Alright I think need the scientists around here to lend some advice

Alright guys,

I’m probably overthinking this but I went by my local city hall this week to find out what the water treatment plant is using to treat our local water. Here is the list.

1 - Chlorine - Disinfectant
2 - Aluminum Chloride Hydroxide Sulfate - Coagulant
3 - Copper Sulfate - Algaecide

Chlorine, we all know this one, either filter it out or let it sit out over night and it will off gas. These other two, I’m not sure if they are quite that easy and whether or not they will affect the growth of our favorite plant or the beneficials that we like to farm to make our plants the best they can be. Aluminum Chloride Hydroxide Sulfate appears to be used to clarify the water by stripping off the charges of certain particles which causes solids to clump up and make them easier to filter out but does it harm beneficial soil organisms? This last one, Copper Sulfate seems to be one to worry about because it is an algaecide as well as a fungicide and we all want that mycology stuff to be strong in our soils.

Here’s the thing, I’ve been told by multiple plumbers around my area that RO systems do not do well in our area because of the hardness of our water and I’m not sure how else you could strip all of this chemistry out of our water (regular higher end filters perhaps) or if it’s even a necessity. Do we have any chemists hanging around here that care to chime in?

I wish I had a well.

Picture for attention only! :wink:

Thanks a bunch,



I used a a zero water filter from Walmart, it takes time to get the water as the biggest jug is only 2.5 gals. It removes everything from the water, which is why it’s called zero. The filters cost $17 dollars in Canada and last me a while,but my tap water comes out at only 48ppm on average. If your water ppm is higher the filters won’t last as long. Mine will last 6 month’s minimum filtering 30 gals a week.

Now I just use tap water that has sat with a fish tank bubbler in it for 24 to 48 hours, before using. I have 10 gal no till pots. I also collect rain water, which varies in amounts, with different seasons.

I personally would worry more about the aluminum in my water, that’s a heavy metal that causes brain damage.

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Yeah the alum they use is for the floc. I used to work in a water treatment plant, good gig. They arw just listing the everyday chemicals that they add directly to the water. The use many more I assume that get into the water(I know we did) Funny thing. 90 percent of people that worked there wont drink tap water


Because they know what is going in it lol. Did you put fluoride in the water?

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We did when I worked there but they stopped in 2011 I think. We also used chloramine not chlorine.