ran the TKNL5Haze it was cuttings from the first batch, so if something stressed them in veg from the seed plants and it may have carried over to the clones I ran. But I saw no signs of stress. I had three different females and they all three hermed and seeded my whole grow both times so I ditched them. I started a couple more of them from seed. Got one male and one female. She’s about a month in to 12/12 now so we’ll see. I would like to try his NL5 though. I’ve heard lots of good things about that.


Thank you so much man, I really appreciate that. I’ve had the same problems recently where one will inexplicably herm but the other plant will be perfect (small space only two at a time). I think I’ll probably pass on this, I’ve got a ton of PUTS seed to run and his plants have never hermed on me, even in the midst of full blown intersex. I’ll stick with what I know because if it can herm I’ll make it happen lol.


Woah that’s concerning. Don’t want to pay good money for herms.

Thats 2 people now.

There is a big discussion on another site. Some people have nothing but good things from him, but there are a few of us who have had some problems. I was running 5 or 6 other strains at the same time and only had problems with his. I really don’t want to bad mouth anyone, but I’ve seen a lot of inconsistent stories as well. He’s offered to replace the ones I had problems with, but I just don’t really want to bother. I have other stuff that I’m totally happy with.


Well this is all new, better to find out now.
I’ve always heard good things


Well I ran his stuff last summer I didn’t get no herms…


I would like to be in, if this happens

This keeps happening where a group buy is brought up without a plan in place. We just need a group buy team or layout in place before the post is made…


What strains have you ran? I only did the TKNL5Haze, Golden Showers and Black Velvet. I “gifted” his Hawaiian Catpiss V3 to a friend and he didn’t have any issues with that one. I still have a few of those left. Maybe I’ll give those a run.


Blk dom/ss…and gmo/ss


I have his AKBB Black Dom BX, AKBB Black Dom x TKNL5Haze, AKBB Black Velvet, AKBB Darien Gap, AKBB Dope Beard Durban, AKBB GasoLime, AKBB GG4 x 95 Black Dom, AKBB Golden Showers, AKBB Grape Romulan, AKBB Hawaiian Catpiss V3, AKBB NL5 x Haze F4, AKBB SSH x TKNL5 Haze, AKBB TKNL5Haze x Black Dom, so still a lot of opportunities to find something that works lol…


Group buy team is exactly what needs to be put in where we complete all logistics in the back room before making visible posts. Same things happened with WSS.


thanks for starting this one up. Seems there is a fair amount of interest.

I agree with what some other folks are saying though, and that is these types of group buys get very difficult to manage. Its like wrangling cats.

I was part of the first 2 JOTI group buys, and it was hard to keep everything straight, and the workload got overwhelming for the member who organized the first one, and it all blew up.
Even managing a spreadsheet of what strains were being ordered, and who paid, etc. was tough.

I’m wondering, @LemonadeJoe… if some type of Group Buy tracking app can be added to the site.
I’m a programmer by trade, and would be willing to do the work to build a plugin/application that the site admins could set up things like:

  • what breeder the group-buy is dealing with.
  • which strains are involved in the group buy.
  • what is the price per pack.
  • how much do the signed-up users owe, and have they paid.
  • who will be distributing the seeds.
  • who will be managing the payments.

I’ve already got some ideas on how to do this, but obiously, depends on a lot of things, like what platform OG runs on (I’m a linux programmer), languages available (I do Python/Flask and Perl), webserver, database, etc

But, real key is… does Overgrow want to formally manage these group buys like that? Is that getting into problematic legal areas?


I’ve been growing this recently. My first round from seeds had three ladies of different phenos: fast and lanky, short and slow, and a happy medium. All those plants ended up lightly seeded from male flowers that I didn’t discover until trim. I was worried this was genetic, but my subsequent clones have been 100% free of seeds so I’m guessing the herm action was the result of environmental stress.

The flowers are sticky and have an intoxicating floral perfume. It’s some of the best cannabis I’ve grown.


Hey all I did was mention him and start a thread.
I said on the start of this thing “I in no way wanted anything to do with the logistics of this”
@Jamescoldflame and I just made it happen was merely it.

I even said previously needed someone to put up a wiki thingy and take the reigns of this thing.
What you all do with it is merely up to you.


I bought both of the Black Dom crosses he did with the TKNL5Haze based on a report that someone did about it being so strong he couldn’t smoke it, only to find out it was a different, unreleased Black Dom (Sohum) he used. Then when he released the Sohum he crossed it with Romulan. Kinda odd that he would hype the Sohum x Tknl5haze then cross to something else when he released it, instead of the TKNL5Haze cross he “tested”.