I just wanted to let folk know I am temp Distributor/apprentice for Sebring. Do to health issues he is having trouble getting the seeds he has to me. He is working on it between issues.
I would love to accept your co-op seeds packaged and/ or in bulk. If you are doing a co-op run please pm me.
I can’t think of anyone with a better temperament to take this job on. Please speak your mind at any time and you do it the way you need to get it done. Don’t hesitate to ask for time, help, or anything. I know the co-op boxes are special to most everyone. Maybe we can fine tune things to make that a goal again. Hit me up with any questions or for my opinions on anything. peace
Wish Sebring our best and thanks for all you are doing. Got full faith that you can get things sorted and rolling again. You know I am here if you need me for anything