Distilled water remineralizing

So my tap comes out at like 370ppm, I’m in a 3rd floor apartment so an ro filters not feasible. Do have a local water service with pretty cheap distilled water. 5ml calmag/gal seem right with distilled water, anything else I’d need to add(besides fertilizer obviously)


Seems about right if you’re just trying to get back to where your tap was. 5ml a gallon of botanicare calmag is ~0.8ec .

Edit: just realized when I mix this it’s only 1L , but should be around 0.8~1.0EC. :+1:

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Hey bud, why not just use one of these like @JohnnyPotseed does? It should fit your situation.



Don’t know if it’ll fit my sink but worth a shot.


Actually I do have an extra 3/4 to 1/2 adapter from my drip system (not setup yet😅) so that should work, you may have just saved me a whole bunch of money, I’d probably be spending that much a month on distilled water delivery come flower.


Nice man, hope it works out for you. Should be easy enough to grab a short hose and some kind of adaptor to hook it to a faucet. Then just store it under your sink or something. It’s rated for 45,000 gallons so it should last quite a while. There are also flex hose adaptors that may help.


Take a look at one if these guys fits right on the sink thread of the faucet.I was using mine to fill a 55 gallon plastic barrel took about 8 hours to fill was really slow but the water was really pure.I started having Feed issues so i went to just bubbling tap water for a couple weeks to get the chlorinamine out.My tap water has perfect calcium content so it eas just easier to use bubbled tap then the RO water no problems for over a year now


I’ve had one of those, they require higher water pressure than the 3rd floor of a 200+ year old building provides

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Worked fine in my old place but was kinda unnecessary since my tap water was super clean <50ppm

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My next issues gonna be waste disposal. Like my shits medical so I’m not worried about the cops but putting out trash bags full of fan leaves and branches here’s gonna draw attention.

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Hey @CapnCannabis , that will not work with Chloramine, only with Chlorine. It’s staying power is why many municipalities switched to it. Check out this link for some more info on it.



You seem to be feeling better. Awesome.


Forgot to add i also ozone my water while i bubble it to try and break that shit up if that helps any this one Ozones water as well the bubbling mixes the ozone around pretty good i do it in spurts over two weeks i dont use the water .


Yes sir, still coughing a ton but that horrible burning was gone this morning so whatever it was is going away.

Well that does change things, Ozone can be effective in breaking down Chloramine as far as I know.


That’s what self serve car wash trash cans are made for. Pick a cheap one without security cameras and make sure it’s just green’s without any identifying info. Vacuum the car and drop off the leaves and branches.


I know dick move on my part to not disclose that little part its very important when talking about the newest Chlorine addition to our water.It bonds right to the water molecule and no matter how hard you strain it through those membranes its baked right in.The only other solution i could think of was to oxidize it with ozone with some form of agitation IE the huge airstone.That ozone generator goes triple duty on my disinfectant sprays to spray tent down with the periodic air cleaning in the tent and the water treatment was the best 140$ ive spent in a long time i never get mold anymore which was so worth the 140$ just for peace of mind.


How had I not caught or thought of a hose attachment? That’s damn useful for my setup, too. Thanks for the tip to it, @DougDawson .
Good thread, @EugeneDebs420 . Been running an RDWC hotter than I’d like TDS-wise. Also hesitant about RO systems, but for different reasons.
We’re legal in our muni/state, but yeah. Trash day is about proactive security. I usually try to dump right before the truck is expected, spread it over a few dumpsters or blocks, and make damn sure there’s nothing identifying in there. That and using as much of the material as possible before hand. Trim for processing, Greens for eating, stems for toothpicks… Hahaha …but I don’t drive. @FirstCavApache64 's solution seems easier if that ain’t the case.
Also: Damn! 50ppm tap water?! Nice.
Stay up


Wow ! You guys really take water quality seriously. In all my years I never even thought about the water. My farm has a drilled well that is over 100 years old. We think the metal casing has rotted away because sometimes the water is a little muddy when it gets low. But my plants seem to love it. There must be a lot of lithium in it because Im always happy. Its either that or all the bud Im smoking. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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i was going to open up an old well on the farm when i started to avoid the use of chloramine. nice to know ozone can get rid of it. it was a little sulfur-y when it was in use but it was good to drink.

@Coffin_Dodger compost the leaves. that’s what i’d do when i’m finished with them. i may use them as goat feed this time though. they are cute little goats and are about to clear my pasture and make it usable again.


Some people even say I take weed to seriously :sweat_smile: